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It pays

25th July 1981, Page 12
25th July 1981
Page 12
Page 12, 25th July 1981 — It pays
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PRODUCTION and distributini costs of a new type of leale describing bus services were re couped many times by increase in revenue over the first filo months of a travel informant)i experiment carried out in Bing ley, West Yorkshire.

The objectives of the experi merit were to test whethe money spent on travel infornia tion can be justified by In creasing revenue.

Two reports published by till Transport and Road Researiol Laboratory show that, in Wes Yorkshire, more people up buses in Bingley as a direct re suit of the information about sr vices made widely available jir the new form.

The relative increase in far*: revenue was in the order 10 £6,500 against a publicity costiO £1,200 with no changes in far*: and no reduction in services.

Junior Transport Minista Kenneth Clarke welcomed Op results of the TRRL reports ail( said: "Bus patronage can be 10 creased at no cost to the rates 0) cost effective marketing and bet ter information to the public." !