What Tyre Makers are Doing
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for Commercial-motor Operators
Steady Progress a Feature of Present-day Development in Equipment for Goods and Passenger Vehicles A Brief Survey of Tyre Advances, Some of the Characteristics of Leading Makes Being Given
BY reason of the attention which is constantly focused on the mechanical development of the commercial-vehicle chassis, and the interest which technical advances quite naturally arouse, one is sometimes apt to overlook, or, at least, disregard, the important part played by auxiliary eq iipment. In this connection, it may ri. A be generally appreciated that the progressive efforts of tyre manufactuitrs have done much to increase the all-round efficiency of the motor vehicle, both so far as its operation and maintenance are concerned.
There have, in the past few years, been a few high spots in tyre progress, hut, in the main, developments have proceeded along clearly defined channels. Is it not proof of the high state of perfection which has been reached that little spectacular achievement, at least in the matter of the finished product, has to be recorded? Manufacturing methods, however, have not stood still, and improvements under this head, coupled with the availability of more reliable and durable raw materials and their improved practical application, have resulted in many benefits being passed on to transport operators.
Apart from their efforts to provide
.r..5=I efficient equipment for passenger and goods vehicles running on ordinary road surfaces, tyre makers have also made special investigation of the problems that arise when vehicles have to tackle cross-country journeys— equipment provided for certain types of military vehicle is a good example—or when they'work in unusually aaduous circumstances.
Sometimes, when such conditions are encountered, it is necessary to call upon the aid of special equipment in order to secure the necessary traction, but ultra low-pressure tyres and carefully planned tread designs have reduced this need to a marked extent.
The pneumatic tyre of to-day has a more abrasion-resisting tread, is more perfectly balanced, has a stronger bead construction, more heavily reinforced side walls, and is better able to resist internal disruptive forces than ever before. The last-named difficulty has always presented a big problem, as it has often been found that a tyre was worn out owing to the internal friction and heat set up, almost as much as by stresses of external origin.
Tyre makers have shown much initiative in perfecting equipment for small rim diameters, which has contri buted to the growing use of -Mee lowloading vehicle. They have also cooperated with wheel makers to reduce weight to scientific limits and this has often resulted in a saving in unladen weight, with the concomitant advantage of lower taxation.
The increasing use of low-pressure equipment is one of the major developments of recent years, and it has undoubtedly brought useful advantages in its train. It provides more comfortable travel on passenger vehicles and, so far as goods vehicles are concerned, offers better protection for fragile loads, permits faster and safer average speeds, and assists in the reduction of chassis maintenance overheads.
All those makers, the names of which appear in the list at the end of this article, have contributed to the progress which has been' made. Naturally enough, those concerns with the largest resources and most extensive manufacturing facilities at their command have taken the most prominent part.
The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., numbers amongst its products a range of heavy-duty tyres. A special tyre produced by this concern is the DuoTread giant, which is unique in that it has two treads. the second giving added cushioning properties to the first tread. When the first tread is worn, cooling grooves formed by holes on each side provide the design for the second tread, which possesses nonskid properties.
The Bergougnan Tyre Co., Ltd., entered the pneumatic-tyre field in this country about four years ago. It makes a full range of giant tyres of both high and low-pressure varieties.
The British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., claims that three unique constructional improvements are incorporated in its range of B.T.R. reinforced tyres, The Davies Tyre Co., Ltd., sells its giant tyres under the name of Classic. These have two layers of shock-absorbi rig cord fabric and, dependent upon size, from 3.0 to 14 plies of rubber-impregnated cord.
The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd„ has always been in the forefront of tyre development, and machinery and processes developed by the company have been responsible for many of the improvements incorporated in present-day equipment. Dunlop " 90" giant pneumatic tyres are available in highpressure and low-pressure types. The latest models have longer life and better non-skid properties, and the new tread design resists side slipping and retains its efficiency until worn smooth.
The company's range includes tyres for every type of vehicle. At one end of the scale are low-loading tyres as small as 18 x 7, with a maximum load of 12 cwt., and at the other is the 15.00-20, which is capable of carrying over 41 tons per tyre. The Dunlop Freighter provides a useful and general. utility tyre in he popular size of 32 x 6.
Where severe conditions, such as snow, ice and soft and muddy ground call for special equipment, the Dunlop Trakgrip tyre is available. The deep, sharp bars of the tread bite into soft surfaces and are designed to be selfcleaning.
The latest high-speed tyres produced by the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., give more dependable service, greater safety and lower operating costs. More rubber in contact with the road, flatter treads, larger non-skid units, and deeper, heavy rugged side walls all contribute to long non-skid mileage, whilst it is claimed that the company's special process of gum-dipping the high-stretch cords gives greater protection against bursts at sustained high speeds under heavy load. An important introduction is the Ground-Grip tyre for light vehicles operating under difficult conditions.
Three all-weather giant pneumatic tyres, produced by the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd.„ which call for mention are the full, type H and grooved. The first-named is claimed to be particularly suitable where trouble is experienced with heat bursts. . Its broken-up diamond-tread pattern cushions road shocks and ensures cool running. The type H is similar in its _tractive and non-skid qualities, but its tread blocks are braced and supplemented by submerged ribs. The grooved tyre has circum
ferential ribs and diamond shoulder blocks.
Although the range of Vanguard tyres produced by Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., remains unaltered in outward appearance, improvements in many important details have been embodied.
The design and construction of all types and sizes of giant tyre have been perfected by the India Tyre and Rubher Co., Ltd., to enable the equipment to withstand the new conditions brought about by changes in chassis design. New types have been developed, especially the India Super Traction class, for use in heavy mud or deep snow, whilst progress has been made with the Q-type tyre, which is designed to resist cuts in the tread caused by stones and flints.
For more than 30 years, Pirelli, Ltd., has been engaged in the manufacture of tyres. The company has developed its present range of Carriload giants in both high-pressure and low-pressure types.
Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd.. Melksham. Bergougnan Tyre Co., Ltd., 95-100, White Lion Street, -London, N.1, British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Thames House. Milbank, London, S.W.1. Davies Tyre Co. Lld., Davies Works, The Hyde, London, N.W.4. Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Port Dunlop. Birmingham. Englebert Tyres. Ltd., 162, Great Portland Street, London, W.1. Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.. Great West Road, Brentiord. Middlesex. Fortifex, Ltd., Clementhorpe Works, York. Goodyear 'Pyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain). Ltd.. Wolverhampton. Henley's Tye and .Rubber Ltd., 20-22, Christopher Street, London, E.C.2. India Tyro and Rubber Co., Ltd:, Inchinnart, Scotland. Michelin Tyre Co.,' Ltd.. -Stoke-onTrent North British Rubber Co,. Ltd., Castle Mills, Edinburgh. Palmer Tyre, Ltd„ Thames House, Millbank, London, S.W.1. Pirelli. Ltd., Derby, Trowbridge Tyre and Rubber CO, (1966), Ltd., Trowbridge House, Vandon Street, London. S.W.1.