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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by ail diculies of transPort at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Business Motorcycle Outfits at the Commercial Show.
We have already drawn attention in our cohunns to the collective exhibit of commercial sidecar outfits to be made by the British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers' and Traders' Union, Ltd,, on the occasion of the Commercial Motor Exhibition, which opens at Olympia on November 17th. In connection with this display, we understand that a • range of the products of the following concerns will be shown :— Anal Works Ltd.; Bowden Brake Co., Ltd.; B.S.A. Cycles, Ltd.; Coventry Victor Motor Co., Ltd.; Dunford and Elliott (Sheffield), Ltd.; Enfield 'Cycle Co., Ltd.; Morgan Motor Co., Ltd.;
Engine and Cycle Co., Ltd-; Raleigh Cycle Co., Ltd.; Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd.; Watsonian Folding Sidecar Co., Ltd.; Zenith Motors, Ltd.
Sugar-beet Haulage.
"From Field to Factory "is the title of an informative publication which has been issued by the Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., of Shrewsbury, it being in the nature of a practical
treatise ' On sugarsbeet haulage. Although the sugar-beet industry is comparatively new in this country, 'here --would appear to be little question that it is likely to develop to a marked extent in the near future.
The Sentinel, publication refers to this fact and gives details of how the sugar beet is grown and the method by which it is removed from the farm to the factory. The haulage of sugar beet direct from the field to the factory shows promise of .remunerative develop ments. Sugar beet is comparatively fight, although bulky, and it, therefore, requires a large vehicle with deep sides in order that a reasonably paying load. may be dealt with.
The booklet shows that Super-Senti
nel steam wagons are being suc cessfully employed for the work. A type of loader which the company markets enables a wagon to be loaded with 41 tons of beet in about 10 minutes. The loader consists of an ordinary chain conveyor built on a light frame mounted od wheels and driven by a small steam engine. The engine which drives the loader draws its steam from She steam wagon, the connection oeing made by flexible piping.
Other -features of the loader and the work it will perform are referred to in the booklet, wherein the actual running costs for two Super-Sentinel wagons used by a contractor on sugar-beet haulage are given. The figures show that a net profit of £157 was made in a period of about 91 weeks, the net profit per ton being 2s. 5d.
Karrier's Profits.
Karrier Motors, Ltd., of Huddersfield, report a net profit of £18,278 for the year ended December 31st last. The result of the trading for the year reduces the debit balance brought in to £348,481, which is carried forward. It is stated that proposals are under consideration for the reconstruction of the capital of the company.
Regional Advisory Committees to Solve Transport Problems.
In the Teesside district, where strenuous efforts are being made to secure some adequate method of control over the growing volume of motor traffic, it has been decided to set up a regional advisory committee for the purpose of attempting to secure united action and uniform regulations with reference to motorbus and other problems. The conference, at which the committee was. formed, was called by the Eston Urban District Council, and was held at Eaton on October 18th: Representatives from Middlesbrough, Redear and Stockton Corporations were present, as well as from the Middlesbrough, Stokesley, South Bank and Saltburn district authorities.
The chairman, Councillor T. M. Scott, of Eston, said he was quite convinced that the Ministry of Transport was only awaiting . an indication that the regional committees were necessary before it took steps to give such com mittees the necessary status. • The meeting decided to set up an advisory committee with two representatives from each authority. The committee will cover a wide area in North Yorkshire and South Durham, and has been given power to seek the assistance of competent motor engineers and of the various hackney carriage inspectors in the area.
The Train and Bus Situation at . Stoke-on-Trent.
Stoke-or.-Trent Corporation and the Potteries Electric Traction Co., Ltd., . have discussed with Sir Henry Maybury and Mr. R. Tollerton of the Ministry of Transport the proposal that the tramways services should be abandoned and a number of permits to run motorbuses should be issued to the company. The tramway company intimated that it would be prepared to abandon the tram-way services subject to seventythree additional permits to run buses over tramway routes being granted whenthe tram services were abandoned. The corporation suggested that the number of additional permits should be limited to thirty. Sir Henry Maybury suggested that the parties should agree upon fifty new bus permits.
The conference agreed that the :2ompany shah take the necessary steps to .abandon all tramways at the earliest possible date, that the corporation shall grant fifty additional bus permits, and that the allocation of the additional permits to definite routes shall be'agreed between the . company and the watch committee, or, in default, shall be settled by the Ministry of Transport.
Lighting On Public-service Vehicles.
C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., Acton, London, W.3, 'has just issued an interesting booklet dealing with 'its compensated voltage control system in connection with the electrical equipment of various types pf .commercial vehicle, and jerticularly those employed for public service. Abrief description of the system is given and its chief features outlined. Reo Progress.
Mr. R. G. Hudson, who is the export manager of the Reo Motor Car Co, of Lansing, Michigan, presided last week at a luncheon in London given to the agents of Harris and Haft11, Ltd„ which is the sole concessionnaire in Great Britain for Reo motorcars, the Reo Speed Wagon and motor coach. Mr. Hudson's speech und those of the director of Harris and EaseII, Ltd., all breathed progress and the successful development of the business in this country.
Mr. Hudson's remarks were particularly interesting, and he stated that they were producing for "the_ forthcoming year a 1-ton Speed Wagon, in which great attention had been paid to the comfort of the driver-salesman. A man of this type wishes to be laken more for a salesman than for a chauffeur, and he desires speed in his vehicle and a degree or comfort which will enable him to completehis day's work without fatigue.
The Reo Sprinter designed for 35ewt. loads is to be lower and longer, have more power and be better sprung.
The Reo Pullman, which has been a very successful vehicle in this country, has been modified to embody the experieuees gained in working over here during the past year. The Rea Pullman Junior isa new model specially designed for bus work, whilst the Reo Major has been strengthened for 3-ton loads, whereas formerly it was described as a 21-tonner. A new model is the Reo Major Two, a 2-tonner, which is only subject to an annual tax of /26. Fun particulars of these models will, of course, appear in our Show Numbers.
An Advance in Cellulose Finishes.
Of recent years, the finishing of bodies by the use of nitro-cellulose materials has received considerable attention from builders of bodies for passenger-carrying vehicles and, as a result of fresh developments and improvements in the results obtainable from its employment, this method is gaining in popularity.
Prominent amongst manufacturers of cellulose paints is Messrs. Docker Brothers, Metropolitan Road, Saltley, Birmingham, and we were recently afforded an opportunity for inspecting a body which is finished with their cellulose materials, at the well-appointed and spacious body-building works of Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Ipswich. The body in question is on one of the three electric Ransomes trolley-buses which have been built to the order of the Corporation of Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa.
Judging from this example, it may certainly be said that a really fine surface can be obtained by using o. the Cellusol method. An exceptional gloss was particularly noticeable, and much of the interior woodwork of the vehicle, including the roof lining, had been treated with transparent Cellusol, which gave it the appearance of having been well
French-polished. Incidentally, it was stated that a considerable saving in time and labour result from the use of this special wood finish.
It was claimed that the employment of this process had, on this particular job, saved three days' labour out of fourteen, which is a factor of much importance, especially as the body was of comparatively large size.
It is also claimed that the Cent/sea materials are very durable and that renovation can easily be made should scratches, or other damage, occur. Although lining and lettering by this method has been found somewhat difficult to carry out, the usual processes, incorporating hand-painting, the use of transfers, etc., can be satisfactorily employed over the Cellusol paint.
Finally, although the installation of the necessary spraying plant for the application of Cellusol will naturally involve some expense, this should be more than counterbalanced by the time saved in its employment. Easy cleaning is another advantage which the makers claim for Cellusol finishes,
Highways Work in Sheffield.
The report of the highways and sewerage committee of the City of Sheffield for the year ended March 31st last shows that the gross expenditure of the city surveyor's department was 1529,832, this figure being an increase of 19,003 on that for the previous year The highways repairable by the department during the year had a mileage of 398.73, and unadopted roads of 103.13 miles. The increased mileage of roads which has been dealt with during the year was accounted for by the construction of roads on new housing estates.
The gross cost of highway construction and maintenance was £97,779, the cost per mile amounting to 1245, which correspondsapproximately with the average for the five pre-war years, since
when traffic has increased enormously.
So far as street cleansing is concerned, £51,873 was expended during the year covered by the report, this being at the rate of 1130 per mile of street dealt with.
It is interesting to learn that the cost of street cleansing in Sheffield is. /106 per 1,000 of the population, as against an average of £125 per 1,000 of the ,population as revealed by statistics prepared by the Ministry of Health showing the cost of street cleansing in seventy-six of the largest towns during the year 1925-1920.
The department has eight vacuum gully cleansers in use, and at present they deal with betWeen 8,000 and 0,000 gullies per week.
A Corporation's Bus Purchase.
We learn that, as from Thursday of last week, the Sheffield Corporation has taken over the daily motorbus services operated by A. F. Hancock, Ltd., of Bamford. The routes which are served include those between the city and Buxton, Castleton and Ashopton.
The Crompton Medal Winner.
The Crompton Medal of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, -which is awarded annually for the best paper read befnre the Institution during the season, has been awarded for the session 1P26-1927 td Mr. H. R. Ricardo for his paper entitled " Some Notes on Petrol-engine Development." Small Bus Owners Combine.
Private motorbus owners in the Blyth diStrict have just reached a useful working arrangement which will enable them to provide more regular services over a large area in the eastern portion of Northumberland. Ten small undertakings, which previously worked along competitive lines, have now combined ..in an organization known. as the Blyth and District Associated Motor Services. All services will be run to inter-connecting time-tables, and a scheme is being drawn up for the interchange of return tickets. The owners run services to Whitley Bay, Newcastle, North Shields,
,Ashington. Bedlington •and other
centres, avd under the new arrangement services of greater frequency will be given. The officials of the Association are : Mr. Robert White, chairman; Mr. ,T. Redpath, secretary; and Mr. H. Crate, treasurer.
Buses Open Up New Areas.
Many areas unserved by train are being opened up by the buses run from Dublin to Galway by the Shove Bloom line. Associated Daimler vehicles are being used on the route, which includes 33irr and other towns of moderate commercial and farming importance. • A long-distance service from 'Dublin to Waterford has been started by Mr. II.
V. Earl, of Pitown, who owns the Countess line. The service takes in Kilkenny. and Carlow. Mr. T. Nolan, of Callan, has commenced a service which meets the trains at Kilkenny and proceeds to Callan.
Nottingham's Suburban Bus Traffic.
An arrangement having been concluded between the Nottingham Corporation and the West Bridgford Urban District Council for an interchange of bus traffic between the city and its chief residential suburban area, it was complained, at the last meeting of the latter body, that, whilst it was ready to begin operations at once, the city municipal authorities had been dilatory in regard
to the matter,' and that it would, be at least two months before the service would be available. It was .explained that the corporation had still under consideration the best type of vehicle for the service, which is calculated to revolutionize existing arrangements. Meanwhile, £5,000 it being expended by th.) Bridgford authority upon the purchase of four new Vehicles.
A Canadian Steam Bus.
Considerable interest ia just now being evoked in America and Canada by a new steam bus which has recently been introduced by the Brooks Steant Motors, Ltd., of Stratford, Ont. October 25, 1927. " Papers Before the I.A.E.
A joint meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers and the Royal Aeronautical Society will be held on November 3rd at the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, London, W.C.2, at 7.45 p.m., when Mr. H. B. Taylor
read a paper entitled "High-speed Compression-ignition Engine Research."
A paper which will be of particular interest to our readers is that entitled "Military Transport Vehicles—Recent Developments and Their Commercial Significance,' which will be read by' Captain C. H. Kuhne, D.S.O., before a joint meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers and the Institute of Transport on November 22nd.
Continental IndustrialiTrucks.
With reference to the description of the Lizard electric industrial truck, which appeared in our issue dated October 4th last, in the course of which the remark was. made that, " whilst quite a number of such vehicles is manufactured in this country and America, we have not seen many hailing from the Continent," a correspondent, who has recently returned from a visit to Germany, reports that all the leading electrical engineering concerns in that country, ,including the Angemeine Electricitats Gesellschaft (A.E.G.), the Siemens Co. and the Hansa Lloyd Co. are now building such vehicles. Moreover, he reports that the use of such vehicles in Germany is not confined to the interiors of factories, but that they are now being used by various municipal and public-utility undertakings as the bases of such machines as streetwatering vehicles, tower wagons, etc.
Canal Bridges in the Midlands.
Notices have recently been posted on many of , the canal bridges in the Midlands to the effect that the bridges are not structurally safe for bearing heavy, traffic, and complaints have beep made both to local chambers. of commerce and to the Ministry of Transport that4a serious interference with trade haebeen caused by the restrictions now imposed.
The Midland Association of Local Authorities has now taken up the problem and has formulated proposals under which the canal bridges might be taken over on an equitable basis by the highway authorities, or, alternatively, providing for necessaryalterations and extensions.
Battery Developments.
At the recent lunch held by the Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., before the opening of the Motor Show, the chairman indicated that there was little to relate regarding new developmeats' in connection with battery construction. He said that the merits of present-day batteries are due to the toilful development which takes place day in and day out in the:laboratories and test rooms of established battery makers.
Insisting Upon insurance.
Lanark County Council has decided that all applications for motorbus lieences must be accompanied by guarantees which show that a minimum insurance of £1,000 has been taken out in respect of any one accident in which a vehicle may be involved. .
Bus Problems at Huddersfield.
On Thursday of last week a representative of the Ministry of Transport conducted an inquiry at Huddersfield concerning the question of a through bus service between Huddersfield and Bradford. About a year ago, the Huddersfield Corporation sought permission from the Ministry to run a service from -Huddersfield into the centre of Bradford: This application was refused, largely as the result of the opposition of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co., which indicated that the travelling facilities between the two places were adequate. The Huddersfield Corporation renewed its application quite recently, and the result of the inquiry has not yet been made known.
In . the meantime, private bus companies have endeavoured to institute a service, but the Huddersfield Watch Committee has refused to grant licences to ply for hire in the county borough. Joseph Hanson and Sons, Ltd., recently appealed to the Ministry against the Huddersfield Corporation's decision to withhold licences,' but its appeal was disallowed. The Huddersfield authority has also refused applications from several othei4 companies, and these lodged the appeals with the Ministry which formed the subject of the inquiry being held at the time we closed for press.
Lorry Manufacture in Poland.
The first three 2-ton lorries to be entirely built in Poland have lately been completed in tho new factory which has been established by the ursus Co., near Warsaw. It is stated that the works have a capacity of 50 vehicles per month and that the Polish Ministry of War hes placed a contract with the company for the supply of 100 vehicles.
A Paper by An American Visitor. In connection with the visit of the members of the Society of Automotive Engineers of New York to this country to participate in the World Motor Transport Congress, a special meeting is being organized by the Institution of Automobile Engineers on
November 23rd at which the visitors will be present and when Mr. U. L. Horning, of
the Society, will read a paper
entitled "The Trend of Design in Trucks and Motor Coaches for Fleet Operation." The meeting will be held at the headquarters of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, London, S.W.1.
A New Dublin Bus Company. The Contemptible Bus Co., Ltd., a private company with a nominal capital of £6,000, divided into 6,000
shares of a each, has been registered in Dublin. One of the directors, Mrs. Kathleen Gilbert, was the owner of the Contemptible line of buses, one of the regular services operated in the Irish Free State.
Municipal Bus Co-operation.
The managers of the tramways undertakings of the corporations of Bury and RawtenStall and the district Council of Ramsbottom are preparing a scheme which has as its object the co-ordination of the motorbus services operating in the three towns. The managers are collaborating, as the result of a conference held recently between the commit, -"/ tees of the three authori ties, and after they have met a report is to be submitted to each com mittee. •
A Lorry for Many Uses.
We reproduce on this page an illustration of a type of vehicle which Dennis Bros., Ltd., of Guildford, markets for the special use of farmers, stockbreeders, market gardeners and others who require a general-purpose lorry. The chassis is the maker's standard 30-cwt. model, shod with 34-in. by 7-in, pneumatic tyres. both front and rear, a spare wheel and tyre also__ being carried as part of the equipment. A mechanical tyre pump is provided, this being powerdriven from the gearbox.
The body is 9 ft. 6 ins, long and 6 ft. wide, and. its solid sides, which are 13 ins: high, are bath hinged and detachable. Lattice extensions, which increase the height. to 2 ,ft. 6 ins.,. can be fitted to the sides. The. solid tailboard, which is alsohinged and detachable, reaches to the level of the top of the side extensions.
At the top of the rear of the cab is a socket into which the sheet. rail fits, being 'held there by a pin. The rear end of the rail is similarly attached to
short removable post which -projects vertically from the tailboard. As our illustration Shows, the provision of the sheet ,serves to protect the load from damage by rain, whilst the lattipe. sides give sufficient ventilation when livestock is being carried. The vehicle has been purchased by. Messrs. M. T. Merchant, of Dorchester.
Buses Displace Trains.
During the winter months, the passenger trains on the West Clare Branch of the Great Southern Railways (Ireland) are to be replaced by buses, each of which will be capable of carrying about 30 people.
A Municipality's Appreciation.
Having made a profit of 1528 in the past quarter on the sea-wall motorbus service. the Lowestoft Corporation has voted £25 to the general manager and £20 fee distribution amongst the five mechanic-drivers.
An Irish Agency.
The agency for Gilford safety coaches in the Irish Free State has been taken over by W. P. Poole mid Co., Ltd., Middle Abbey Street, Dublin.
Buses Beneat Tradesmen.
The Monmouth Town Council has testified to the fact that the increased bus services now centred on the town have had a beneficial effect on the town's trade. A greater number of people is said to shop in the town largely as a result of the bus facilities which are available to and from rural centres.
It has been decided that, in future, buses and other passenger-carrying vehicles bringing people to the weekly markets must stop in Monnow Street to discharge passengers.
A New Sawing Machine.
Edward G. Herbert, Ltd., Atlas Works, Chapel Street, Levenshulme, Manchester, has brought out a new sawing machine known as the Itspidor which, it is said, will give the maximum output possible with any high-speed steel saw-blade. This machine can be run at 200 strokes a minute—that is.
200 ft. per minute cutting speed—and when run, at this rate it will cut a mild steel bar of 3 ins, diameter in an average time of 3 minutes 20 seconds per Cut.
In designing the new machine the makers have kept in mind the need for quick operation. The saw-blade is strained by turning a handle in a fraction of the time taken with a spanner. A patent tension indicator shows when the blade is correctly strained. All operations are controlled from one position at the front of the machine, from which all working adjustments are also made. The machine is made in two siLes and is arranged for single-speed belt-drive, three-speed belt-drive, singlespeed motor-drive, three-speed motor
• drive, and variable-speed d.c. motordrive. The motor-driven machines are provided with speed-reducing -gearing. If a portable outfit is required, the motor can he bolted to the body of the machine. , Road Vehicle Prosecutions.
Replying to a question in the Northern Ireland Parliament, Six Dawson Bates, Minister of Home Affairs, said that, under the various motor omnibus and road vehicles Acts, there were between January 1st last and September 30th 568 police prosecutions against owners, resulting in the imposition of penalties (including costs) amounting to £644 18s. Id. The police prosecutions • against employees numbered 1,854, and the penalties, including costs, were £1,790 15s. In addition, he was informed that 423 prosecutions had been instituted by the Belfast Corporation during the period for infringenient of its • by-laws, and that the penalties amounted to £263 14s. 6d.
Assembling Fords in London.
As is generally well known, the Ford Motor Co. (England), Ltd., is at present busily engaged on plans for marketing the new Ford chassis in this country. A strong demand, however, is still being experienced in certain dimetions for the present models, and in this connection W. Harold Perry, Ltd., Invicta Works, Pinchley, London, N.12, informs us that it is now assembling chassis from a stock of spares which it holds. A picture on this page shows a Ford ton chassis in course of erection at its works. The company tells us that it hopes to be able to assemble one vehicle per day until the Ford works is again in active production.
More Guy Buses for Southampton. Southampton Corporation has just placed an order with Guy Motors, Ltd., for 26-seater buses, this being the fifth repeat order which this municipal authority has placed with the company. When the new machines are delivered the corporation will possess a fleet of 14 Guy vehicles.
Contributor's Address Wanted.
Will G. 0. Lowe, late of 127, Lees Street, Higher Openshaw, Manchester, kindly let us know his new address?