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.45 Registration .25 Chairman's opening comments: Andrew Brown, MT editor.
.30 Keynote Speech: Parliamentary Under Secretary of tate for Transport invited 1100 The academic's view: Urban delivery and low emission 3nes. Are there solutions to the problems of urban delivery? an telematics help, and what will be the impact of low emison zones? — Professor Michael Brown, Exel Professor of ogistics, University of Westminster.
0.30 Case study report 1: What is being planned for city Entres? Nick Fairholme, Congestion Charging External Itegration Manager, London, How the London congestion :heme will affect the distribution industry; What the benefits rill be; Could the scheme expand in the future?
1.00 Refreshments.
1.20 Case study report 2: What is being planned for city antres? Richard Hibbert, Head of Highways tx Transport, lewcastie City Council. What is being planned in Newcastle nd what the effects on distribution will be.
1.50 The effects and impact of congestion charging and lorry ans — a haulier's reaction. Review of the London lorry ban and ther town and city centre restrictions; London congestion harging and other schemes and where are we going? — John mos FInstTA fleet administration manager Tibbett Ea Britten rroup.
2.20 What it means for urban distribution: The problems of elivering in cities; The effect of restrictions and reducing the environmental impact — Jim York, senior engineering o tions manager, Exel.
12.50 Round-table debate on issues raised.
13.00 Lunch.
14.00 What it means for parcel operators: What is the restrictions for parcels companies; Do the restrictions affei service levels and would alternative fuels help? Speaker in UPS.
14.30 Urban delivery: French municipalities experience projects. Basic statistics on urban goods movement and deliveries in French urban areas; Urban freight policies de: and implemented since the 1996 Clean Air Act and innov experiments for goods distribution supported by local governments: successes and failures — Laetitia Dablanc, Expert, CART (Groupment of Authorities Responsible I Transport), France.
15.00 Refreshments.
15.20 What alternative fuels have to offer: The econom gas vehicles and their role in urban distribution. Speaker i — TransportEnergy.
15.50 City-friendly vehicles and what they have to offei Dave Timson, Supply Chain Effectiveness Controller, Si 16.20 Round-table debate on issues raised.
16.30 Chairman's closing remarks.
16.35 Close of conference.
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