News of the Week
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Official Proposals for Further Wages Increases
FOLLOWING the recent request for increases in the wages of road haulage workers, the Road Haulage Central Wages Board has issued its formal proposals. They are set out in leaflet R.H. (15). Employers should note that they are obliged to obtain copies of this publication and post them up on their premises. They muSt remain
posted until March 7, The following is the substance of the principal clauses—they relate to the corresponding provisions of R.H. (14) :—
In the London Area. Drivers of vehicles of a carrying capacity of 1 ton or less, who are under 18 years of age, to receive an increase of 2s. per week of 48 hours; all 'other drivers to receive 2s. 6d. more. Haulage workers who are not drivers, mates on steam wagons, or statutory attendants, who are under 18 years of age, to receive 2s. extra. All other haulage workers to receive an increase of 2s. 6d.
In the graded areas, I, II and HI: Drivers of vehicles of a carrying capacity of 30-cwt. or less, who are under 18 years of age, to receive an increase of Zs., and all other drivers 2s. 6d.; haulage workers who are under 18 years
INQUIRIES are being made by Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker, Parliamentary Secretary M.O.W.T., into a case • of wastage vehicle miles submitted to him by Captain Strickland, in which it was stated: " That, on February 5, seven motor lorries' were instructed by the M.O.W.T. to proceed, empty, f-om O.N. Transport Co., Ltd. and A. E. Taylor, Ltd , London. to Warrington —about 1,500 unloaded vehicle miles— and that one of the machines, on reaching Warrington, was loaded with empty second-hand-packing cases to be delivered at a timber yard in Birmingham. What was the carria,ge -.ost involved in this latter case, including wages?"
Captain Strickland asked if the travelling of 1,500 unloaded vehicle miles was in accordance with the Goiremment's avowed policy of conserving petrol and tyres.
" It may be due. to unforeseeable accidents, Or there may be some other explanation, but I. cannot tell you now," was Mr. Noll-Baker's reply -Another case of unloaded journeying which Captain Strickland cited last Week was that of two 6-ton lorries tieing Relit from A. E. Taylor and Co.. Ltd.,. in the week ended February 5, from London to Widnes empty, Widnes to London loaded, London to Cambridge empty, thence to Bishop's Stortford empty, on to Epping empty, Epping to Didcot loaded, Dideot to
of age an extra 2s., and all other haul age workers 21. fid. , On long-distance_ services: Workers as specified above, under 18 years of age, to receive 2s, more and all others, drivers or haulage workers, an increase of 2s. 6d.
A milk worker to be paid at the rate of time-and-a-quarter for the first six hours worked on Sunday. The correspondins, provision in R.H,(14) reads: " A mirk worker shall be paid at the rate of time-and-a-quarter for all time worked on Sunday." This means that for time worked on Sunday in excess of six hours the milk worker will receive time-and-a-half, • It is proposed that overtime rates shall be varied so that workers receive time-and-a-quarter where they now receive time-and-an-eighth and timeand-a-half where they now receive time-and-a-quarter.
Certain parishes in the rare' district of Plympton St. Mary, viz., Bickleigh, Briiiton, Newton and Noss, Plympton St. Mary, Plympton St. Maurice, Plymstock, Shaugh Prior, Tamerton Foliot, Wembury, Yealmpton, are upgraded from Grade II to Grade 1, Oxford empty, thence' to Slough empty, Slough to Colnbrook empty, and on to London loaded. This involved 622 loaded-vehicle miles as against 822 empty, Mr. Noel-Baker explained that the two lorries were sent to Widnes to help in clearing an accumulation of essential traffic. He was satisfied there were no loads available which could not have been better sent by other transport.
DURING the course of a statement by L./Sir Frederick Heaton, circulated with the report of the _Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd, reference is made to the bus-chassis manufacturing section of the company's activities, which, it is said, bas, during recent years, reached
substantial proportions. It has been decided, so soon as normal conditions return, that it will be advisable to segre.. gate this portion of the business and to carry it on quite separately, from the operating side and under a different title. For this reason a preliminary step has been taken by the formation of a company known as Bristol Commercial Vehicles, Ltd.
ly/E have made a rough computation of the number of vehicles repreo seated by those of our readers who have expressed a wish to join the proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers. Nearly. 1.00 have given no indication of the size of thn fleets with which they are concerned, but if we take the low average of 20; then they represent 2,000 vehicles. Those who give specific figures account for nearly 16,000 vehicles. , Then there are railway vehicles, colliery vehicles, big bus,fleets, which will probably account for at least another 4,000, making a total of 22,000.
The number of those applying to join had, by Tuesday last, risen to about 240. We propose to arrange the inaugural luncheon-conference in London on a Friday, the date depending upon when suitable accommodation becomes available. We shall be glad to have early notification from those who will attend. Tickets about 10s. each.
MEADOWS TO EXPAND IN COMMERCIAL-VEHICLE FIELD I N a statement circulated with the annual report of Henry Meadows, Ltd., Mr, W. Wilson Hamill, chairman" and managing director, points • out that as a maker of oil and petrol rngines, 'the company tides not attach too much importance to the respective merits of these units as power generators, but rather fixes their potentialities in line with the availability of fuel supplies-in the various home and overseas markets. This fact, together with the adaptability and suitability of each typewill, in his opinion, decide the choice.
In connection with the company's post-war policy, he says that the company's contribution to the commercialvehicle industry will be even more substantial than in the past and will cover an attractive range of petrol and oil engines and transmissions.
HAVING considered the booklet entitled The Road Carrying Industry and the Future," the National Haulier Sectional Board of the C.M.U.A. on February 16 endorsed the announcement made by the S.I.C. and the Shadow Council of R.H.A., concerning this booklet. These two bodies pointed out that the views of the signatories were solely in their personal capacities and were not the views of the S.J,C. or the Shadow Council. They had taken no part in its compilation and had no knowledge of the intention to publish it. The statement of the proposed National Road Transport Federation and of its, three constituent organize.
• tions is published elsewhere in this issue. It will be seen that the views expressed are diametrically opposed to the suppression of the small haulier, and maintain that the services an -operator can give to the public, and his compliance with statutory requirements, should cstitut& the deterraining factors 'as to his right to continue to operate, irrespective of the size of
U OW road hauliers may seek replAc:.• inent vehicles was explained :to Major Lyons in the House of Commons, last Week, by Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker. Parliamentary Secretary, 1)1.0,W.T., who intimated, too, that, in some eases, hanliers may ,apply for additional vehicles .now.
Any road haulier may apply to my Department through a-Regional Trans.. port Commissioner. for a licence -to acquire a new yehicle, in replacement of one which is worn Mit. In view Of the prospective demands on road transport in certain areas; the Conimissioners in those afeaS have been advised to give favourable eonSiderationito applications for licences to acquire additional vehicles of a. suitable type, even f:those vehicles be not required ,as replacements."
FE' people can have had the allround experience of a man of whom we have personal, knowledge and who now desires a suitable appointment. He has been a sales manager to a well-known British concern, with whom he also had experience in recon ditioning all of vehicle, conversions,: trailei manufacture, body-building,costing, advertising, and general business.rnanagement. He has a good knowledge of factory layout and works management, and, in America, was a member of the Los Angeles Stock Exchange, owned his own investment house, and --organized and developed new businesses,.•including two aircraft companies and three others dealing with -foodand other commodities.
Letters, addressed • " Business -En., gineer," care of the Editor, Will be
forWarded. ." . • • :
.THAT the present working of the '01 ' road-haulage: scheme should . be reviewed.Was suggested by '.Mr. G. Strauss in the House of Commont, last week. He asked:Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker, Parliamen.tary Sedetary, M.O.W.T., it -he vas -awate of the• frequency with which lorries made return journeys empty and, in particular,' that Many lorries left London for towns in the Midlands. and the North with no load, when there were quantities of goods urgentlywaiting to be transported to these towns,
Mr. Noel-Baker said that the traffic to be carried between two given places -may often be consistently heavier in one direction than it is in the other. ." This iS true," he added, " of traffic between London and the Midlands and the North, and, generally speaking, there is an excess of carrying capacity from London to these areas. 1 am not .aware that the road haulage' of any goods has been forbidden when no other means for transport was-available. I lkould. add, however, that, as more traffic is transferred :to road transport to relieve the railways, the, amount of empty running between these areas will be redimed." . .
Mr. T. Levy: " IS the-Minister aware
that the organization • of transportis 'getting into disrepute, and there is unrest throughout the country in regard to transport, because of people seeing empty lorries running all over the country?'
Mr. Noel-Baker: " I am aware that there appears to be greatanxiety to show that it does not.' work, but when
I inquire, do not find that the evidence of .bad.wailing is very good."
ACOMMITTEE of the Road Research Board of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research has. been appointedto survey the field for research on the'irse of machinery in road construction and, if thought fit, to draw up aprogramme on research. . The following have been appointed
members : 'II.F. Aldington, M.Inst.C:E.' (chairman); Sir . George Burt, •M:Inst.C.E.; Messrs. W. Savage, M.1.Mech.E.; R: M. Wynne, Edwards, MC., A. 'Floyd, B.Sc., A .M.Inst.0 .E. NV. Minty; W. P. Robinson, C.E.E.,174..Inst.C.E.
• Mr. W. H. Glanville, C.B.E., will be Director of Road Research and Mr. G: Bird, A.M.I.Mech.E., will act as secretary to the committee.
The Department has also arranged to resume and extend its researches on .concrete roads, having .as. its,. general aimthe improvement of the Standard of constructionin respect of durability of -surface characteristics. This work will -be undertaken in co-operation with the Cement and COncrete Association.
-Both activities will receive the full co-operation of • the MO.W.T.
KEEP YOUR PLUGS WELL • SERVICED THE servicing of sparking Olga. at
..more regular intervals': . than fornierly2is a,auty enforced by the use of . M.T.80 fuel, It has been found that 'thè. corrosiv.; action of the dope" haS 'a tendency to snake the gaps widen'more rapidly. Therefore, 'setting must. be done more often, and, consequently,. a shorter life from the
plugs. Must be expected. , .
It is also found that a lead..deposit .is attracted to the insulatOr. If this b'e riot removed at regular intervals; it will cause overheating and pre-ignition. This condition also aggravates. the burning of the wire. An . illustration accompanying this paragraph shows some results of using the new fuel. • PERMITS TO ACT AS BUS CONDUCTORS
THE Minister War Transport has had under consideration the question' of discontinuing for the war, form PSV 16A (which accompanies the application form PSV 16 for a permit to act as a p.s.v. conductor).
It has been decided that thefollowingcertificates can he dispensed with:. —Character, :employer's,. and medical. The forth PSV -16A will, therefore, be discontinued. .regards the medical certificate; question_ two ofPSV 16 requires the applicant to state whether he or she suffers from any disease or physical disability likely to interfere with the efficient discharge of .duties as a conductor .or to be prejudicial to the health or comfort ofpassengers. More-over, many of the larger undertakings arrange.for their own medical. examina
tion of :.applicants. .
Regional Transport Commissioners May, however, repirtinue to ask eit, a medical certificate:in the terms'of form PSV 16A in any case where they think. it desirable to do so, and. it .Will, 'Of course, still be open to operators to arrange for their own medical examina
ONE of the most -important. and -encouraging " discoveries " of the' fuel efficiency carripaign is " _flash " steam, Manyusers-have realized for the first time that this is something which tan he employed for many processes and heating tasks, and is sometimes even better: than virgin 'steam
from a :boiler.
Irtthis eonnection the 1,7trel Efficiency Committee of the ministry of Fuel and Power has .issued, free, a 'Bulletin No. 26, "Flash Steam and Vapour Recovery," which explains hOw this steam is self-generated and how it can be utilized
T1-IE calling of another conference of 'local atithorities 'to discuss the withdrawal, of return fares costing more :than is contemplated by Sunderlind Corporation. The Minister Of War Transport has intima.tedthat the ban on return fares cannot ,be lifted, but A number of small concessions, generally relating to people travelling to hospitals, has been agreed upon. These concessions are thought to be inade BIG' A.R.O., PROPAGANDA DRIVE IN BIRMINGHAM AREA THE. Government Road Haulage, Scheme was discussed when the annualgeneral meeting of the Birmingham Area of A.R.O. was held last week under the chairmanship of ,Mr. H. j. Bedworth, who said that all Operational problems were being considered in an endeavour to effect• an improvement in the • running of the scheme. Mention was made of the fact that a,-National Committee is now working on sand and ballas.t rates, and it is hoped that agreement will be reached in the near future.
The year's working was reviewed by the chairman, who referred to the big propaganda drive conducted from both the Birmingham and West Midland .Area, and he intimated that large sums were now being donated to this cause, The Jai:Owing officia:a were appointed for the yfar;-Chairma u, Mr. A. Rutty (Rutty sad Hughes, Ltd.1; vice-chairman, Mr. C. Warwtri: 1.Szoaciway and Garkes Transport fBirmtngbarnl. Ltd.); delegates to the West Midland Area
Coamrnei.tnee. Mental!. ledwoth, 11. B. Clrk, Rutty and C. Warwick; deputy dee gales, A. E. Bache, H Herringthaw, W. A Hyslop and T. Weatherhogg.
QPERATING results for 1943 of the Bristol' Trarnways and Carriage Co.,.Ltd., show a. net profit of -E198,905, compared with £210,327 for the previous year. The preference dividend. takes 20,000, and a final payment of 5 per cent. on the ordinary shal-es, making 10 per cent, for the year, less tax, absorbs £155,301. After deducting £25,000 transferred to general reserve, there is £29,408 to carry forward, as against '30F,534 brought in.
THE second impression of the, 11th edition of the Temple Press publication, " Motorcycling Manual," is available from booksellers and bookstalls at 8s., or direct from these offices at 3s. 3d, PAPER A MUNITIONOF WAR PAPER is as much a munition of war as is high explosive. Therefore, treat it as if it were the latter. Do not burn it or pat it into the dustbin, but hand all scrap to the collectors.