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Le Mai-gen Dwi Pull Rank
ET MYSELF E5 that Maj-Gen F. 3 1askett, who recently retired 54 as the Army's Directormere' of Transport and ovements, would be the next . ector-general of the Road tulage......
Kward-winning ■ Ifc Investors
- HOSE WHO invest in the Jational Freight Co will become )art-owners of the only building o receive an award in class 2 of he 1981 Office of the Year ompetition organised by the......
Bombardier Strikes, But Not From The Air
THE BOMBARDIER, which began as a damp squib, has developed an explosive charge. The new bus, built for CIE, the Irish state transport organisation, has been the cause of a......
Load No Godsend For These Hauliers
TRANSPORT contractors are unlikely to appreciate the use by The Times of the word "hauliers" to describe the 4,200 sweating, grunting, jostling, heaving men who hauled the great......
In For A Fan Belt, Out With A Constructor
THE ULTIMATE in impulsebuying has been achieved by a Yateley haulier, B. Claridge, MI went to buy a £3 fan belt from AB Truck Servides at Reading and came away with a Leyland......
This Must Be The World's Highest Gea
ONE SHOULD not be smug , about recent evidence of railVr disintegration. A passing trail threw up a rail clip which bro I the leg of a ticket collector, the a 12Ib brake block......