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• By Chris Tindall A Small Irish Town Is Pulling
together to campaign for the release of a truck driver imprisoned in Greece for smuggling 176,000 packets of cigarettes. Eamon Donnellan was stopped at the Greek port of Patros......
• United Road Transport Uni (urtu) General Secretary B Monks
pushed for progress the Working Time Directive a vocational driver training wh he joined the government's re haulage forum for the first tit earlier this week. Monks says there......
M6 Eats Itself To Avoid Tar Tax
• The Highways Agency will turn the M6 into a mini quarry when it starts a .£1.8m resurfacing scheme using recycled asphalt from another stretch of the motorway. The project is......
Insurers Blank Cash-saving Plan
• A Dorset-based vehicle recovery operator has slammed the insurance industry after it showed no interest in a moneysaving scheme he proposed. James Riley, owner of Chnstchurch......