A NYONE who has to find his way "tthrough London
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or make a delivery .t an address in the London area would pe amply repaid in time saved by sendrig £2 10s. on the latest edition of lartholomew's Reference Atlas of 3reater London. This is to be published m December 1 after being comprehenively revised to incorporate redevelopnent of war-damaged areas, new office mildings, major road construction and lousing developments.
An area of 1.100 square miles is overed by the atlas-the same as the 954 and 1957 editions. This includes 11 the Metropolitan Police Area and outying built-up areas from St. Albans in he north to Redhill in the south, and rom Slough in the west to Grays in the ast. Maps of the outlying areas (24) re at a scale of two inches to the mile. lie Greater London area (129 maps) is t a scale of four inches to the mile and here are four maps showing the City of .ondon, the West End and Whitehall :aled at 10 inches to the mile.
As with the previous editions, almost alf the book is taken up by a most comrehensive index, including streets, offices nd large buildings. There are 60,000 ames given—some 10,000 more than in ie previous edition.
There have been slight alterations in This modified model is very much lighter than earlier types, and fitting requires only one hole in the sump wall. It works equally well on D.C. or A.C. current and there are three standard sizes. 100, 150 and 250 W.
This range of models covers the needs of engines with a sump capacity of up to 5 gal. For larger engines two haters can be fitted.
the index and the new edition gives the names of the administrative borough, rural or urban district, as well as the name and postal district of each entry. A useful inclusion is that names of streets and other entries for which space is not available on the maps are either marked with an asterisk and the nearest adjoining street shown in brackets or a small numeral placed by the map reference refers to the same number in the appropriate map square.
Compact Pumps ARECENT addition to the Meteor range of fuel dispensing pumps made by Wayne Tank and .Pump Co., Ltd., Bracknell. Berks, is one intended for commercial users. It has the same
compact styling as the other pumps in the range, being only 4 ft. high. 2 ft. 9 in. wide and 1 ft. 61in. deep.
Lighted and unlighted versions are available, the former being 4 in. higher since it has a top section containing fluorescent lighting. The sloping-dial face incorporates a drum-type numeral Counter which can indicate up to 99i gal. in +,-gal. units. A seven-figure, nonresettable totalizer records total throughput.
Two models of each version are made, one with a h.p. motor giving a delivery rate of 10 g.p.m., the other with a I h.p. motor and a delivery rate of 18/20 g.p.m. These are supplied with fin. and 1-in. bore hose respectively.
Parts Cleaning PLANT to make LLI-trichloroethane, a solvent not previously manufactured in the U.K., has been built by Imperial Chemical Industries. Ltd_ at Widnes. Lancs. The new solvent will be sold under the trade name Genklene and extends the range of chlorinated solvents already made by the General Chemicals Division of I.C.1.
Genklene is claimed to be, noninflammable, of medium volatility and low toxicity and therefore specially suitable for cold cleansing. It is said to be particularly suitable for cleaning machinery without dismantling, and for many routine production and maintenance jobs. The solvent can be applied by wiping, dipping or spraying, and contaminated solvent can be purified by distillation for re-use if required.
Versatile Shampoo A SHAMPOO which can be used for
carpet and upholstery cleaning, as well as for cleaning the exterior of a vehicle, is now made by T. Bonnyman. Son and Co.. Millerfield Road, Glasgow. This product is known as Car-Bon, and when applied to windows prevents misting.
One dessertspoonful of Car-Bon is mixed in a bucket of warm water to clean bodywork. No leathering is necessary and after rinsing off, the paintwork is left streak-free. For upholstery and carpets, the rate of use is one tablespoonful to one pint of water, and one part of Car-Bon in six parts of water is used for windows.
Car-Bon costs 10s. 6d. per gal. net in 5-gal. drums and 8s. 9d. per gal. net when bought in 40-gal. drums.