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Safe and legal load

25th July 1981, Page 7
25th July 1981
Page 7
Page 7, 25th July 1981 — Safe and legal load
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

AN AXLE overload on a veh operated by Orrell and Brew! (Transport) Ltd was descril as the classic conflict betw loading a vehicle safely loading it legally when the cc pany and one of its drib pleaded guilty before Wethe magistrates to overloadinE first axle.

For the Yorkshire Licens Authority, Michael Paterson s the vehicle concerned v+ stopped last December wl carrying pet food. The first s had a plated weight of 6,09f but when the vehicle +A weighed it showed an overk of around seven per cent.

When interviewed, Orre managing director said that drivers had been told to k with care, but in this case pallets had been loaded too forward.

Defending, John Hartley s the company was used to ha ling pet food but this partici. load would have been routin it had been placed on the vehi a few inches farther back.

In a letter to the court, dri. Bryan Fergusson said he alwi had his loads placed against front headboard because it v safer.

The magistrates fined t company £50 and Mr Ferguss £25.