News and Comment.
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TMs journal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It 19 exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses throughout the Empire.
The excellent two-ton van, from the works of Scout Motors, Ltd., Salisbury, is the subjsct of an illustiated article on pages 233 and 236.
The first-published information about the tricycle-carrier which Commercial Cars, Ltd., of Luton and London, is about to manufacture will be found on page 239.
" The Scotsman," in its issue of the 18th inst., quotes at some length from our article on the commercial-vehicle situation in Australia, which article appeared in our issue of the 11th inst.
The Coronation Parade.
Outline particulars in regard to the parade arrangements are given on page 234. The arrangements for its organization are proceeding smoothly, although the shortage of space at Earl's Court has given rise to some incidental difficulties. Further action of the C.M.U.A., in regard to the all-important matter of traffic obstruction, is reported on page '232; we understand that the Association will now approach the Borough Councils of Hammersmith and
Westminster. The K ensiogt on Works Committee is of opinion that in the event of the proposals put forward being carried out a reform in traffic will have been introduced which will be ef verygreat benefit, not only to Kensington but to London generally, and which will be an important step in the direction of solving the complex traffic problem of the Metropolis. it therefore has endorsed the suggestion put forward, and has decided (subject to the usual sanction) that permission be given for the fixing of tablets to the lamp-columns on the pedestrian island refuges in Kensington. High Street andKensington Road, directing vehicular traffic to "keep near left kerb," subject to the
description of the tablets to be provided by the Association or the Police Authorities being approved by the Borough Engineer and by the Lighting Engineer, and to the same being fixed by the Council at the cost of such Association or Police Authorities.
Winnipeg Exhibition.
Entries for the motor section of the Canadian Industrial Exhibition, which will this year be held at Winnipeg from the 12th to the 22nd July, close on Thursday of next week, the 1st June. Any manufacturers who may not have entered already will require to cable their intimations to Mr. A. W. Bell, the general manager, to 160, Princes Street, Winnipeg.
Road Damage.
The City Engineer to the Paris Municipal Council recently accorded en interview to the Paris correspondent of " The Motor," and the result of the interview is embodied in the current issue of that journal, dated the 23rd inst. One interesting statement by M. Bellenger is that "for every two square metres of repairs on the motor track, there were eight square metres on the horse section." This refers to the Champs Elysees, where separate porticns of the carriageway are reserved for horse traffic and motor traffic.
A New Bridge.
£10,000 is to be spent on the construction of a new bridge over the river Eden, between and Kirkoswald. This stronger link is badly needed.
"Ajax" Tires.
The patent " Ajax " detachable solid band tire, for the production and sale of which the Midland Rubber Co., Ltd., of Ryland Street, Birmingham, and 222, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C., is responsible, appears to be coming into prominence with owners of commercial vehicles, both in this country and the Colonies. One of the latest orders is for the tiring of 14 commercial vehicles in India.
An Early Owner.
A driver in the employ of Fox Bros., Ltd., of Wellington, who was summoned at Uffeulme on the 8th inst., on a charge of driving a steam lorry in a manner dangerous to the public, was not convicted, the Bench acceding to the view that the case was one which might be withdrawn on the payment of costs. This company is one of the earliest owners of commercial motors in England, its first purchase dating back to the year 1897.
Petters, of Yeovil.
The annual report and accounts of the directors of Petters, Ltd., of the Nautilus Works, Yeovil, which will be submitted to the shareholders of the company on Tuesday next, the 30th inst., is to hand. The company's paid-up capital is 2100,000, and there is an available balance of £6,207, after a transfer to reserve fund. As the capital was only paid up .during the financial year ended the 31st March last, the directors are able to recommend a dividend on the preference shares at the rate of six per cent. per annum, and a dividend on the ordinary shares atthe rate of 7A per cent. per annum, to transfer an additional 21,028 to reserve fund, to write off the whole of the preliminary expenses, and to carry forward £l,52 to the accounts for the year now current. liVe understand that the inquiries for and sales of the Petter oil tractor, which was fully illustrated and described in our issue of the 30th March, are proving highly satisfactory. The company's cash position is very strong.
The engineer of Willesden U.D.C. is again to report as to the desirability of substituting motor vehicles for horses.
The Argyll branch at Dundee is under the management of Mr. D. M. Mohr, and the address is 20, Ward Road.
The Gleniffer Laundry, of Brontley Road, SE., is running a fleet of " Commer-Car " and Panhard vehicles to great advantage.
The Atlas Resilient Road Wheels, Ltd., of 37, Cross Street, Manchester, has issued a concise catalogue of its cast-steel and other wheels.
Another Australian View.
The latest issue to hand of the " Sydney Daily Telegraph," dated the 7th April, contains an excellent illustration of one of the Leyland street-watering tank wagons which belong to the Municipality of Sydney. In the course of a notice of the machine, our contemporary remarks : " This vehicle will provide a fine advertisement out here for the commercial motor, not that any further advertisement is really needed, for the commercial motors of various makes now in commission here—and there are 100 of them, ranging from seven tons down to 11 cwt. carrying capacity
are all doing excellent work." It is due largely to the columns on commercial motors in " The Sydney Morning Herald" that this situation exists.
Petrol Storage.
The Public Control Committee of the L.C.C. has been considering an application from S. Pearson and Sons, Ltd., for a licence to store 40,000 gallons of petrol spirit in premises to be erected on a site at 113, Grosvenor Road, S.W. Other licences for large quantities are in force in the immediate vicinity. The above-named committee recommends that the new licence be granted, subject to certain conditions, one of which is that the spirit must be kept and handled at a cis
tance of not less than 50 it. from the gardens of the nearest dwellings, and that a wall 20 ft. high shall be erected between the proposed new depot and another.
Albion Sales.
The Albion Motor Car Co, Ltd., of Glasgow and London, has booked an order for a 16 h.p.
Albion for the tinting Office of
the Australian Co:, einment. Several vehicles of this company's manufacture have now been supplied to the Anstrahan and the New Zealand Governments.
One of the Albion Co.'s deliveries in London, of which the company is specially proud, is that of two 25cwt. Albion box vans to Messrs. Batger and Co., the well-known manufacturers of " Jersey " earn
mels. :1 portion of the fleet of
Albion vehicles owned by Harrod's, Ltd., which has now grown to a total of 37, is illustrated below.
Audible Warning.
A couple of excellent examples of motor horns have been submitted to our inspection by Mr. G. H. Smith, who, amongst his other duties, is London. representative for Howes and Burley, Ltd., of Bishop Street, Birmingham. These samples are representative of two special lines that have been produced for the use of commercialvehicle owners and manufacturers especially. One of the patterns is of the usual design, but it is exceptionally well made and of firstclass material. As value for 6s. 6d. net, it is probable that this particular horn will not be easily surpassed. The production throughout is English. Close brass-plated, this horn is likely to give good service and to wear well. The attachment brackets may be fixed in any position that a customer requires. The other example is a more-expensive one, but its material and finish are on a par with that first mentioned. Its design, however, provides for a wooden reed, which we understand accounts very largely for the increase in cost. This particular horn emits a long deep note, and is provided with an extension tube so that it may be fixed to the weather screen or dashboard, while the bulb is still easily accessible.
At a meeting of the R. A.G. and its associated bodies, at Tunbridge Wells, last Saturday, it was decided, on the motion of the Hon. Arthur Stanley, M.P., to send certain resolutions arising out of the C.M.U.A. traffic-obstruction memorandum to local clubs and clerks to local authorities.
Penalties Exacted.
Westminster City Council has been considering the matter of penalties in respect of the late delivery of seven Leyland petrol wagons. The contractile penalties amounted to £134 10s., and the Highways Committee has decided to deduct. 2105 from the monies due to the makers.
Parisian Orders.
The Municipality of Paris, having decided that all street watering and cleansing shall in future be done by motor vehicles, has opened a competition among Fiench manufacturers. Makers wishing to supply the 60 vehicles necessary have been invited to furnish plans and complete estimates, and after these have been examined a certain number of firms will be asked to construct demonstration vehicles ; when these have been tested, the definite order will be placed. The firms which have estimated for the supply of the vehicles are Renault Freres ; Blum, making the frontdrive Latil ; Bayard Clement : Laffy Duret-Sohy ; Berliet Sautter-Harle ; Vaisembert and Hereline ; de Dion.Bouton ; Vinot De guingand ; and Aries. Of these, Renault, Laffy and de Dion have already supplied either watering carts or mechanical street sweepers to the Paris authorities.
The Delahaye Company, of Paris,
has just been entrusted with an order for 370 postal vans for the contractor taking over the new mail service in the city of Paris.
New Registrations.
Tintern Motor Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 21,000 in 21 shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., to take over the business carried on by W. B. Kingston.
Accuracy Works, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 26,000 (5,600 shares of El each and 2,400 shares of 38. 4d. each), and with its office at Cousins Street, Wolverhampton. to carry on any business connected with the manufacture, sale or letting on hire of motor cars and other vehicles, etc. First directors : H. M. Hobson, E. A. H. de Poorter and T. F. Searight.
Auto Sundries, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 21,000 in El shares by Julius A. White, Steven
age House, 40-4, Holborn Viaduct, E.G., to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in component parts, accessories, fittings and sundries, machinery, etc., used in the bailding or manufacture of motorcars, cabs, etc.
M.D. Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 225,000 (24,000 preferential ordinary shares of £1 each and 20,000 deferred shares of is. each), by Creusemann and Rouse, 85, Gracechurch Street, E.C., to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in motors, motorcars, and other vehicles and machinery, etc.
Societe Generale de Banque et de Credit Automobile, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 2100,000 in £1 shares, and with its office at Broad Street Avetne, B.C., to carry on the business of proprietors, manufacturers and agents for the sale of and intermediaries between buyers and sellers of motorcars, ca triages, omnibuses, vans and cabs, etc.
W. Lewis and Sons (Cardiff). Ltd., with an authorized capital of 16,000 in Li shares, by Waterlow Bros. and Layton, Ltd., Birchin Lane, EX., to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in motorcars, etc. First director . W. Lewis (permanent)
Fire-Brigade Matters.
Willesden U.D.C. is purchasing an additional fire-engine (pump), at an estimated cost of 21,025.
Mr. Jocelyn Brandon. Chairman of the Fire Brigade Committee of the L.C.C., is an ardent believer in motorization_ The Croydon Borough Council is now asking tenders for the supply of two petrol motor fire-engines. Forms of tender and conditions may be obtained on application to the Borough Engineer, Town Hall, Croydon, and tenders must be lodged on or before the 15th prox.
Creaky Wooden Wheels.
The season of creaking wooden wheels, due to the drying of the timber and consequent loosening of the spokes and felloes, is upon us. if the present spell of dry weather continues much longer, the creaking and groaning of wooden wheels will be heard in every street ; it is opportune, therefore, that we should remind vehicle users that this objectionable and damaging condition should be avoided at all costs, and that it may generally be prevented by the simple expedient ot hanging wet sacks or canvas over the wheels when in garage at nighttime. With some types of wooden wheels, this trouble does not arise, and particularly so with Turner's patent adjustable wedge wheel, manufactured by Wedge Wheels, Ltd., of 4, Queen Street Place, I.C. We have just received a new booklet from that company, the the most-striking feature of which publication is the meagre nature of the letterpress ; practically one line of text and one illustration occupy each two pages of the book, yet there is quite sufficient to illustrate the practical nature of this wheel. The London General Omnibus Co. has found it very satisfactory in service, and there are no fewer than 700 of these wheels fitted to L.G.O.C_ vehicles. As a shock-absorber, a wooden wheel is certainly va.sily superior to one of the cast-steel type. Turner's wedge wheel is built up inside the wheel rim, which, by the way, is not shrunk on the felloes, and the tellies and spokes may be tightened up as required, so as to keep every portion of the wheel taut and tree from play and from the abrasion of the materials which is inseparable from loose spokes.
Military Motors.
Apropos the pending announcement by the War Office of the terms of the new subsidy scheme for tractors, which announcement may still be delayed for a short time, it is interesting to recall the fact that the year 4901 was probably the most fruitful in the annals of this country's military service, so far as concerns the laying of the foundation for subsequent applications of modern types of self-propelled road engines. In March of that year, for example, at the Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, Major (as he then was) H. C. L. Holden, F.R.S., RA., gave an interesting lecture on the subject of "The automobile and its possible uses for military purposes." This is reported fully, together with the discussion, in the proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, vol. xxviii, Nos. 2 and 3. The discussion was opened by the Hon. John Scott-Montagu, M.P. (now Lord Montagu of Beaulieu), who was followed by Colonel Crompton, Mr. Claude Johnson, Mr. Shrapnel! Smith, Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice, K.C.B., Captain F. B. Maurice, and Major H. A. Bethell. Later in the same year (December), following the third trials in Lancashire (June), the War Office organized a. competition_of its own, with Major Lindsay Lloyd, ILE., as secretary, in the neighbourhood of Aldershot, when the first prize was won by a Thornycroft vehicle.
Waring-Gillow Transport.
A further step forward has been made by Waring and Gillow, Ltd., in the matter of the development of its valuable help to the Governnient and the country in respect of mechanical transport. The illustration at the foot of this page depicts the company's cadet corps, and a section of its motor transport reserve (mobilized to take the cadets to the Naval and Military Tournament, at Olympia, on Friday last). There were on parade : 110 cadets ; four motors ; 15 members of the transport staff. Mr. T. E. Harrison, of Waring and Gillow, Ltd., who has been heartily supported in all his work by Colonel T. J. Kearns, of the Mechanical Transport Section (London Territorials, First Division) of the Army Service Corps, is to be congratulated on the progress and efficiency displayed. The personnel consists of a superintendent and 42 men.