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Forecast of Power-farming and Vehicle Exhibits to be Found in the Implement Section of the Bristol Exhibition, from June 30 Until July 4
THE 95th annual exhibition of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 16, Bedford Square, London, _W.C.1, will be held at Bristol from June 30-July 4. On the first day the opening hours are 8 a.m.-8 p.m., and on the remaining days, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. The implement section will be open daily from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m., except on July 4, when the closing hour is 5 p.m. Prices of admission are as follow :—June 30, 5s. ; July 1, up to 2 p.m.,
5s., thereafter 3s.; July 2, 3s. ; July 3, 2s. 6d.; July 4, is. Books of tickets may be obtained for £1 each, or season tickets at 12s. 6d. each.
The implement section is thoroughly representative of modern power-farming appliances and includes the products of a number of well-known commercial-vehicle makers. A forecast of the exhibits Ejfl this section appears on this and , following pages, in stand-to-stand order.
CURTIS. Stand 28 BREEDERS and specialist hauliers should make a note to visit the stand of the National Motor Horsebox Co., Ltd-, where two Curtis patent horseboxes will be on view, both incorporating Bedford 2-ton chassis.
In the three-horse box the stalls are staggered, two horses facing the rear and one forward. The groom's compartment at the head of each outer horse is accessible through a door on each side. The partitions can be instantly removed. The other horsebox is designed for two animals, and has a comfortable compartment for two grooms.
The fitting of the Curtis patent spring lifter enables the ramp easily to be handled by one person.
DUNLOP. Stand 78
A GRICULTURISTS will be particurt larly interested in the new pneumatic-tyre equipment produced by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., for power binders. The tyres can be used not only for power-operated machines, but also on other implements. For instance, the main carrying wheel of a pneumatic-equipped tractor binder is interchangeable with that of a'
farm cart with Dunlop equipment.
Among the display of pneumatics for various purposes will be found • a range of equipment for agricultural tractors.
SLINGSBY. Stand 83 ELECTRIC and petrol engined LA trucks will figure among a wide variety of exhibits on the stand of Messrs. H. C. Slingsby.
AUTO-MOWER. Stand 85
DOWERED by Ford V-S engines, two 1 tractors, suitable for tree-hauling and other work, will be seen on the stand of the Auto-Mower 'Engineering Co., Ltd. Both models provide eight forward and two reverse speeds for travelling,' and four forward and one reVerse speed On the winding drum.
The H type has a I2-in, diameter drum, with a capacity of 100 yds. of fin. cable.
Dunlop Trak-Grip 38-in. by 7-1n. tyres are fitted all round, with twins at the rear.
INDIA. Stand 92
IN view of the wide experience of the India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., in catering for the tyre needs of farmers, this stand should be well worth a visit. On it will be seen a complete range of pneumatics for farm use, whilst further interest will be lent by vehicle exhibits, demonstrating the value of pneumatic equipment for agricultural appliances.
BENNETT (ALLIS-CHALMERS). Stand 100 TN addition to the maker's own exhibits; Messrs. I. A. Bennett will also show Allis-Chalmers tractors, one being a pneumatic-tyred model' and the other having steel wheels.
FOUR new models Will be seen for the first time on the stand of the Allis-Chalmers • Manufacturing Co., where 10 machines ' in all will be on view. Three of the . new types • are wheeled tractors. One has ..a single front wheel and pneumatic equipment all round. -Another pneumatic-tyred model will have a wide , front track, this _being a feature of the other wheeled .agrimotor,..which, in this case, will have steel equipment. The other new exhibit will be a " full-view" mower for Use in cortinnetion with WC-type tractor.
. One of the two track-laying. tractors to be seen will be adapted for the-consumption of paraffin, whilst the other
will be an oiler. Two U-model wheeled agrimotors will be on view, one having pneumatic tyres and the other steel wheels. An interesting. feature of the display will be the All Crop Harvester.
CAA NEW departure in the track-layingtractor market will he represented by the small Caterpillar oil-engined model to be shown, among other types, by H. Leverton and Co.
In addition, there will be a range of Caterpillar tractors, with auxiliary
equipment and implements. Works contractors and others will, no doubt, wish to inspect the heavy machinery for levelling land and moving earth.
LANZ. Stand 103
FIVE models of improved Bulldog oilengined tractor will be available on the stand of the Lanz Tractor. Co., Ltd., one being a C-type 44 h.p. machine for contractors. The 24 h.p.. L type will be mounted on pneumatics, whilst spade lugs will be attached to the model N 35 h.p. and model P 44 h.p.. tractors. The other agrimotor will be a 44 h.p. track-layer.
VARIOUS attractive features are incorporated in the handy little hp. tractor, to be exhibited by British Holder Tractor, Ltd. The engine is of the two-stroke type and is cooled by turbo fan. The handlebars. are instantly' adjustable for height and sideways movement, without the use of tools. Independent clutches are fitted to the two wheels to facilitate turning,.
BRISTOL, Stand 105 THE successful track-laying tractor, which incorpealtes a jowett twincylindered engine, will help to uphold British prestige in the agriniotor market. The machine, which is manufactured by Bristol Tractors, Ltd., is 44 ins, high overall and 36 ins; wide over the tracks, the overall length to the front of the engine being 87 ins, The area of track in contact with the ground is 504 sq. ins., and the low weight of 21 cwt. (without driver or fuel) reduces the ground pressure to 4/ lb, per sq. in. A drawbar pull of • 2,000 lb. is afforded on first gear at a speedof 1.66 m.p.h.
DODGE. Stand 106
THIS popular make of .vehicle will be shown in five models by Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd, The smallest will be a 15-cwt. van priced at £215 and having a 19.8 h.p. engine developing 70 b.h.p. The 30-cwt. model will be seen as a box-container van, the price in this form being £285. This type embodies a 25.25 h.p six-cylin.
dered engine a class of power unit which is used also in the 2-ton, 3-ton and 4-ton, examples to be shown.
The 2-tonner will be exhibited as a tipper and the 3-tonner as a platform lorry, the 4-tonner also being seen in lorry form.
BEDFORD. Stand 107
AS the local representative of Vauxhallhall Motors, Ltd., Welch and Co., Ltd., is to show eight Bedford vehicles, including 2-ton and 3-ton cattle trucks, A handy vehicle for the farmer . is the 2-ton general-purpose utility, lorry, costing £290. Other vehicles will be an 8-cwt. van, a 30cwt. boxvan, a 3-ton hydraulic tipper and a 3-ton long-wheelbase lorry.
COWER. Stand 108
As official distributor for Bristol and district, Cathedral Garage, Ltd., will show a fine range of 10 Commer vehicles, the smallest being the 8-cwt.' model and the largest the /45-type 4-5-ton 30 m.p.h. lorry.
Of special moment is the new 8-cwt. tender, built for general-utility work on farms and estates. Seating is provided for six persons, including the driver, whilst the seats ean be folded 946 in to the floor to provide an uninterrupted loading space of 20 sq. ft.
Farmers and hauliers should inspect the forward-control N4-type six-cylinder cattle truck, with a double-deck body by Messrs, W. J. Bence, of Bristol. The other exhibits will comprise Various types of van and lorry.
E .R .F. Stand 109
FOUR models of this popular make of vehicle, ranging from a 4-tanner to a 15-tonner, will be shown by E.R,F., Ltd, The 0.E. 1 type to he seen will have a Gardner 4LK oil engine and streamlined saloon cab. The machine has been built to the order of Southern Roadways, Ltd. •
Messrs. Knee Bros. (Bristol) are the purchasers of the 2C,I.4-type 7/-tonner which is to be shown with a streamlined cab and a hinged-sided body 17 ft. 6 ins, long and 6 ft. 9 ins. wide.
The C,I.5-type, having a Gardner 5LW oil engine, is suitable for trailer work, and in this form provides a total pay-load capacity of 13 tons. The big 15-ton eight-wheeler has a Gardner 6LW oil engine and will be shown with hydraulic tipping gear and a body r18 ft. long.
MORRIS-COMMERCIAL Stand 111 Pl A LARGE display is always staged
at the " Royal " by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and this year's collection of eight models will well maintain the standard.
The 2-ton six-cylinder long-wheelbase ward-control 1-tonner, the latter having a body space of 262 cubic ft.
The 30-cwt. model will be shown as a forward-control van and as an end-tipping lorry. The Leader 4-ton six-cylinder tipper will appear in company with a 2-ton four-cylinder longwheelbase lorry and a 3-tanner.
REOStand 112
SIX examples of the Reo range of vehicles will be shown by the local distributor for this popular make—Mr. S. Seward.. Two 3i-tonners, both with forward control, will be on 'view, the first being equipped with a cattle-truck bOtly, and the second having a dropsidedlorry body. The 214on model is to be represented by a 1,000 cubic ft. van, with forward control, and a tipping lorry. The exhibit will be completed by a 2-ton tipper and a 2-ton drop-sided lorry.
AUSTIN. Stand 113 THE needs of those requiring the / lighter types of vehicle will be met by Henlys, Ltd., which is to show four Austin vehicles, varying from 5-cwt.
to 10-cwt. ea,pacity, There will be three vans, a 7 h.p. 5-cwt. model, a 10 lip. 6-8-cwt. machine and a 12 7-10-cwt. outfit, alongside which will be a 12 h.p. 10-cwt. drop-sided lorry. _ FORD. Stand 1-14 QPECIAL featUres have been planned l..../for this year's exhibit of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd, Working models will include the latest-type power-driven binders, shown in conjunction with Fordson tractors, whilst cattle hauliers and stock rearers will doubtless wish to inspect the new double-deck cattle carrier, which incorporates a balanced ramp.
In addition, there will be a full range of tractors with cleated wheels, spade lugs and low-pressure pneumatic tyres, and an extensive display of lorries, including six-wheeled 5-tonners, and the handy Tug 2-ton mechanical horse.
MARSHALL. Stand 115 PARTICULAR 'attention should be paid to the two examples of the new • 12-20 h.p. tractor to be shown by Marshall, Sons and Co. (Successors), Ltd.
One of the agrimotors will have steel spudded wheels, whilst the other will be mounted on giant pneumatics. With a rated drawbar h.p. of 12, the engine affords (under unfavourable conditions, it is stated) a pull of 2,300 lb. at 2 m.p.h. in first gear, 1,500 lb. at 3 m.p.h. in second gear, and 950 lb.
at 4.75 m p.h. in third gear. The single-cylindered two-stroke engine is governed .to 700 r.p.m.
The exhibit will be completed by a 10-ton oil-engined road roller and various agricultdrat implements. .
BAMFORDS. Stand 117 _
AMCINGa comprehensive display of mowers by Bamford% Ltd., will be a new two-speed model with enclosed oilbath 'gearing. Stationary petrol, paraffin and oil engines will be on view.
MeLAREN. Stand 118
AMONG a range of implements and stationary oil engines, J. and H. McLaren, Ltd., will show a powerful
windlass incorporating a McLarenBenz class-K high-speed airless-injection oil engine. It is one of a pair for work on the double-engine cableploughing system.
FODEN. Stand 11.9
GARDNER oil engines will be fitted Vto all the seven machines to be seen on the stand of Fodens, Ltd. Of particular moment at the " Royal" will be the special timber tractor, equipped with a winch, winding gear and anchors.
The vehicle exhibits will range from a 4-ton standard lorry to a 15-ton eight-wheeler weighing unladen under 7 tons and incorporating a sixcylindered engine. The 4-tonner, which has a 22.5 h.p. four-cylindered power unit, weighs under 21 tons unladen.
The other machines will be two 7-ton three-way tippers, .a 7i-ton brewer's lorry and a 12-ton six-wheeler, the last-named having a six-cylindered 102 fa.h.p. oil engine and affording eight forward speeds and two reverse ratios.
THE new Ruston Hercules six-cylin
dered 104 -b.h.p. high-speed oil, engine will be a notable feature od the range of power units to be shown by Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.
FOSTER. Stand 124
FOOTED for Its heavy agricultural / tackle, William Foster and Co., Ltd., will show, among other appliances, a single-cylinder 7 ri.h.p. traction engine, with tank and injector, priced at £904.
ATCO. Stand 136
COLD under the welbknown name of iJ Atco, a range of motor mowers, varying in price from 416 16s. to £75, will be shown by Charles H. Pugh, Ltd. Claimed to cut two acres per day, tho Atco Autoseythe is designed to deal with rough grass, weed growth, etc. The maker's tractor for ploughing, cultivating, spraying, mowing, etc., will also be seen.
LISTER. Stand 148
RATHER appropriately, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., will show a passenger-carrying Auto-Truck of the type widely used at large exhibitions. The machine to be exhibited will be identical with the 30 employed at the Empire Exhibition, Johannesburg, and which have been designed to operate at an altitude of 6,000 ft. above sea level. A J.A.P. 750 c.c. 'engine is fitted. Passengers sit back to back in two rows of six.
DATENT features are incorporated in
the new Pacemaker tractor to be exhibited by Massey-Harris, Ltd. The four-cyfindered overhead-valve engine is of 3k-in. bore and 5i-in. stroke, and consumes paraffin. The machine is 'available with. either pneumatic, tyres or steel wheels, scrapers being standard -fittings at the rear. The length is 10 ft. 2 ins., width 4 ft. 8 ins., and height over the bonnet 4 ft. 5i ins., whilst the weight of the tractor, as shipped, is about 33 cwt.
STANFIAY. Stand 155.
OF special note among the implements to be displayed by Stanhay, Ltd., will be a Fordson tractor converted for row-crop work, incorporating a telescopicfront axle and rear
wheel sleeves. A new type of rear wheel (7 ins, wide) enables the user, after removing two spuds, to slide it along the subsidiary axle, in order to ..make minute adjystments to the track up to the maximum width of 80 ins.