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Super Trucks
Filmed on location in Iowa, USA it includes covera g e of 100's of truckers 'showin g ' their hi g hly polished and cleaned ri g s in all their g lory. Includes commentary and......
Trucking Usa
US truckers can trace their ori g ins back to the days of the wild west and drive some of the bi gg est ri g s in the world. The crew travelled 12,000 miles and across 26......
Alaska Highway
Dramatic covera g e of the 1500 mile lon g 'Alcan' featurin g trucks, drivers, forestry machinery, spectacular scenery and wildlife in extreme climates between dust and snow!......
Big Earthmovers
This fantastic film features some of the lar g er earthrnovin g e q uipment workin g on major projects in Britain includin g T5 at Heathrow, Features Bell, Caterpillar, Euclid......
Heavy Ufting And Hauling
Four, not to be missed, features includin g the movement of cranes from Rotterdam to Canada. an industrial vessel throu g h ni g ht-time Slovakia, a dred g er and a bar g e......
Jcbs At Work
This pro g ramme looks at some of the lar g er JCB machines at work on sites. It takes in earthmovin g for warehouse construction, landfill site work, road buildin g and house......
Heavy Transport
This 60 minute film shows how, with g ood plannin g and skillful drivin g , you can move almost anythin g and this film shows just that! It features the movin g of a 100-ton......
Approx. 55 Mins. Dvd Only.
Offer Price E15.95 BEDFORD YOU SAW THEM EVERYWHERE This DVD comprises of six promotional films datin g from 1953 to 1973 and features various Bedford lorries and the uses they......
Transporting Exceptional Loads
Each of the exceptional loads shown re q uired careful plannin g and e q uipment and includes the movement of a Boeing 747, bridge sections, boats and a pair of valuable e q......
This superb film covers from ehainsaw to sawmill in British Columbia. It covers the transportation of timber by truck, train and helicopter and includes bridge building and road......
Trucking And Living In Canada
Truckers are amon g the skills in short supply in Canada. This g reat new film was aimed at Dutch drivers wishin g to move to Canada to work hut includes much to interest......