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Certain particulars will be found, elsewhere in this issue, concerning the arrangements for the Coronation Motor Parade on...
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Col. Crompton, chairman, and Mr. Bristow, secretary, of the Commercial Motor Users Association, attended by invitation a...
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That H.M. the King will be in London over Whitsuntide. That Dominion, Colonial, and Overseas visitors have already begun to...
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General Order of Proceedings on Whit Monday. There are, as we go to press, upwards of -WO separate entries for the great...
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By an American Subscriber. Mr. Julian A. Raiford, who is responsible tor Commer Trucks" in the - U.S.A., has been interviewed...
A Promising Model by a Well-known Maker in Salisbury. In our issue of the 20th April' last, we reproduced a snapshot, which...
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Herr Georg Wiss, the creator of the Gaggenau works, which make a speciality of omnibuses and industrial vehicles, is severing...
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News contributions are invited: payment will be made on publication. The veteran of Tilling's motorbus fleet has now completed...
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AS announced in TIIE CommEriciAr. MOTOit of two weeks ago, Commercial Cars, Ltd., is producing a three-wheeled parcel-carrier...
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TMs journal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It 19 exclusively read by...
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going on apace, and I hear of two new agricultural oil tractors that will be exhibited by concerns of the highest standing....
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News contributions are inrited : payment will be made on publication. There are now 62 licensed taxicabs in Sheffield and...
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This question has been much discussed of late, and it is one about which there is a great conflict of opinion. At first sight...
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The E . ditor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors, Letters should be gm one s...
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Olir readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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A Selected Collection of Extracts from the British and Foreign Press. The Pirates Bold. With the exception of the old green "...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...