eek of success or Scots show
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.ASGOW'S Scottish Motor ow, which closed on Satury, was one of the most sucssful ever — and now cornwcial vehicle manufacturers e saying that there should be commercials-only show in otland.
Despite a slight drop in atrulances, from 144,000 in 75 (the last show) to 142,000 is year, dealers have rerted that sales are up and mufacturers say that valule contacts for the future ye been made at the show. The Scottish Show has ways been biased towards e trade according to many hibitors and this year was different. A DAF spokesin told CM that the show d been very successful for e company with 16 sales at e show itself.
lie added that the company pected to sell at least 30 we vehicles during the next AT months as a direct result the show.
Leyland reported that it was ery satisfied" with the reIts that its stand had proced. The company had its w Marathon 2 making its )ut at the show.
k spokesman for the show ;anisers, the Scottish Motor ades Association, commted that the SIVITA was ary happy" with the show. think it was very interesting LI very successful. It looked though most of the hihibitors had spent more iney than ever before in Aucing a very attractive play," he said.
iticism 3ut many of the exhibitors ticised the lack of a pass-out item for customers taking t drives at Yorkhill Quay. e show was criticised for wging visitors a second ennee fee if they had left the 11 for a drive.
Exhibitors gave the SMTA a aquet for its organisation of event. "We thought it was 11 organised — and probably best yet," said one manu:Wren