Moto rcab
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There are now 62 licensed taxicabs in Sheffield and about 200 horse-drawn vehicles. whereas before the introduction of the taxicab four years ago there were 300 licensed horse-drawn vehicles.
The British Motor Cab Co., Ltd., is supplying dust coats for the summer described in all the notices as superior dark green lined dast coats " for the sum of 2s. 6d., which amount includes cleaning and repairing when necessary.
The Committee of Inquiry appointed by the Home Office has been making surprise visits to the large motorcab garages. One of this committee, Sir Clarendon Hyde, M.P., is a member of the house of contractors, Sir Weetman Pearson and Co., Ltd.
Taxicabs in Hyde Park.
Mr. Dudley Ward, speaking for the First Commissioner of Works, does not think that extended facilities for the admittance of taxicabs into Hyde Park would conduce to the amenitias of the park or to the general comfort, convenience and enjoyment of the public. Further, he does not think that private motorLars with high horse-power are more apt to be detrimental to the amenities of the park than are taxicabs.
Hire Purchaser's Dispute with the Commissioner.
In a recent case before the Divisional Court, it transpired that a Mr. McBean had applied to the Comtnissioner of Police for a proprietor's licence for a motorcab hold by him under a hire-purchase agreement. No objection was made to Mr. McBea.n, who owned several cabs, nor was any objection raised to the cab itself, yet the licence was refused, the Commissioner contending that the proprietor's licence should be held by the Chesham Automobile Supply Co., Ltd., from whom the cab was atained„ and further stating that no licence would be issued to a person holding a cab under a hirepurchase agreement. Mr MeBean lad obtained an order nisi calling upon the Commissioner of Police to show cause why a proprietor's licence should not be issued to him in respect of the cab in question. At the hearing, the Commissioner did not appear to show cause : the Court, therefore, directed that a mandamus should be issued direct
ing the Commissioner to grant the licence as claimed by Mr. McBean, and ordered the Commissioner to pay the cost of the proceedings.
Urban Taxis, Ltd.
The accompany ing illustration shows one of the latest type 15 h.p. Austin taxicabs in the service of Urban Taxis, Ltd., of Avonmore Road, W. The latest features in this new model are : the cylinders are cast separately ; the pistonstroke has been lengthened since last year's model; the crankshaft now has five bearings instead. of three, and thermo-syphon coolinghas now given place to pump cir
culation. For excellence of finish and smart appearance there is no finer machine in service than this new type.
Provincial Motorcab Grumbles.
One of the shareholders of the Provincial Motorcab Co., Ltd., Mr. Frank P. Wilcox of Cranford, Godstone Road, Purley, has issued a circular regarding the affairs of that company, in which he states that no accounts appear to have been issued since those for the period ended 31st March, 1909, whilst the last annual general meeting, he further states, was held on the 10th November of the same year. Many other points are raised by Mr. Willcox, who is endeavouring to form a. shareholders' committee with the view to bringing pressure to bear upon the directors to take further steps to make the business pay.
Strike of Paris Taxi-drivers.
On Tuesday last, Parisian taxicab drivers decided to go on strike for 2.4 hours, as a protest against. the increased duty on petrol, If the 24 hours' strike is not effective, further measures are threatened.
A New Fleet.
A fleet of 30 de Dietrich cabs will be shortly starred at Chiswick. The proprietor at present has two of this type on the streets. They are two-cylinder vehicles, and have given great satisfaction to the drivers. One has been in service for over a year, and the consumption throughout has been at the rate of 30 miles to a gallon of Shell. The other cab was licensed in January, 1911, and, so far, it has given the same mileage per gallon. Up to the present., both cabs have experienced no mechanical trouble_ In the Suburbs.
Mr. A Russell, a member of the executive of the Taxicab Drivers' Union, recently stated that the streets had been overstocked with taxicabs, with the result that the men's earnings had decreased. However much truth there may be in that statement so far as concerns West-End streets. there certainly is no ground for it so far as the suburbs are concerned, notwithstanding that in some districts the demand is considerable. It has been suggested that one reason for this dearth of suburban taxis is the lack of suitable garage accommodation.
Express Motor Cab Co.'s Affairs.
In the Companies Winding-up Court, on the 19th inst., Mr. Justice Nevi11 heard a motion in the matter of the Express Motor Cab Co., Ltd., Swanston v. the Corn
patty, for the appointment of a receiver. The plaintiff, who sued on behalf of himself and all other debenture holders, had asked the previous week for the appointment of a receiver and manager.. It was then felt by him that art independent man should be. appointed. The parties were now agreed that a member of Messrs. Deloisses' firm should be appointed, with liberty to act at once until the 16th
October, and with liberty to borrow money, not exceeding £500, at interest not exceeding 6 per cent., in order to pay wages. His lordship made the necessary order for the appointment.