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A FTER years of toil, great expenditure of life and limb and the facing of terrible dangers by the civilian population, the...
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.mproyements Made A LI:HOUGH the accompanyin the Life of Synthetic r - king details of a test carried Tyres out by the American...
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• Of many a man making plans about his post-war post. That some fear there may be a post-war-post war. That post-war industry...
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MEMBERSHIP OF THE 1.R.T.E. H UNDREDS of' road transport engineers ale sending in their application forms for one or other of...
road N.-land rail transport, from the, railway aspect, were given last week in an" address by Mr. H. M. Collings to members of...
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MR. DAV/13 JOHNSTouir, of Perth, has been appointed assistant general secretary of the Scottish Horse and Motormen's...
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Association and the National Association of Road Transport Groups, concerning relations between the two bodies, was mentioned...
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Fuel Costs, in an Interesting Conversion, Work out at is. per Acre. Advantages of Oil Fuel over Paraffin MITE accompanying...
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What Is This Rate-cutting? To One Man it is Reasonable and Fair Business Procedure : in His Competitor it is Scandalous:...
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Despite Many Attempts to Introduce Mechanical Torque Converters of the Infinitely Variable Type, the Gearbox, Giving Definite...
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L AST week, Lord Perry, K.B.E., LL.D., president of the National Road Transport Federation, was chairman at a luncheon to mark...
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Road Test No. 301 I T has been known for some time that Dennis Brothers, Ltd., of Guildford, had something new to offer the...
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Several New Features Embodied in a Machine of Greatly Improved Efficiency IN our issue for last week we made a Ibrief...
A CONCERN which has suffered ti ' heavily as the result of enemy action is Globe Auto Service, Ltd , Vicarage Road, Hampton...
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ADVANTAGES OF GROUPING LONG-DISTANCE HAULIERS DEFERRING to the article by Mr. E. B. Howes, IX" What Local Grouping Implies,"...
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N EWS has just been released that it was the' Comet — Britain's latest Tank—that formed the spearhead of the Allied' advance...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published. Copies May be Obtained from the Patent Office, Price...