The Coronation Motor Parade.
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General Order of Proceedings on Whit Monday.
There are, as we go to press, upwards of -WO separate entries for the great Coronation Motor Parade, which is being organized by the Commercial Motor Users Association, to take place at Earl's Court, S.W., on Monday week, the 5th prox. The increase in the number of entries is highly gratifying to the promoters, but it undoubtedly imposes upon them oeitain difficulties in the matter of settling the exact arrangements, which difficulties can only be solved in detail during the course of next week, after further consultations, on the spot, with the proprietors of the Earl's Court Exhibition, representatives of Scotland Yard, and other interested parties.
Instructions to Drivers.
It is the intention of the Parade Ccinmittee, that every driver shall receive his final instructions, by post, not later than the evening of Friday, the 2nd June. These instructions will, amongst other points, indicate : (a) the exact location of the station allotted to his vehicle ; (b) the requirements of the judges in respect of his attendance at the vehicle's station for inspection ; (c) the order of proceedings for the forenoon, for the Coronation dinner, and for the prize distribution. By the same mail, or certainly by not later than Saturday afternoon, the driver will re: ceive his official number card, and an official flag ot admission, which flag must be displayed as will be directed. No vehicle will be allowed to attend the parade if the driver forgets to take the flag with him, and to have it in place ; in fact, in all probability, the police will turn any such vehicle back.
The Dinner.
The Association, in accordance with previous announcements, intends to present three invitations to the dinner, inclusive of free admission to Earl's Court, in respect of each entry. Any driver who has a regular mate is expected to give one of these tickets to that mate. The third ticket can be used by the driver to bring his wife or other relative or friend, or a child over six years of age ; no child under six will be admitted to the dining-hall. A fourth ticket, for admission to Earl's Court and to the dinner, may
be obtained, in respect of each entry, provided the driver or his employer remits the sum of 2s. Od TO the Secretary, Cominceeial Motor Users Association, SO, Pall Mall, S.W., on or before Saturday next, the 27th inst. It is impossible, owing to the exigencies of space at the disposal of the organizers, for arrangements to be made for any additional tickets to be sold which shall include admission to the dininghall : the total of drivers and their friends is already in excess of 1,300 persons, and the accommodation is limited.
Admission to Earl's Court.
Apart from the free admission tickets in connection with the dinner, to which reference is made in the preceding paragraph, drivers can obtain any reasonable number— say, up to 10 per entry as a maximum —of tickets which will admit only to Earl's Court. These will be supplied at a reduced rate of 9d. per ticket for adults, and the Association hopes to be able to arrange that children's tickets can be supplied at 41d. each. These tickets will also be available for children under six, in respect of whom no arrangements can be made by the Association other than for their admission at the reduced rates named. No holders of these tickets can in any circumstances be admitted to the dining-hall, but they will be able to obtain refreshments from the exhibition caterers in the ordinary way, and at their own expense.
Assembly and Dismissal.
It is probable that drivers will be required to attend on the parade ground by 10 am., but exact instructions will be given when the official intimation is dispatched. No trailers are to be hauled, as there will be no space for them. There is DO occasion to put any load upon the vehicle, but there is no rule aeinst the carrying of any " display " or other load within reason, although this will be a matter wholly at the discretion of the judges. Advertisement devices and announcements are not desirable, except such as are employed in the ordinary course of trade.
The dinner will probably take place at one o'clock, and certainly not later than L30 p.m., and the judges expect to conclude their labours by not later than four o'clock. The cash awards will be distributed in the grounds approximately at 5.30 p.m., and special arrangements will be made for the winners to parade their machines prior to the distribution. Acceleration may prove to be feasible.
The Team Section.
Competition for the handsome Silver Challenge Cup, presented by the proprietors of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, will be remarkably keen. A year ago, it may be recalled, one of the three teams of Foden wagons entered by the Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd., was adjudged the winner by a single mark in excess of those gained by a team of Leyland wagons entered by Mann, Crossinan and Paulin, Ltd. There were, a year. ago, only nine teams in competition, whereas there are no fewer than 36 teams this year. We do not envy the judges their task of discrimination.