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Operational Economies During Inflation
An artic costing £8,000 in 1975 may cost over £19,000 to replace in 1978. By 1985 replacement costs may have soared to over £32,000 ALTHOUGH inflation may appear to present its......
Two Or Three Lines?
Now available free of charge from Bendix Westinghouse Ltd is a leaflet which provides a clear interpretation of twoand three-line braking systems. The leaflet explains the......
Torque Multiplier
An improved version of the Britool torque multiplier has been introduced by James Neill Tools. The new kit includes an L-shaped in square section bar as an extra attachment to......
Light Inverter
A range of fluorescent lighting inverters has been introduced by Smart and Brown. The range includes models that operate fluorescent tubes from 8W to twin 30W tubes at either 12......
Two lightweight steel pallets 1.1m (3.5ft) by 0.8m (2.5ft) square by 0.8m (2.5ft) high, capable of carrying either 91kg (2001b) or 159kg (3501b) payloads have been introduced by......
Degreasing Powder
A new industrial degreasing powder, Brantholin, for cleaning workshops, garages and vehicles has been introduced to the UK market by the materials division of SPI. A solution of......