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3 NE of the most notable lectures on roads was given last week by Mr. !hristopher T. Brunner, vicehairman of the British Road...
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N UMEROUS congratulatory letters and messages have been received since the publication of the Golden Jubilee issue of The...
Liners Measured by Air A IR at 60 p.s.i. is being used at the engine factory of Leyland Motors, Ltd., to check measurements 15...
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A lot and some over, and often overhears more han is intended for one's ears. That one does not hear yet, however, any...
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T HE railways' answer to road haulage competition—the British Transport Commission (Railway Merchandise) Charges Scheme— was...
WITH the case of only two vehicles W deferred, over 79 per cent. of the vehicles offered in list R.5 have been sold. On Tuesday...
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A N application for an A licence for 40 vehicles and four trailers, at present operating under C-hiring margins, was made to...
KAUSE he is nol satisfied with the course that the original hearing k, the Minister of Transport has 1 the Northern Licensing...
S ITTING in Edinburgh last week, the Transport Tribunal confirmed a £41,500 payment of compensation, as offered by the British...
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Coming Soon ? A N early increase in the speed limit for heavy vehicles to 30 m.p.h. was prophesied by Mr. M. F. Barnard,...
excursion and tour licence, has been granted to Holland's Tours, Ltd., Oldbury, by the West Midland Licensing Authority. In...
T HE first post-nationalization clash before the Transport Tribunal between the British Transport Commission and private...
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"MEE transfers of coach-operating interests are reported from the rth of England this week. The tours d excursions of Mark...
R ETURN fares on 93 services 1 • operated by the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., are to be raised on April 3, according to a...
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THE Australian import restrictions announced on Monday could mean a reduction of as much as 15,000 in the number of motor...
the Northern Licensing Authority last week about delays by a haulier in the delivery of newspapers and another carrier applied...
I-I ONT you want your lorries hack? Why, after two years of denationalization, are there still half the vehicles in the hands...
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If , to March 11, 13,482 vehicles had J been sold by the British Transport ommission, Mr. A. Boyd-Carpenter, mister of...
S OME 700 vehicles were withdrawn from Covent Garden market, London, on Monday by members of the Road Haulage Association,...
IMPROVED Creed teleprinters have been installed by British Road Services in the London centre. In 1953, the facsimile method...
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A S foreshadowed in The Commercial Motor last week. a controlling interest in Triumph Coaches. Ltd., Portsmouth, has been...
U.A.S., Northern General, Salford, Eastbourne Wigan, South Wales Transport, J. James— I N the face of opposition by some 30...
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rnited Welsh, Maidstone and District, , ble, and Hastings Tramways Succeed Ribble, who were last week granted re revisions by...
WillEN Messrs. Malik and Heatley VV applied to the Northern Licensing Authority lase week to renew their B licence for one...
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A.E.C. Mercury with Eagle Semitrailer Handles Well on Snow and Ice, and is Comfortable and Quiet By John Savage, A.I.R.T.E....
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E SPECIALLY designed for loading by mechanical methods, a new Albion-Scammell oil-engined articulated an operated by Thrift...
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Don't Relax Bus Inspection IN The Commercial Motor of March 11, under the heading, "Pound Foolish," it is claimed, in so many...
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T HE pros and cons of exhaust brakes are being explored at great length by the transport department of Shell-Mex and B.P.,...
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T HE construction of mobile shops is a new venture in bodybuilding for Jones Bros. (Coachbuilders), Ltd.. Albion Works, Old Oak...
oil wells up to 7,000 ft. deep has been produced by Woodfield Hoist and Associated Industries, Ltd., Rochester, Kent. The rig...
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"Ill.1R1NG a series of site tests last I week, organized by Telehoist, Ltd., heltenham, it was proved that the mcern's new link...
By Our Parliamentary Correspondent SPIRITED debate on petrol and —1 . oil prices was raised on the djournment by Mr. Norman...
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An Example of a Company Willing to Work with Others So That Waste Mileage May Be Cut and Proper Terminals Developed By C. S....
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The Act and the Actors C RITICISM of the Transport Act, 1953, is now the fashion, in which trade and industry and the hauliers...
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Minister of Transport Pays Tribute to "The Commercial Motor" on its Golden Jubilee 71JESDAY was an historic day for The...
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List of Acceptances for Golden Jubilee Luncheon I ON1E 200 distinguished guests kattended the Golden Jubilee luncheon given...
F INES totalling £.12, on 12 summonses for not having proper licences, were imposed at Wimbledon last week upon Oakleys (London...
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Cusick (Oldham), Ltd., Buy 44-vehicle Unit at Parkstone : Six London Units Go to Wisbech Haulier T HE depot of British Road...
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rOMMERC1AL-VEIRCLE produc tion in January was the highest yet recorded. The average weekly output was 6,347 units and the total...
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Among a Variety of Matters Dealt With This Week by "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert is How to Reckon Compensation in the...
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Ma. W. ASTIN, general manager of Chester Transport Department, has been appointed general manager of Exeter Transport...
PA A NEW Wrigley battery-electric forklift truck; known as Model E.650 Mk. II. has been introduced by Wessex Industries...
,A CLAUSE in a hire-purchase agreeI. 1 'tient stipulating that the owners of a vehicle taken back by them could claim...