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rnited Welsh, Maidstone and District, ,ble, and Hastings Tramways Succeed
Ribble, who were last week granted re revisions by the Northern Ithority in the face of opposition m four local authorities, expect to crease revenue by 1246.000 a year. was stated that costs had increased • 1340,000 since their fares were last vised in January, 1953.
Mr. H. Bottomley, general manager Ribble, said that the company's sses in "this sparsely populated area" :re considerable. In the Northern 'affic Area alone they amounted to rout £70,899 a year. Profits, he added, 2. re 1175,000 less than for the correonding period last year.
Modest Application
Saying that he felt the application as a modest one, and that the Impany were shelving a large part of
e additional burden, the chairman of e Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon; hied that they could not be regarded a quasi-public-utility service. Efficient and economical running in IC past has resulted in comparatively leap fares, and from 1930 to 1951 'ere was no charism or increase in the oeral fares structure." he said.
An application by Newcastle anon yne Corporation to add Id. to their res after 6.30 p.m. on weekdays, p.m. on Saturdays, and all day on Indays and, public holidays, has been fused by the Northern Licensing uthority.
Mr. Hanlon said the proposals would npose hardship on sections of the ablic who had to travel in the evenlas, and would add to the anomalies hich already existed.
Application Adjourned An application by The Gateshead ad District Omnibus Co., seeking to ring their fares into line with the )rporation's proposals, and to add Id. all fares over 2d., was adjourned. West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., hose application was reported last eek to have been granted in principle, ave been refused permission to with raw 12-journey tickets where daily orkers' returns and contract tickets ere available. They were, however, uthorized to increase the rate of these y 15 per cent.
The local authorities who unsuccessilly opposed the U.A.S. and Northern ieneral applications are understood to e considering an appeal against the Icreases.
CI1r. S. Napier, for Bangor Council, Ad the Northern Ireland Transport 'ribunal last week that in their view le Ulster Transport Authority should )ok to economies in operation and awroved management, rather than to increased charges, to improve their financial position.
His council were surprised that no representations had yet been made to the Ulster Government by the U.T.A. in respect of proposals for saving an estimated £100,000 a year by employing wider vehicles and making more use of double-deckers,
The Tribunal were hearing the U.T.A.'s application for increases in maximum charges for passenger and freight services by road and rail, details of which have already been published in The Commercial Motor.
. An application for higher fares by the Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and 14 small operators, was criticized by Mr. W. C. Scott, for Stoke-onTrent City Council, before the West Midland Licensing Authority, last week. It was the fifth application since 1950, he said. It was becoming an intolerable burden on the public.
In view of the possibility of a reduethm in the fuel tax. Mr. Scott suggested that decision be delayed until after the Budget.
The proposals were to add Id. to all fares between lid. and 51d., a 2d. minimum for early-morning rates, and that single fares should not be issued between stages where workers' returns were available.
Decision was reserved.
Birmingham to Apply To meet a rise in costs of about £250,000 a year. Birmingham Corporation are also to apply for higher fares. Thc main proposals are to cut the number of stages covered by the 4d.. 5d. and 6d. fares, and to raise the minimum workers' fare from lid, to Is. Id
If the fuel tax is reduced in the Budget, the application will be reconsidered. It has been pointed out that if the tax were halved, the department would save £375,000 a year and fare increases would not be necessary.
The Teesside Railless Traction Board have approved an application designed to increase revenue by 120.000 a year. Under the proposals, id. would be added to single fares and Id. to returns,
A 2d. minimum is proposed by the Lincolnshire Road Car Co., Ltd., details of whose application are given in the current issue of Notices and Proceedings for the East Midland Area. Permission to add Id. to all other fares up to 4d., and Id. to other 4d. and the 5d. rates, is also sought.
It is also suggested that there should be a minimum of lid. for children's fares, that season tickets should be raised in cost by 10 per cent., and that various increases be applied to weekly tickets.