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hat the decision had been nade on entirely uncommergrounds.
Speaking immediately after ke had heard the Minister an'ounce his decision in the :hamber, he said: "It is bound o increase the degree to vhich the rail system is lependent upon Government upport and it will redraw the tattle lines between road and ail," he said.
Mr Rodgers answered Sir )an when he told CM: "1 ertainlv hope it won't. I shall xpect Sir Daniel Pettit and the .IFC to continue to co-operate ery closely indeed on all mat?rs in the public interest."
Sir Dan said that he was speaking more in sorrow han in anger."
He added that the decision a move control of the cornany had been taken for ,asons which "clearly do not ?late to the way in which the ompany has been managed."
In a statement issued by he NFC, Sir Dan said that the 1FC understood the reasons )r the decision even though ley were not commercial.
Observers have commented 'tat the decision is clearly olitically motivated and some link that it may be to appease -ke rail unions over some less cceptable features of the ransport Bill that the minter hopes to introduce into arliament during the next News of the controversial ecision came as the minister ,as outlining some of the teasures that he would be intiding in the Transport Bill. he transfer should be done by ext July, said Mr Rodgers.
He said that he would ex ct Rail to be vigorous the management of the Dmpany and be ready to take any changes that were ,cessarv. He told the House tat it made sense to bring the rganisations of British Rail id Freightliners together. And this week British Rail :2,reed with the minister. "We -e happy with the decision,"