News of the Week
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The Shadow is Becoming Substance
AT a meeting of the Road Transport Organization Joint Conference, held on September 14, when Major R. A. B. Smith, M.C., took the chair, it was announced that agreement had been reached with the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers as to the basis upon which that Association will participate in the new organization. The N.A.F.W.R. will deal with all matters other than road transport, whilst the latter, as it affects' furniture removers, will be dealt with by the Furniture Removers' Functional Group, which will be set up by the new Road Haulage Association in co-operation with the N.A.F.W.R.
• The result is that all the existing seven National Road Transport Organizations have accepted the principles contained in the printed report of the Conference, and the necessary steps are now being taken to create the four associations which were envisaged therein.
All local bodies affiliated to the existing National Road Transport Employers' Federation have, with one exception, expressed their willingness to participate, agreement having been reached with the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Hauliers' Association (formerly the Sheffield 'and District Horse and Motor Owners' Association).
Since the previous meeting. of the Conference the shadow councils of the three proposed associations have met and have set up planning committees to deal with the necessary detail arrangements: The work of these is being co-ordinated bythe Federation sub-committee, . on which all three planning committees are represented.
In addition, the financial aspects of the plans are under detailed review, and office and staff arrangements, both at headquarters and in the areas are being dealt with.
It is stated that all major difficulties have been surmounted and most satisfactory progress is being made with a task which not only involves an enormous amount of detail work but calls for patience, faerseverance and tact. Therefore it may reasonably be hoped that the work of the Conference will reach a, stage Of real advancement in the very near future. BIG COAL JOB FOR ROAD TRANSPORT
A GREATER call' for cOal transport In. by road ,is foreshadowed in an announce/bent of a decision by the Ministry of Fuel and Power that opencast working of coal (i.e.' by means of surface excavation) is to be extended in order to produce a greatly increased tonnage during the next coal year, beginning on May 1. Road transport will be especially 'necessary for this development, because of the fact that open-cast working, by its nature, has to be carried out at sites where there cannot be such railway facilities as usually exist at collieries.
The present national output of coal obtained by open-cast working has been estimated at about 100,000 tons per week. So far, Yorkshire has produced by far the largest proportion of any county.
The Transport Commissioner for the North-Eastern Region, Major F. S. Eastwood, stated to a correspondent of this journal that the prospective large increase of open-cast coal output in Yorkshire would involve ,a big job for road. transport in the haulage of the • coal from. the sites to railheads: The Commissioner I co-ooerating in the work of the regional ebmnaittee Which is surveying site and transport problems.'
WE published some details' of the proceedings at the a.g.M. of the National Association of Tyre Specialists, 81, Lancaster Avenue, Hadley Wood, Herts, in our issue dated September 10. Further to this, the newly appointed secretary of the Association, Mr. R. G. -Kirkpatrick, in a letter to all the members, suggests that each shauld enrol one or more new' members, the aim being to increase the meinbersh;.p to 500 during the next 12 months.
The Association is, designed to aleguard the interests of tyre specialists and, is interested only in 'these—men who have spent a great part of their lives iti the distributive sisd . of the tyre industry.. One of its functions is to watch carefully the, Government's attitude towards the rehabilitation of traders' businesses, particularly those which have suffered through the exigencies of war-time control or through war service. It will strive for the re-establishment of former businesses before newcomers be allowed to enter the field. It will also endeavour to obtain concessions for members during the transitional period between the end of hostilities and the freeing of the industry from control. Incidentally the annual 'subscription is three guineas.
. Nip,„ P. C. KIDNER ON AUTOMOBILE HISTORY AN informal talk on automobile history will be given by Mr. Percy C. Kidner before the Graduates' Section, London Branch, of the I.A.B., at 12, Hobart Place, London, S.W.1, at 2.45 p.m.,' on October 17.
QN Tuesday, October 5, at 6,15 p.m., Mr. George H. Lanchester, President of the LA.E, for the session 1943-44, will deliver his Presidential address. The venue will be the Royal Society of Art, John Adam Street, Ad.elphi, London, W.C.2. It will deal n.lainly with the training of young engineers, and his remarks will be followed by an informal discussion.•
Cards of invitation for visitors may be obtained from the Acting Secretary, Institution of Antomobile Engineers, 12, Hobart. Place, London, S.W.1, 'if accompanied by • a • staMped and addressed envelope. ..
WORKS executives responsible for internal propaganda directed towards increasing production will find mach of interest and value in the permanent eith:bitiort recently opened at the Midland headquarters of the Indus-. trial Publicity Committee of the Regional .Board of the Ministry of Supply, C.M.L. Buildings, Great Charles Street, Birtningharn
The exhibits consist of examples of posters, leaflets, wall-newspapers and films which have been•produced by the various Ministries and a number of industrial concerns, with the object of impressing upon the workers the importance -of thoir varied tasks in furthering the war effort.
FOR some time past, the Brush -Electrical Eirgineering,Co., Ltd., or Loughbordugh, has had under review the education and training of its yoring employees. , Havirrg reviewed. the Government outlined in the White Paper on post-war educational reconstruction, the Board has decided to give immediate effect to the recommendations for continuative education of yOung persons in industry without waiting for the Bill to become law in the post-war period,
comprehensive programme has • been worked out in collaboration with Loughborough College and by means of courses .in the works school, and at the College, continuative educaticin amounting to approximately one day a week is being introduced for all girls and boys below the age of 18 years. A number of selected young persons over the age of 18 years will also be given advanced e'ducation, .
TYRE ECONOMY EXHIBITION FOR EDINBURGH MOTES on 'exhibitions to promote I "tyre economy are falling upon us as thickly as the proverbial autumn leaves. The show to be opened on October 14 will be at the premises of Rossleigh, Ltd., 13-16, Shanclwick Place, Edinburgh, arid the opening ceremony will be performed by Lord Mathes,' Director of Tyres: The Lord Provost of 'Edinburgh will preSide and will be supported by Lord Rosebery (Regional Commissioner), Sir William Sleigh and Sir William Thomson—both `ex-Lord Provosts and with an intimate association with road transport.
The sessions will be:—Monday to Friday, 10.30 to 11.30 a.m., 3 to
4 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. On Saturdays there will be a morning and afternoon session as on other days, but ad evening session will be held only by special ariangement. The exhibition will close on November 4 Application for tickets for. drivers and transport operators shorild be made to; the. Tyre Economy Exhibition Secretary, 44-46, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, 12.
THECouncil of the Institution of Automobile ' Engineers announces. that the Crompton Medal fbr the session 194243 has been awarded to Mr. E. A. Evans for his paper entitled " Extreme Pressure Lubrication.'' The presentation will be made at the meeting on October 5.
UNDER a more drastic .scherne for the rationalization of Leeds retailmilk deliveries, which came into_ operation on September 19, the number of motor 'vehicles used for deliveries will be reduced by 45 to 176. In the-case of motors, the daily mileage saving will be 2,220, representing over 57 per cent..
The •block system of delivery which.. is being% introduced provides that .not._ more than -one private _retailer, in addition to the local co-operative society, . shall deliver in any street:
THE Scottish Hqrse and Motormen's . Association is inviting Kranehes to nominate candidates for the position of general secretary, which is being . vacated by, Mr. Robert Taylor on his appointment is a director of the Scottish Co-oprative Wholesale Society:
THIS year's target for Earl Haig's British Legion Appeal, usually known as Poppy Day Appeal (November 11) is g-1,000,000: Last year the sum obtained was zazo,000: svhih in itself was a record, but even the larger sum is quite Modest when conSidered in relation to the millions of men and Women now in the Services and their needs, not only In the pear futere, but at and after the end of the war. Offers ol help. or gifts should be sent to the local cOnolnittee or Haig's Fund, Rich
mond, Surrey. .
We regret to announce the death of MR, CONDIE Cuiii.mERs, who had. held the a.ppointment of Scottish area man. ager in the aales organization of the ASSociated Equipment Co., Ltd., since January, 19.39.
FOR THE MEN OF THE TANKS rrtHE recent appeal by Sir Miles Thomas, DEC., vice-chairman of the Nuffield Organization, for funds on behalf of the ,,Royal Armoured Corps has met with a generous respAse. The total is now well past 8,900.' •
The Royal Armoured Corps Club and Assistance Fund, to give it its full (resignation, will .provide social amenities. :Mr N.C.O.s and men passing"through London and financial assistance in case
of need. .
Contributions should be addressed to the ,Secfetary, Royal, Armoured Corps Charities Fluid, care r of the Nuffield Organization, bxford.
SPEAKING at the Oil Industries Club on the " Uses of Unity," Lieut.-Colonel 'Mervyn O'Gorman said that this country is favoured with quite a hierarchy of road-user societies, which were grouped in little bunches, each devoted to its special viewpoint. The B.R.F. had collected 57 varieties, in emulation of a supplier of succulent edibles. In the Motor Legislation Coin,mittee there is a group of eight bodies. The Roads Improvement Association has another couple of dozen of its own. They are a sign that motor users not only come together, but are nibbling at unity of policy, and .will get there some day; ;until then they will get. nothing from the .Government.
Here are samples of the ;things -which the speaker thinks we want:—To move about safely; to have no more dazzle; no more street junctions without name plates, no more unforeseen movement, either afoot or awheel; no more statis tics in which accident totals mislead by
omitting all record of relevant traffic ' flow; no more towns-without a motorway ring bypass; no more taxes that discriminate against one fo,i-rn -of trans port whilst every other goes tax-free: no more planners who think locomotion is a secondary consideration; and no sthetes who claim to fix the buildings first and let the roads be fitted aS best they can be around: that: pattern.
THE addressof the office of Trade Boards and Road Haulage Wages Boards is now Ebury Bridge House, Etniry Bridge Road, London, SW I. The telephOne number is Sloane 9681.
A IC ex-R.A.F. man, age 33, with 15 flyears' accountancy and commercial experience, and who stnce his discharge in July, 1942, has been handling road transport, plant, fuel records, etc., in connection with aerodrome -construe-. thin, later managing a fleet of soine,;50 Dodge, .Ford and Bedford -vehicles; requires a' suitable position in road transport: Letters .should be addressed " Transport Executiye," care Of the Editor.