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Fuel Cuts Will Raise Costs
THE reduction in petrol allocations for commercial A transport and the drastic curtailment of maintenance works to roads wilt lead to -less outpqt and greater production costs.......
That 49-seater Single-deck Bus It Is With Amazement That I
read the articles recently I published in your journal under the initials " F.M.L_," and after reading his latest contribution it appears to me that his knowledge of bus design......
Piston Rings And Gas Pressu Re 1 Was Very Interested In
the article "What Causes Blow-by in Petrol Engines?" taken from a paper by Dr. P. de K. Dykes, M.A., Ph.D., A.M.I.Mech.E., and published in your issue dated April 16. Whilst in......
Will " Secret " Chemicals Injure Engines ?
('AN the users of commercial petrol obtain any assur ance from theā¢Minister of Fuel that the chemicals to be introduced into commercial petrol will not be injurious to the......
The Respo Nsibility Of The Employer The Attention Of...
whose letter you pub lished on April 23, should be drawn to a recent case reported by the Motor Trade Association. In this instance a woman garage proprietor had her licence......
The Use Of Over-length Articulated Vehicles I Have Read With
interest the letter from " W.H.R.. 1 Glasgow," which appears in your issue of April 23 and concerns the use of over-length articulated vehicles. Your reply is probably quite......