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I N that it proposes no overall increase in the duties on fuel and vehicles, the Budget may narrowly be regarded as...
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T HE 13th annual report of the London Passenger Transport Board contains an impressive account of the restoration of services...
Has the Fork-lift latest application of Truck Solved the the fork-lift truck comes Parking Problem? . from Spokane,...
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That some say the study of electricity is quite Exiding. The query: "How did Mr. F. F. Fowler, chairman, Metropolitan Area,...
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LMECH.E. AND I.A.E. MERGE: NEW AUTOMOBILE DIVISION WITH the authority .of the Privy IN Council, the Institution of Mechanical...
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three motorbuses and two trolleybuses have shown that the pay-es-you-board system of operation is not suitable for London...
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Miss G. A. JONES has been appointed private secretary to MR. G. R. STRAUSS, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of...
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A CURIOUS point connected with lorry queueing was raised at the April meeting of the Industrial Transport Association's Leeds...
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Excellent Consumption and Acceleration Figures Despite an Overload. Good Top. gear Performance By P. G. TUCKER I T is some...
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F LEET operators will be interested in the Kerry self-contained washing plant designed and distributed by Kerry's (Great...
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and How R OAD transport engineers have for many years been interested in the reasons for excessive wear on cylinder bores and...
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fire-engine with a great deal of brasswork, through the streets to the fire." Those were the words or the Secretary of State br...
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WHEN the State takes over part of VV the country's transport, the compensation paid to the road haulier will be far more...
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Crossley 8.5 litre Blown Oil Engine Produces 138140 b.h.p. at 1,750 r.p.m. Interesting Vehicle in Production for Dutch State...
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discussion following the paper Ton fuel-injection equipment, read last week by Mr. H. G. Dunn, 141.I.A.E., of Simms Motor...
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Lorries to Municipal Authorities, Including Special Provision for the Higher Costs of Such Vehicles Tonnage Rates for Tippers...
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nNE hears a great deal about the rights of ex-ServiceN-⢠men to be reinstated in their pre-war jobs, also of ex-hauliers and...
WE read with interest a letter from Mr. S. R. Sheane " in "The Commercial Motor" dated March 21, and note with pleasure the...
A FTER my discharge from the Canadian Forces I was appointed warehouse foreman at the Calgary terminal of Canadian Freightways...
WE send a copy of a report from one of our drivers TV who was caught in the snow. You will see that this makes very interesting...
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is given to the range of improved tractors just announced by David Brown Tractors, Ltd., Meltham, near Huddersfield. New...
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r- I N April 15 the Road Haulage Asso ciation (Metropolitan Area) gave a ⢠luncheon to Brigadier R. J. O. Dowse, C.B.E.,...
T D introduce the Douglas battery electric vehicle in the London area, an attractive exhibition of the marque is taking place...
persuade the Ministry of Transport to allow two-axled buses to be built to a maximum'overall length of 30 ft., the annual...