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Operating cost assessment for Leyland

25th April 1975, Page 38
25th April 1975
Page 38
Page 38, 25th April 1975 — Operating cost assessment for Leyland
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Bison 6x4 IN ASSESSING the cost of operating the Leyland Bison tested last week, it has been assumed that the figures given in CM Tables of Operating Costs are representative where no alternative actual figures are available. However, those Cost Table factors used have been enhanced to cover cost increases since the last issue. They comprise wages, rent and rates, and insurance in the standing costs and lubricants and maintenance in the running costs.

The remaining factors comprising licences, interest, fuel, tyres and depreciation have been calculated on the data available from the road test.

Thus the following table has been compiled on that basis: Thus, operating at, say 200 miles a week, the vehicle will cost a total of 69.28p a mile, at 400 miles a week 43.36p a mile and at 500 miles a week 38.17p a mile.

However, the maintenance figure could be somewhat greater than that shown because, though routine maintenance can be achieved without having to tilt the cab, any work which requires greater access will be more costly because the cab is not easily tilted.