News of the Week
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HUNDREDS of' road transport engineers ale sending in their application forms for one or other of the grades of membership of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers. To enable this body to get into full action rapidly, it is essential that the secretary should receive the forms as quickly as possible. They may be obtained from the offices of the Institute-, 174, Palace Chambers, Bridge Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1.
PRIOR to 1939, the Waveney Co., Ltd., of Oulton Broad, Lowestoft., produced filie bodies for passenger.. vehicles, but the factory was closed when there was a dispersal of industry
to inland areas. The director and general manager, Mr. F. G. Betts, then went to Corniner Cars. Ltd., and was engaged in the production of armourod fighting vehicles, etc., MS other war service being first in the Royal Observer Corps at Lowestoft and then as a warden -A Luton.
He has now joined the board of Myers and Bowman, Ltd., motor, and agricultural engineers and coachbuilders, of Distington, Cumberland. With encouragement from the Board of Trade, this concern is hoping to pro mote the industrial development of West Cumberland by building a new coachbuilding factory, and hopes to commence full production of passenger and goods-vehicle bodywork within six months. The endeavour will be to make the name of "Cumberland Coachwork" the symbol for first-class products in the same way as was " Waveney " in -pre-war days.
REPLACEMENT SERVICE FOR LAYCOCK WASHING GUN A PART from now delivering its one gun, high-pressure, motor-vehicle washing plant, and Coronation electric lift, the Laycock Engineering Co., Ltd., Victoria Works, Millhouses, Sheffield, 8, has instituted a replacement service scheme for the Laycock washing gun as used with• its Niagara plant. This scheme avoids any delay which would otherwise occur in the repair of such guns returned to the maker. Now, immediately a'gun is sent for this purpose, a replacement is dispatched at a flat-rate charge of £2 15s. The exchange is operated by motor factors, through whom members of the trade should return the guns.
The latest in the " Hints to Business Men " series, issued by the Department of ,Overseas Trade, concerns Australia. It may be obtained from H.M. Stationery Office. DUNLOP RESULTS FOR 1944
DURING 1944, the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., made a net profit of £2,615,700, compared with £2,765,797
in the previous year. The directors have set aside £911,621 for E.P.T.., and a sum of £893,253 to income-tax reserve for the full estimated 1945-46 liability, less adjustments for previous years. A dividend of 8 per cent., less tax, on the ordinary shares is to be paid.
MR. MORRISON TO ADDRESS INSTITUTE OF EXPORT lkiTEMBERS of the Institute of 1V1 Export, Royal Empire Society Building, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C.2, will be addressed 1.-y' Mr. Herbert Morrison, Minister of Home Security, at a luncheon to be held at 12.30 p.m. on June 4 at the Connaught. Rooms, London, W.C. A limited number of tickets, at 12s. 6d. each, is obtainable from the secretary.
STILL more offers to send their copies to members of the Forces are solicited from our readers. Many then formerly engaged in the road-transport industry are unlikely to be back in their civilian work for a considerable period, and they arebecoming increasingly keen on receiving the journal which will keep them up to date in
road-transport matters, Names and addresses of the men concerned will be forwarded.
I_N the quarter ended March 31, 1945, !corn mercial Vehicles to the value of 4183,275 were exported from the United Kingdom, whilst in the same period the number of tractors exported (excluding those of the agricultural • type) had a value of £6,922. No cons: mercial-vehicle chassis were exported in this quarter.
• ,TORE than 100 members of the .LV1Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association have volunteered,as drivers, mechanics and assistants for food convoys in Europe, and 70 .lorries have been given by. contractors. There will be special rates of pay, but the men will work longer hours than usual.
DURING the past 12 months, the numerical strength of the Yorkshire section of the Institute of Transport has increased by 40, bringing the total to 446. In addition to the monthly lectures and discussions in Leeds, and those of the Hull centre, a Sheffield discussion group has been established under the Section's . auspices, Mr. W. Vane Morland, general manager and chief engineer of Leeds Passenger Transport Department, was. elected chairman, in succession to Mr, R. H. Hunt. Mr. H. Muscroft, general rt mtigrtrrne :ft , Viler fir R. PSairt717frir, district goods manager, L.N..c.R., Leeds, were elecTed to join Major P. S. Eastwood, ;NorthEad Regional Transport. Comanissiouer, in the viccehairniasiship. Mr. C. R. H. Wreathall, general manager, East YorkshFre Motor Services, Ltd. Hull, was re-elected hon. treasurer, andanirler re-election was that of Mr. IL Mann, assistant passenger. superintendent, Bradford Passenger Transport Department, as hon. secretary.
UNDER the auspices of the Road Haulage Association, a Yorkshire functional group for express carriers was formed, last week, at a meeting. in Leeds. Mr. W. W. Wood, of City Express Motors, Ltd., Bradford, was elected chairman, and the hon. secretary is Mr. E. 1. Boorman, of. Pickfords, Ltd., Leeds, Mr. Wood, who, before the merger under the Perry scheme, was chairman of the Yorkshire Committee of the National Conference of Express Carriers, is. also the group's representative on the R.H.A.'s West Riding Area Committee, The representatives to the express carriers' national functional -group are Mr. R. E. Britton, of Hull, and Mr. J. V. Green, of Film Transport Services, Ltd., Leeds.
,r-IN account of the financial year end ing July 31, 1945, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., has declared the, following interim dividends, less tax:1 per. cent. on the cumulative preference shares; n per cent. on the participating preferred ordinary shares; 5 per cent. on the ordinary shares,
ALL long-distance drivers of lorries, carrying loads to and from Glasgow docks are to be supplied with road maps, and main routes to the various docks are to be signposted and coloured in accordance with the instructions on the maps, so as to prevent delays. The Clyde Navigation Trust and Glasgow Corporation are to share the cost jointly.
D ATES stabilization and a code of
conduct for hauliers were referred to by Mr. R. E, Britton, chairman of R.H.A.'s Hull Area, when he spoke, last week, at a meeting under the auspices of 'the Association's Bridlington Sub-area. Mr. W. L. Dees, of Hull, presided.
Mr. .Britton, who was speaking on R.H.A.'s recommendations for the post-war licensing of operators, said it was felt that a short-term policy should precede a long-term policy, in view of the " settling down ." period which was fundamental to the transition from war-time conditions to a more or ilss normal peace-time, position in industry as a whole.
"We hope,' Mr. Britton added, " that during the .five years covered Ly the short-term policy there will come into operation not only a national rates structure but also a code of conduct, observance of which will be .a. condition of a haulier's licence. Such measures should go a long way to the prevention of unScrupulous methods in the industry."
AN A.B.C. OF OFFICIAL, ORDERS AND REGULATIONS, WE have received from the India VY Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., an advance copy of a publication called
A.B.C. for the C.V.U." It is an excellent endeavour to present to operators of road-transport vehicles a fully indexed collection of the numerais Orders and Regulations with which operators have to conform. As it is built up, on the loose-leaf principle, it can be amended or augmented from time to time; thus the volume will be always iup to date.
It is offered by the publisher to executives engaged in the road-transport industry and motor trade, to whom it should prove of great value.
(-IN the occasion of a well-attended X./meeting of the Birmingham Subarea of R.H.A., when Mr. K. G. Bouckley was in the chair, an instructive talk was given on the post-war tyre-distribution 'plan. The Area report was presented by Mr. L. J. Madden and the national delegates report by Mr. H. J. Bedworth; Mr. G. F. Goodwin gave the Area secretaries' report.
Kr, H. Merritt, of Transport Economy, Ltd., was appointed honorary secretary of the Birmingham Sub-area of 500 members, whilst Mr. Harold Gopsill was appointed Birmingham representative to the West Midland Area Functional Committee of Corporation and County Council Operators.
AFTER charging depreciation and .expenditure on air-raid precautions and making reserves for E.P.T. and deferred repairs, the income of Ransomes. Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., in 1944, amounted to £119,866, the profit coming out at .£43,116, after deducting interest on debenture stock, transfer to reserve for income tax, etc. The dividend on the preference shares, less tax, takes £5,500, and the staff pension reserve receives 215,000, Of the balance of £81,474, a dividend of 7i per cent. less tax, on the ordinary stock will absorb £18,756, leaving £62,724 to be carried forward.
PERMISSION to abolish id. fares on Leeds Corporation bus and-tram services has been granted by the M.O.W.T. As from June 1, lid: fares Irill be substituted. As no other increases have been sanctioned, the existing lid. and 2d. fares will be unchanged. In certain instances, schoolchildren will be able to travel more cheaply.
The fares revision has been authorized by a M.O.W.T. Order in the case of the trams, and by the Regional Commissioner, in the case of buses.
Because of losses on working, due to increases in costs, the corporation applied last year for permission to abolish. ld fares, to make other fare increases on A mileage 'basis, and to revise workmen's fares. The deficit on
the financial year ended March last was £45,000, although that on the current year is computed at £86,760.
It is estimated that the abolition of the id. fare, after allowing for ,a loss of revenue on schoolchildren's fares, will mean a revenue addition of £90,000 in-a full year.
ON May29, at 2.30 p.m., a general X.Imeeting of the Western Area of the Road Haulage Association will be held at the Grand Hotel, Bristol. The Area is holding a members' horse show and gymkhana on August 7 at Eastville Stadium, Bristol.
AMEETING of the Institute of Traffic Administiation is to be held at the Royal Hotel, Leicester, on May 30, at 6.30 p.m., when Mr. R. P. Bowyer, Area Road Haulage Officer in the Leicester area, will deal with the subject of " Receipt and Dispatch of Merchandise."
THERE is apparently a brisk demand 1 for farm tractors in Eire. The official returns for the three months ended March last show that no fewer than 303 such machines, valued at £48,328, were imported into the country during • that period, compared with only 21 units (Z3,266) in the corresponding quarter of 1944.
AFURTHER conference of. Durham local authorities has been held at Sunderland to consider bus services, and, as a result, another quest is being made to Sir John Makwell, the Northern Transport Commissioner, to reintroduce bus return fares costing 10d. or over. It is also intended to ask that the availability of 12-journey tickets be extended to 14 days, If representations 'to the Commissioner be unsuccessful, it is proposed to take the matter direct to the M.O.W.T.