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W ITH the increasing speed, and possibly gross weight too, of heavy gopds vehicles, illumination of the road ahead at night...
AVING acknowledged the plight of rural bus services, by setting up the Jack Committee, and then by taking no action on its...
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A STRANGER to the ancient town of Warwick might find Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., somewhat difficult to find. Not, I hasten to...
A CCORDING to those concerned with such things, the Italian fashions have such short lives that, in airfreight circles, the...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE Government will not give way in face of the opposition to the disqualification...
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THE latest setback to operators I engaged in or contemplating Continental haulage—the announcement in September of the adoption...
A REQUEST that local authorities i't should not be given unqualified powers to introduce experimental bans on commercial...
A TTEMPTS to impose partial bans on " the movement a heavy goods /aides at week-ends and rush hours !ailed in the Commons last...
By our Industrial Correspondent THE general secretary of the powerful Transport and General Workers' -IUnion, Mr. Frank...
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Mr. H. T. H. Dean has been appointed acting branch manager of Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd., in Edinburgh. Mr. D. G. Houghton,...
P.4 PER LEY LANDS: Two Leyland Comet .tractors with Scarnmell 10-ton 23-ft, semi-trailers have been ordered by The Wall Paper...
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"TRIED TO GET INTO PARCELS TRADE" A FIRM of hauliers tried to get a tilicence to carry goods in containers arriving at...
Conference will be held at the Savoy Hotel, Blackpool, from May 18 to 20. The subject to be discussed is "The Problem of Peak...
and telephonin - g for transport is what a clearing house is for," said Mr. C. J. Macdonald, the Metropolitan deputy Licensing...
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rOLLOWING proposals by the North Western Traffic Commissioners to limit conditions on road service licences, 16 Morecambe...
'THE re-allocation of a licence from C to B in respect of seven vehicles (five tippers and two lime spreaders) operated by the...
N EW regulations to prevent excessive noise from road vehicles are to be brought out by the Ministry of Transport as soon as...
rOUR private firms have now almost completed the development of commercial prototypes of various kinds based on the...
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I AM not prepared to accept sub stitute evidence," said Mr. C. 1. Macdonald, the Metropolitan deputy Licensing Authority, in...
!THE six-vehkle contract A to full I ordinary A application by Shepherd's Transport (Enfield), Ltd., reported in The...
A HIGHER proportion of British Road Services' capital -expenditure is going to Scotland this year—but the railways there are...
A T a sitting of the Northern Traffic Commissioners at Rexham, Northumberland, the Chairman, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, criticized...
Auto and industrial Finishers. Ltd. Cap. £109. Dirs.: F. S. Guttridge, 26 The Bramblings, Chingford, London, F..4; J. A....
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT B ECAUSE of the technical advance of road transport, a railway system will have to be...
T HE use of a mileage basis instead of an annual basis for computing professional drivers' liability to disqualification under...
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1-1 . A C-LICENSEE who had secured a contract for work at Stratton St. Martin, Glos (where British Railways are constructing...
P ROVISIONAL arrangements for the ninth F.I.S.1.T.A. International Automobile Technical Congress, which is to be held in London...
T HE vehicle that inaugurated the first hulk milk tanker collection service in England as an experiment back in October, 1954,...
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R.H.A. Vice-chairman Criticizes Transport Bill R ESPONDING to the toast of the IA Association proposed by Mr. J. Else, West...
C ONSOUDATED pro fi ts of the Rootes Group for the year ended July 31, were £2,911,652, compared with £ 5,863,852, for the...
Mulben area before ill .health caused him to retire—Mr. Alfred T. Morrison, of Keith—was granted a continuance of his local B...
A WIDE load of radar equipment last Friday reached its destination at Shannon Airport, after being moved by road from 1,11m....
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THE line of the proposed Hendon urban motorway, for which a draft scheme was published earlier this year, has now been fixed,...
in August were 20,101, which is 5,363 lower than in July and, in fact, the lowest this year. 'August was slow month for the...
L AST week, in both Houses, it was - 1 -1 announced that a statement would be made before the end of the year on the...
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COLLOWING experience with proto-I types which have been in service since the beginning of the year, Merriworth (Engineering),...
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Interesting Proposals in a Recent Book IN his book "Air Cooled Motor Engines (Cleaver-Hume Press, Ltd., 55s.) Julius Mackerle...
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RFORMANCE By A. J. P. WILDING New Commer Walk-Thru Two-ton Van with Three-litre, Six-eylindered Petrol Engine Proves Lively,...
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Motorway Vehicles Must Be All-rounders Leyland Technical Director, Addressing I.R.T.E. in Yorkshire, Gives His Views on...
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J4 AY I make one comment on the article by Janus, in your November 3 issue? He concludes an otherwise fair and reasonable...
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IMPROVEMENTS have been made in L the latest model of Peregrine engine oil :eaters produced by Power Frequency -leafing, Ltd.,...
or make a delivery .t an address in the London area would pe amply repaid in time saved by sendrig £2 10s. on the latest...
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Improvements in British Headlamp Systems are in Keeping with Increased Road Speeds ; Accurate Manufacture Can Reduce Dazzle By...
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'Two large groups apply for B licence I facilities this week. Unilever, Ltd., seek 20 vehicles in the Eastern and East Midland...
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- 1BJECTORS to an application to --I switch a contract licence to an rdinary A grant complained, before the Vest Midland...
IDEAL CASEMENTS (READING). I LTD.. of Shepherds House Lane. Earley. were fined a total of £200 with £10 10s, costs by Reading...
G ODFREY'S TRANSPORT. LTD., Newark, pleaded guilty at Newark on Monday to 64 allegations that they had failed to cause their...
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Replies to Readers' Questions concern Staff Recruitment, Claims for Loss of Use, Casual Hire Charges for a 7-tonnet and...
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CCORDING to patent No. 874,968, L -1 the best braking is achieved When the front and rear brakes act proportionally to the load...
P ATENT No. 875,514 comes from Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., Titanic Works, Lincoln, and deals with the power operation of...