200 Guests Honour "C.M."
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List of Acceptances for Golden Jubilee Luncheon
I ON1E 200 distinguished guests kattended the Golden Jubilee
luncheon given by The Commercial otor at Claridges Hotel, London, on nday. The list of acceptances was follows:—
lurid Andre:Nis,. chairman, Royal Automobile a; S. J. al, Auld, president. institute Petroleum.
. Baird, director, Girling, Ltd.: G. F. Raker. rman, Siewart arid Ardern, Lrda Cllr. M. F. lard, president, Mansion House Association Transport: Jantas Barrie, national chairman. al Haulage Association; Sir Cantles Bartlett. ideal, Royal Society for the Prevention of idents, and director, Vauxhall N1Mors, Ltd.: moot! Baxter, British Broadcasting Corpora; Joseph E. Brandt, chairman. Beckett. lane and Watkinson, lad.; G. E. Beharrel. dePuta rman and managing director, Dunlop Rubber , Ltd,: M, A, Ia. Rellhouse, assistant managdirector, Pressed Steel Co,, Ltd.: J. N. nett, chairman. Guild of Motoring Writers: W. &ivy. lirector, British Engineers' Asxocia: Raymond Birch, -chairman, British Omnibus apanies Public Relations Committer; A. S. top, managing director, Goodyear 'lyre and thee Co. (Gt. Britain), lid.; W. R. Black. 'man, A.C.V. Salts, Ltd.; Mai. Basil 0.
direcior. Bon:Mack and Sons. Ltd.: r. Bond, president, Traders Road Transport aciation; Allan Romero& director, Roaer Co.. .: J. A. Bayd-Carpeater. Minister of Trans and Civil Aviation; Sir Edward C. (Ti. Boyle, liainentary Secretary. Ministry 0 f Supply; ci Brabazon of Tara; J. F. Brantley, managing etor. Austin Motor Export Cornoratiom a NI. Bratand, director, Kin. Sparking Plugs. .;. Miles L. Breeden, managing director. mot Breeden, Ltd.; FL Brooks. driver. don Transport; F. Broomfield, chairman, center Vehicle Operators' Association; R. E. vim, director, n tinle hititOr Bodies, lad.; C. Burdon, depute managing director, ALo se Co.. ltd.
. if. Cade, The Liar; .E. L. Cadwallader, saltine; director, C.A.V. Ltd.; L. J. Callardian; MallnIOSS Camden; Basil Cardcw, Daily nest; W. A. Cathies. editor. Advertiser's elly; S. E. Clark, chief executive, Society of Lor Manufacturers and Traders: Arthur Cocha assistant managing director, Triplex Safety sa Co., Ltd.; W. N. Collins, director, La tins, Lula F. 1, Connolly, chairman and raging director. .Connolly ftros. (Curriers), .1. Connolly, master, The Worshipful npany of Coachmakers and Coach Harness tort; R. Gresham Cooke: Sir Stanford Cooper, mon Ford Motor Co., Ltd.; ArthUr ii, C. viand, long-distance driver, British Road Flees ; Geoffrey Cozens. managing director, rimer Cars. Ltd.; Mai.-Gen. J. S. Crawford. cum Guy Motors. Lida Sir Graham Cunning., chairman and managing director, Triplert ny Glass Co., 1.1d.
Homfray Dwries. managing director, Morotan-Caininetl-Wcymann, Ltd.; .Arthur Deakin, -)ral secretary, Transport and General Workers' tin: Sir Rupert de la Berra deputy chairman, 'Wharf, Ltd.; F. W. Delve, chief' officer. tdon Firc Brigade; Sir Bernard Decker, cliaF i. Small Arms Co., Ltd.; Brig. F. 0. Dowse. Metropolitan Licensing Authority, 'ourtenan Edwards, Doily Mail; Lt.-Gen. Sir II Eldridge, Controller of Munitions, Ministry Supple; Sir John Elliot, chairman. London Pspou ii!tee hive; Cant. George E. T. Eystop. ,Ctor. C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd.,
la Sir William C. Fenton, chairman and tarring director, British Belting and Asbestos. a A. Fogg. director, Motor Indic:no! Research relation; ('harles Fothergill, News Chronicle; K Fraser, vice-cliairman and managing directar. Inta, lad.; A. B. Fuller. director, Taskers of toyer 11932) Ltd, .cay Oedaes, director, Dunlop Rubber Co.. .; NV. FL Glanville, director, Road Research oratory; M. Goldsmith, managing director. Mantik, Ltd.; Donald D. Grant, director, ley-Barton, Ltd.; 1. C. Gridley, chairman, Ifiall Oa Co., Lid.
lcoffrey Hancock, Birmingham Moil: ids. chairman, Hands (Letchworth), Ltd.: F. Hanks, vice-chairman, Nuffield Organisai; John I., Hardy, chairman, Hardy, Spicer
Co., Ltd.: George W. Harriman. deputy imam Austin Motor Co., LW.: Clifford F. ringion, joint managing director, Thomas Tington, ltd.; Harold Heath, director, entry Radiator and Presswork Co., tad.; Sir rev 'Helm:rye, Permanent Secretary, Ministry oF ply; Air Cake. Vs. Helmore, director-eeneral, minium Development Association;. "
key,Dalin' &vents; Walter E. Hill, inanaaing clot, Vans:Mill Motors, Ltd.: R. G. S. iloare, information officer, Ministry of Transport ! Civil Aviation; Kennett! C. Home. director.
Tholex Safety Glass Co., Ltd.; Cdre. Earl Howe: John W. Howlett, chairman and managing director, Wellworthy, Ltd.; F. J. Harr. director. Smiths Motor Accessories, l.r(1.; sir Lewis Hutchinson, Deputy Secretary, Minialry ol Supely.
R. Gibson Jarvie. director, United Dominion, Trust. Ltd.; Sir Gilmour Jenkins. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, and president, institute of Transport; R. A. icnNell, joint managing director, JCILS;:t1 Motors, Ltd, K. L. Kelly. secretary. Attiontontle Association: I. W. Kinchin, director. Girling. Ltd.; Bcniannin King. chairman, Chrysler Motors. Ltd.:. C. F. Lawrence. King, director, British Wagon Co. Ltd,: Brig. W. S. King, Fighting Vehicles, Research and Development Establishment; Sir Norman Kipping, director-general, Federation of British Industries.
C. -J. Lake, chairman and loins managing director, Lake and Elliot, Ltd.; Frank Lanehester, director, Lanchester Motor Co., Lida T. K. Lawler, director, India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.; 0. E. Liardet, chairman and managing director, Simms Motor Units. Lida klar.-Ticn. W. A. Lord, director, Mechanical Engineering, War Office; A. R. W. Low. Minister of Mate, Board of Trade; Lord Lucas of Chilworth; John 0. Lucas. director, Joseph Lucas (Sales and Service), Ltd,
Col A. G. McDonald, NI,T, Branch.. Post Office Engineering Dept.; NV. A. McKenzie. Daily Telegraph; .Manchester Guardian; larrd ralancroir, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office; Arthur Marcnbon, director, R. A. Dyson and Co., Latta V. hiartinalorms. managing director, Lodge Plugs, Ltd.: II. 0. mason, director, C.A.V., Ltd.; 1., R. mason, chairman. The Council of the Trade and Technical Press; A. E. H. masters. chief engineer. Fighting vehicle-A Research and Deseliamnent Establishment, Ministry of Supple: J. Maslen-on. director, Joseph 1.ucas, Ltd.; 'r. W. Mathias. general manager. Shell-Mete and Be.. Ltd.: Sir John Maud, Permanent Secretary, Ministry Ea' Fuel and Power: Mai. Jackson Millar, chairman. Albion Motors, Ltd.; Cecil R. MillNairn, Mint intim:ging director, TOMT Kemsley and Minimum, Ltd.: Hugh MOItiOn, Parliamentars Sceretary, Ministry of frananort and Civil Aviation; Basil Monk, chairman arid nianagina director, Tinian. Ltd; C. D, Morgan. secretary, British Road Federation; Sir Arthur Morse. chairman, British Travel and Holidays Asaociatinn, Sir Frank Newnes, president, George. Newnes. Ltd.; Charles W. Nichols. director, S. Smith arid Sons (England), Ltd.; Dudley Noble: Harold NOckolds, The Times; Sir John Nott-Ilitnner, Commissioner, Metropolilan
Lt.-Col. almayn O'Gorman, vice-chairmara The Roads Improvement Association,
Hugh H. Patin, director, British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Trutle.-t Union: 1). G. Palmer, managing director, Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd.: NV. R. Paulson, The Evening Newr; Alfred Pemberton. chairman, Alfred Punnet-lora lad.; " Petcrbrirough,The Daily Telegrapii; W. Phillips, 'Joseph Lucas, Ltd.; J. H. Pitchford, chairman, Institution Of Mechanical Engineers (Automobile Divisionr and manaaing diremor. Ricandu and Co. -Engineers (1927). Ltd.; J. 5, F. Poltitzer, master, Me Vaordripful Company of Carmen; Edward Powell. director. Chloride Batteries, Ltd.: Press Maori:Mon; H. Evan Price, president. British Cycle :Ina Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders Union; Peter D. Privets " Driv-er of the Year."
Miles B. Reid. director, Valium Oil Cr'.. lad.: H. Reynolds, The Fimcncial Times; L. Reynold,. (a reader of the first and every name of The Commercial Motor); Vaallace E. Riche, chairman, The Roads Improvement Association: "The T)iike of Richmond and Gordon: Rupert Si. George RHO% assistant managing director, Cape AMeatos Co., Ltd.; Sir Howard Roberts, clerk of the cormeal, London County Council and clunnnan. National Executive Committee, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents; Gen. Sir Brian Robertson, chairman, British Transport COMmission; H. 'N. Rorke, managiaaViireCtin, Vacuum (lit Co., Ltd.: A. L Romer, managing director. A.E,C„ Ltd.; L. E. Rostra, direct-or-general, The Advertising Association; Brian Rocaes, director, Rootes Motors, Ltd.; Sir Reginald Rooms, deputy chairman, Bottles Motors, Ltd.; W. Clearer: Rooms. managing director, Humber, Ltd.; Sir William Bonita, chairman, Rooms motor:, lad.; MaL-Goi. G. N. Russell, chairman, British Road Services; I. '1._ Rymer, managing director, Sentinel (Shrewsbury). Ltd.
IL V. Schofield, director, C.hforide Electrieal Storage Co., Ltd.; H. Seddon, joint managing director, Seddon nit:VI Vehicles, ltd.; Martin Sharp and Selwyn Sharp. sons of the late George Sharp, former editor of Tire Commercial Mawr: Dr. F. Llewellyn Smith; managing director, motor car dr, gam), Bulls 'Royce, Ltd.; J. Si. A, Smith, assistant manning director. Ford motor Co,. Ltd.: lt. Ir. D. Smith, clerk to the Worshipfid Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harnesa Makers; Sir Rowland Smith, chairman. fiord Motor CO., Lid.; William Smith, managing director. Fermi°. Ltd.; W. F. Spurlina, managing director, Spurting Motor Bodies, Ltd.; Sir Henry Spurrier, managing director, Levland Motors, lad.: Mai. 'Harry F. Stanley, Royal Automobile Clah: Patti Ca P. Stanley-, joint managing director. Stewart and Ardent. Ltd.; H. G. Srarly, demata managing director. Champion Sparking Plug Co.. Ltd.; 0. F. Stedman, deputy secretary. Inland Transport, Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviis• lion; D. (3, Stokes, director, Leyland Marna,
Lula G. Strielille7director, Period°, lad.
" Tanfleid." Daily Mail; E. L. Taylor. chairman, Public Transport Association; J. A. Taylor, director. Cartinture Six-Wheelers, Ltd.; Sir 1V1iies Thomas. chairman, British Overseas Airways Corporation: Sir John E. Thornyeroft, chairman. John I. Thornycrofr and Co.. Ltd.; Lieut, Cdr.
W. Thornycroft, managing director. John I. "Thornyeron. and Co., Ltd., and chairman and managing director, 'Transport Equipment (Thorns' croft), Ltd.: Rogcr Thornycron, director. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.; T. W. Till:tun, chief enaineer, Dennis Brothers, Ltd.; Herbert C. Tingay, chairman, George Newncs, Ltd.; Sir George W, Turner. Permanent Under-Seerelary, War Office; T. L. Turner, director, Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd.
Ca N. Vanrittatt. chairman. Vauxhall Motors. Ltd.. and chairman, General Motors. Ltd.
S.r W. Wavell Wakefield. chairman. Park ROW! Vehicles, Ltd.; Robert Walling. Evening Standard; A. B. Waring. president. Society or Motor manufacturers and Traders; W. W. Weal. editor. Worltn, Pull News:. AM. R. Weir. proddent. Municipal Passenger Transport Association; P. W, Wells. director. Steel Barrel Co., Ltd.: William Wells; Lt.-Col. Alan H. Wilkinaon. president. Institute of Practitioners in Advertising: 'A'. S. J. Wilkinson. -president. National Aasociation of Furniture Warehousemen and Remover,: 0. J. Williams, director, British Wagon Co., Lid.; R. B. williarns-Thompson, managing director, Sidney-Barton, Ltd.; 3, S. Wills, deputy chairman and managing director. British Electric Traction Co.. Ltd.; T. H. Wisdom, Daily Herald; J. Wright, director, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.
Col. A. E. Young, Commissioner. City of London Police; Eric W. Young, vice-preiadent and mann:Pk director. Massey-Harris-Ferguson. Ltd.
Mr. Roland E. Dangerfield. chairman and managing director of Temple Press Ltd., proprietors of The Commercial Motor, presided.