Rules for Suggested " B.B.B." Truck Contest.
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By an American Subscriber.
Mr. Julian A. Raiford, who is responsible tor
Commer Trucks" in the -U.S.A., has been interviewed by the "New -York Evening Mail." Mr. Halford has been criticising eertaM proposed rules for a truck contest winch it is intended to hold in the States, and has been unburdening himself to various reporters, who generally support Ins arguments in print.
Apropos the numerous criticisms which have been levellea against the nature of the contemplated rules for I he American commercial-motor competition, an occasional correspondent of this journal has cornit tun Mated the under-mentioned suggestive additions —obviously as a piece of satire.
(1) That all trucks should be f ally loaded with their respective loads arid stand still without having their loads removed for at least one hour in the day.
(.2) Special towing ring should be fitted to front of frame to enable towing to be effected without, di mage.
(3) Auxiliary radiators should be carried to prevent. boiling. (4) All drivers should be equipped with springcontained gloves and spring trouser seats to prevent prostration through excessive vibration.
(5) To ensure the success of the truck, each con testant should be followed by a travelling repair i,tiop, drawn by horses, containing :--
(1) All parts of entire chassis. (2) Duplicate parts of No. 1.
ia) Triplicate parts of what No. 1 is lacking. (6) Pipe lines will be laid all along the route containing 7
(1) Gasoline under pressure. (2) Lubricating oil under pressure. (3) Water under pressure. (I) Beer under pressure (for use of contestants). () Further to guard against stoppages faucets will be placed every 50 yds. (8) Each contestant must. carry 52 yds. of piping to hitch up to neighbouring faucets in the event of three trucks being stalled at the same place. (9) No truck shall exceed in speed the gait of a (10) The object of a truck is to look pretty and to block traffic ; hence, large. beautifully-painted bodies will secure all the prizes. (11) No load will be permitted to be carried, except what is installed inside the driver.
(12) Good supplies of drivers' tools must. be carried, i.e., Sacks and jags, etc.