25th February 1944, Page 27
25th February 1944
Page 27

Page 27, 25th February 1944
The Indusi Problems; What Our Rea Are Thinking
Voluntary Consolidation or Nationalization? WITH uncertainty and suspicion uppermost in the Vv minds of small oper a tors at the present time, it is not surprising to find a......
Support Small Hauliers And Clearing Houses
WITHOUT reserve, I would like to support the vv . remarks made by Mr. L. C. Andrews in his letter concerning the efforts made to bring about the downfall of the -clearing hduses......
Appreciation Of Our "pass It On" Scheme
A LTH-OUGH I am not known to you personally, I have been a reader of " The Commercial Motor " since about 1912. As a fitter and, later, a long-distance driver, I have regularly......