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Has the Fork-lift latest application of
Truck Solved the the fork-lift truck comes
Parking Problem? . from Spokane, Washington,
U.S.A. In an endeavour to solve the parking problem, steel frames to hold four cars in tiers have been built, and the fork-lift truck raises the vehicles and puts them into the frames. It is claimed that less than two minutes is needed to raise a car to the top deck.
London's Congestion pus and taxi drivers, as welt Problem Must be 1-'as those of other classes of Overcome Quickly . . commercial vehicle, are be coming increasingly incensed at the lack of attention which the authorities appear to be paying in the problem of London traffic. They feel that something shotild be done immediately to restrict the parking of vehicles, often for hours and in great numbers, in main thoroughfares, thus frequently reducing the " moving " traffic to single lines. The police do what they can, but they are insufficient in numbers to cope with the situation as a whole. However essential is the use of some private cars. they cannot all come into this category, and they are certainly of less importance than public-service
vehicles which require to be constantly on the move and have to carry huge numbers of people. The use of bombed sites for parking is a small alleviation, but quite inadequate to deal with the immense numbers concerned Schedules for buses are becoming almost impossible to follow, and driving in the worst areas is almost a nightmare.
Bus Services Which (NE remark made by Mr. Do Not Always Pay ‘-'Strauss, Parliamentary SecAre Nothing New . • retary to the M.O.T , con cerning the work of the proposed Transport Commission was to the effect that it may be found desirable to run some uneconomic passenger services for people who would otherwise have no travel facilities. One would think from this that bus companies never ran services which were found not to pay. As a matter of fact, practically all private concerns deal adequately with this problem. Curiously enough, in Northern Ireland, when the Board was instituted, a number of existing services which were of great value to the people concerned,
was discontinued They rriay, later,, have been reinstituted, but for a long time there was much inconvenience.
Country Poster Advertising and Objectors to It. . . . SPEAKING recently before the Institute of the Motor Trade at Bedford, Mr. H. W. Eley, general advertising manager of the Dunlop concern, dealt with complaints that publicity by posters was spoiling rural beauty. He said that few national advertisers had any wish to interfere with countryside amenities. There were posters even in Pompeii in its days of ancient glory, and the technique would continue to improve.
NUNIBERS of people and "organizations claim — in some cases, no doubt, with justification—that they had a big share in the freeing of C licensees from the 40mile limit. The Council of Retail Distributors (C.O.R.D.) says that outstanding amongst its recent activities was its work on the Transport Bill, which culminated in the rejection by the Government of the clauses affecting the aforementioned operators. A How C.O.R.D. Helped to Free Traders' Transport . . . transport committee met continuously at its headquarters during the passage of the Bill, suggested amendments were circulated, and members lobbied; but outstanding was the fact that Mr. D. Renton, M.P., a vice-president of C.O.R.D., was a member of the Standing Committee and was thus able to press the independent traders' point of view.
Canadian Gas Turbine IT is reported that Canada Intended for Motor I has produced a gas turbine Vehicles suitable for use in motor vehicles. With a horse-power range of 100 to 400, the weight is only 200 lb., and the size 4 ft. 2 ins. long by I ft. 3 ins. diameter. The maximum speed is 50,000 r.p.M. It can be fitted either at the front or, preferably, at.the rear, of the vehicle. Various advantages are claimed, including low production cost and increased payload, but we have yet to learn how the reduction is achieved from the high speed of the unit.