News of the Week
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BRIT1SH production of commercial vehicles rose from 12,165 in February to 15,457 in March (a five-week period). Output for March was divided in the proportions of 7,490 for export and 7,967 for the home market. Thus, the industry is gradually approaching the Government's export target.
Production by classes was as follows; Under 15 cwt., 5,097; 15-cwt. and under 6 tons, 7,960; 6 tons and over, 682; motorbuses and trolleybuses, 1,343; battery-electric vehicles (excluding prams), 375.
Output in the first quarter of the year totalled 41,624 vehicles, of which 19,332 were for export and 22,991 for the home market. Vehicles under 15 cwt. numbered 13,702; 15 cwt and under 6 tons, 21,529; 6 tons and over, 1,784; motorbuses and trolleybuses, 3.665; battery-electric vehicles, 944.
These figures have been issued by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders
THE Sheffield Technical Society for the Motor Industry, the 23rd of such societies which link industries with the city's university, was formed last week at a meeting of employers and employees.
Mr. H. Bentley was elected president. Vice-presidents are Messrs. P. R. Baugh. G. Frith, G. Jones and J. W Oldham.
MEMBERS of the Road Haulage IVIAssociation are advised to adopt during the forthcoming season the rates recommended last year for the carriage of sugar-beet and pulp. Charges vary from 5s. 3d, per ton for leads up to three miles, to 14s. per ton for leads over 42 miles and up to 45 miles.
During the past year the National Sugar Beet Functional Committee of A26 the R.H.A., under the chairmanship of Mr. I. Archer Tribe, has done some useful work. Committees to discuss local factory conditions were set up after a meeting with representatives of the British Sugar Corporation and the National Farmers' Union, and at some factories successful arrangements have been made to speed up the turnround of vehicles. Mr. Tribe has represented the Association on a joint research committee.
NAORE than 20,000 Government surIVIplus machine tools are available for British industry, says the Ministry of Supply. Details of the tools can be obtained from the Ministry's stand at the Engineering and Industrial Equipment (Home and Export) Exhibition, to be held at the Royal Horticultural Hall, London. S.W.1, from May 19-28.
DURING proceedings on the Motor Spirit (Regulation) Bill in the House of Commons on Monday night, Sir Hartley Shawcross, AttorneyGeneral, said that a private motor vehicle was to be defined in the same terms as in the Road Traffic Act, 1934. Taxicabs and private-hire cars would fall within this category, but utility vans (also known as shooting brakes) would not be regarded as private cars: They would be entitled to use redtinted commercial spirit.
It was also stated that, in certain circumstances, garages with only one pump would be able to supply commercial vehicles with uncOloured petrol.
An attempt by the Opposition to modify the Bill to reduce the otitis of proof on a person charged with an offence, and another to shift the burden of proof on to the prosecution, were defeated.
Sir. Hartley Shawcross emphasized that where garage proprietors were convicted of grave black-market offences, the penalties in the Bill would automatically follow.
The Bill passed third reading.
AN International Mechanical Engineering Congress for industrialists, rather than scientists, is to be held in Paris from September 13-18 next. It is being organized by the engineering trade associations of the principal industrial nations of western Europe.
lt will assemble the most recent information on new methods and techniques of Metal-working, and seek to establish the lessons that have been brought to light by the development of manufacturing technique. The programme covers a large number of subjects and includes visitsto the ,S..O.M.U.A., Bernard and other works.
Copies of a booklet describing the programme and objects of the Congress can be obtained from the British Engineers' Association, 32, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I.
The Congress will follow close on the Machine Tool and Engineering Exhibition, which is to be held at Olympia from August 26 to September The latter organized by the Machine Tool Trades Association of Great Britain, will it is stated, be the largest of its kind ever held in this. country.
BRADFORD Corporation has been recommended by three municipal committees to reject an application for' an increase in hourly rates for haulage. The application, from the Road Haulage Association's West Riding Area,,was for a five per cent, increase from last February, with payment for a quarter of an hour's travelling time both in the morning and the evening. .It was based on rises in costs.
A suggestion by the R.H.A. that a deputation be received to discuss the application was not adopted. Operators consider the proposal as modest, having regard to the fact that haulage rates generally were raised by 10 per cent. after the wages increase awarded in R.H.24. ROAD TRANSPORT TO MAKE GOOD RAIL LOSSES?
ASOMBRE picture of the effects ot nationalization on road passenger transport Was painted by Mr. Raymond Birch, M.I.Mech:E., in his speech as chairman of the Potteries Motor fraction Co., Ltd.
Any scheme which provided for the handing over of buses to the British Transport Commission might well be a calamity for passengers, he said. As the Commission was obliged to meet expenditure out of revenue, .losses on the railways would have to be recovered from road transport. One of the first results of nationalization would probably be that road fares would be arbie trarily co-ordinated with rail fares.
The principle was already applied by the London Transport Executive, the bus fares of -which (among the highest in Britain) had deliberately been placed on the same level as those of the expensive underground railways.
To illustrate this point, Mr. Birch said that an ordinary third-class return rail ticket from Longton to Burslem cost Is, 2d., whertas the P.M.T. fare was 13d The ordinary single rail fare for the same journey was 11d., and the bus fare SA.
Increases in fares, said Mr. Birch, would be accompanied by an imperative call for economies. "which might well result in the cutting down of services and even the abolition of routes because they were not remunerative."
He pointed to the plight of North Scotland, which had suffered progressive deterioration of its air services since they had been nationalized.
BALKED BY THE RED I N Bradford, proceedings against two drivers who were each fined 20s. for failing to conform to traffic lights at a road junction, it was stated that, as the signal had been at red for about six minutes, they decided to go over the cross-roads carefully against it. One of the drivers had previously reversed in order to strike the pads twice in an effort to make the signal change to greets.
The prosecuting police officer said that a driver must not in any circumstances cross when the signal was at red.
'APRIL PRIL set up an all-time record n
vehicle and tractor production at the Dagenham works of the Ford Motor Co.. Ltd., which turned out 12.930 units. The company is exporting tractors to 67 overseas.countries, This year Australia is taking 3,000. New Zealand 1,000. South Africa 1.500. and India and Pakistan 1.500. N.A.E.W.R. AIMS AT NEW WAGES COUNCIL
CI-TOR IS by the Executive Com-L., mince of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers to set up a separate wages council to cover all the workers in the removal industry are described in the committee's annual report, to be presented at the annual general meeting at Church House. London, SW I. on May 19.
At the rill1111111 conference in May of last year, it was resolved that the Association's representatives should withdraw from the Joint Industrial Council. Since that date, two meetings have taken place between representatives of the Association and the Industrial Relations Department of . the Ministry of Labour.
The obstacle in the way," says the annual report, " is that the 1945 Act provides that a wages council can only be formed if the existing machinery is likely to cease to exist or be adequate and. as members will know. the 'majority of workers are covered by the Road Haulage Central Wages Board."
The Ministry has not yet found a solution of the problem, and a further approach has recently been made by the Association to ascertain the present position in connection with in
into the legal difficulties raised by the Association's proposals.
FE:TURE OF REMOVAL TRADE QIX speakersNi r. A. CI. Coombe.
Mc, F. C Skinner, Mr. David maxv,e11. Mr. F. W. H. Winwood. Mr. .1. G. Buckley and Mr. A. G. Becrton--still eitpress their views on the future of the removal and Warehousing industry under Me Transport Act, at the annual conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers. to be held in London from May 1920.
Mr. C. A. Ball will also read a paper on "Price Cutting and Methods Suggested to Prevent It," and Mr. W. lsard will speak on " Small Lots But eaux.The annual dinner will take place on May 19.
FOR the convenience of operators from overseas and in London and the Horne Counties, Albion Motors. I td, has opened a new sales ()Mee at 3. Lygon Place. [bury Street, London, SAV.1
Since 1939 sales activities in the London area have been condneted from the A]bion serviee depot at Brentlield
Willesden, N.W.10. Mr. Hirotel i. (•arnplin k in ellarge of the 1.ondon sales °Moe. :tod Mr. C. C.. Ivens re.71Thiris in;irr).5..,!;:r in charge of the ..L'polrub 'NJ Icsekn . A special oyelseas r.,;-0-e•enai1ve. R C SI;e:y. ;:ko tfld011Ort oi Ott stall of the new sales office.
Q ULF'S for ovoilinations :ma fo, the INsii)mission of theses iii,,: been pithhshed by the Institution of Mechanical Eneineers, Storey', Giue, London, S.W.I An ex:In-lin:10km ti it otomobile engineering has been included as an optional subject