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rRAIGHTFORWARD issue faces operators between now and January 1 t tachographs or confine your activities to 450km (281 miles) a...
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'HOCK and confusion said to be experienced by operators when they learned recently that their cope of activities would be...
CM's livery competition enters its third stage next month when entries close for Class C — Bulk Transport. This class is...
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.ASGOW'S Scottish Motor ow, which closed on Satury, was one of the most sucssful ever — and now cornwcial vehicle manufacturers...
SALES of new commercial vehicles in the United Kingdom during October were 19,606 which is a 16.1 per cent increase for the...
ALL ASPECTS of motorway service areas are to be probed by a Government-appointed committee. A report is expected by June 1978....
FREIGHTLINERS is to be transferred back from the control of the National Freight Corporation to British Rail, Transport...
THE BATTLE for Crane Fruehauf entered a new phase last week when t Fruehauf Corporation America raised its bid fa the 66 per...
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hat the decision had been nade on entirely uncommergrounds. Speaking immediately after ke had heard the Minister an'ounce his...
liked to believe, said Transport Minister Mr William Rodgers, when he emphasised in the Commons last week that heavy goods...
has meant that both the Truck and Bus and Special Products divisions now become separate companies within the Leyland...
FORGET for a moment compulsory ta graphs and unrealistic hours of work; Em has other nasties to offer. Draft Directive...
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Scottish Ambulance Service driver in Glasgow was dismissed when he refused to produce his riving licence for inspection at a...
THE PRACTICE of stacking steel coils in an upright position on flat-bedded lorries, and putting blocks of wood each side was...
WERE were no plans to :hange the existing system if issuing international road taulage permits, said Trans'oft Under Secretary...
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MAGISTRATES had a duty to prevent lorry drivers making false entries or failing to keep drivers records and from wor-' king...
Middle East ro-ro services to add Kuwait to the schedule of Gulf countries served by direct link services. The country will now...
Crisis measure A PETERBOROUGH mot company is bringing seve veteran fire engines includi a 1929 model out of retireme to help...
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DRIVER who gave in his tice after refusing alternve employment offered folving the sale of his vehicle his employer was held to...
make a new approach to Merseyside County Council on taking steps to redistribute heavy traffic going to and from the Blowick...
cutting COSTS for operators going to the Middle East could drop in the next few weeks as the value of the Turkish tire falls....
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DUMFRIES and Galloway regions are to fork out £600,000 in bus subsidies next year — a jump of £116,000 on their last bill. But...
by 30 per cent BUS FARES in Dundee may be increased from a maximum of 16p to 20p. The director of transport has been given the...
TRANSPORT Supplementary Grant to be paid to local authorities in England and Wales in 1978/79 is to be set at £275million. The...
week's psv special.. NEXT week's CM is our Passenger Transport special number. The Transport Users Consultative Committee is...
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id underground travellers, LS submitted a response to e Greater London Council's cent document — "London unsport — A New Look"....
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[N a report about energy losses in heavy commercial vehicles the Transport and Road Research Laboratory has concluded that the...
Save it A FUEL bunkering securi system, said to be low in co has been announced 1 Greenway Engineering of 2 Wallisdown Road,...
CHRYSLER has modified its Spanish-built Dodge Barreiros 300 Series tractive units in an effort to achieve greater reliability....
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competitions %TES for CM's 1978 livery competitions have been fixed. ley cover six classes and include most types of vehicles...
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Auntie Beeb has made a boob — an 8-ton boob to be precise. If, like me, you're an avid The World About Us viewer — it's on BBC...
'ear this week of yet another assive exercise. Already it has !en billed as the biggest road ieration between the West id...
Strange the things that happen behind the scenes in politics or in the dark corners of the corridors of power. Dealing and...
December 6 at the Park Hotel, Cardiff, should be a place worth visiting. Three officials from_the D of Tpt will meet the...
Funny things happen in Europe. They have discover* that by using recycled paper qor internal documents, the Commission has...
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'AMOCO Hawk doesn't want to worry about his age, Bird's-eye view (CM, Oct 28). I and almost 100 per cent of hgv drivers agree...
Having read your article Don't Overload the Company (CM, October 21), I would like to think it could be done about a large...
I fully agree with the Hawk (CM, October 28) about but drivers who think they own the road, and also with the reader (CM,...
misquotes our views. We did not state that the whole three year phasing period should be used for education rather than...
I am an hgv mechanic who works for a firm which runs 10 antic tippers. Last week I went on to the M1 at Leeds to fit a new rear...
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MINES I MT CONDUCTED a round table discussion last month on the ubject of 40 tonnes gvw. We brought together environmenMists;...
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-IE HIGH working temperares of the internal combustion igine, which are the main ason for its high efficiency, :ing at the same...
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IN BRIEF Price as tested: £21,868 Weight: 32.5 tonnes (32 tons) gcw Payload: 21 7 tonnes (21 tons 8cwt) Overall fuel...
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favourite for 40 tonnes NHAT WILL the 40-tonne-gvw limit nean in physical terms if the limit is . aised to this figure?...
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THE PARADOX about earning a living as a professional operator is that on the one hand the onus on personal service,...
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Business Finance and Taxation by Mervyn Andrews is published by Ronald Sewell and Associates Ltd at £2.50 to Sewell's Profit...
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if disabled rehicles by Les Oldridge, T.Eng(CEI), MIMI, AM IRTE I E MOST economical way of running a breakdown service to use...