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DfT considers Stack alternatives

24th May 2007, Page 9
24th May 2007
Page 9
Page 9, 24th May 2007 — DfT considers Stack alternatives
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KENT COUNTY Council (KCC) is calling on the Department for Transport (D1T) to make a decision on its alternatives to Operation Stack on the M20 within the next four weeks.

KCC officials met with the DIT last week to outline their proposals, designed to avoid closing the M20 for Operation Stack when the Port of Dover is closed.

"These proposals include the idea of a [permanently available] temporary lorry park," a spokesman explains.

"The idea is to use a site close to the M20 that can park up to 3,000 lorries. We would lay a plastic mesh across the site to prevent the land being churned up. We have identified five sites, two of which are not in protected areas.

He adds that the other proposal is a moveable barrier which would be used to close off one lane of the M20 but keep traffic moving on the remaining lanes: "We believe we should know broadly which proposal the DfTsupports in about four weeks, although it is likely to be another couple of years before anything is put in place."

A DfT spokesman says an announcement will be made "in due course".