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The Stability Of Public-service Vehicles
O NE of the requirements of the Public Service Vehicles (Condition of Fitness) Regulations, 1936, which will came into force on October 1, concerns the stability of single-deck......
Proper Statistics Would Show Road Transport In A Better...
A LACK of suitable statistical information is, in the opinion of Mr. W. A. Winson, chairman of S.P.D., Ltd., creating a grave injustice to the haulage industry. He suggests that......
Help Drivers To Find Their Way In Towns
A PARTICULARLY interesting point raised in the paper read by Mr. W. H. Gaunt before the National Transport Conference on Wednesday was the hindering of the work of delivery,......
Passing Comments
A Radius Extension to 1111111 OAD transport deals with Carry Loads of such a vast variety of loads Swarming Bees . . . that something of interest is always cropping up in the......