Wages: R.H.I0 to Operate from June 29
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ON page 187 of the issue of "The ,k../Commercial Motor " dated April 17 the wages proposals of the Road Haulage Wages Board, as set out in R.H.9, were described. With certain minor modifications the proposals then outlined are embodied in a new publication, R.H.10, which becomes effective
from June 29. • The following are the important points.
Schedules of statutory rates of pay for workers of 4 years of age rising to 21 yeart of age are set out in detail and they are as described in the above article. The provision for the payment of an additional Is, per day to drivers of vehicles exceeding 22 tons gross (24 tons in the case of steam wagons), is now made law.
The provisions relating to workers engaged in the haulage of agricultural produce, by which they were, to be paid on a scale of 10 per cent. less than the appropriate Grade III wages, still stand.
A regular worker, to whom the guaranteed-week provisions apply, who works on a Saturday for a period of less than four hours shall be deemed to have worked for four hours. A regular worker to whom the guaranteedweek provisions apply, who works on any other day than Saturday or Sunday for a period lessthan 5i hours shall be deemed to have worked for Vs hours.
There is a minor alteration in the condition relating to subsista.nce, but not to the rate of pay.
Special provisions are made in respect of time worked which is to be. regarded as overtime; these remain precisely as described in the previous article. They relate principally to milk workers and those engaged in the transport of films.
A special provision relating to all questions of overtime is that the halfday may be other than a Saturday.
Where it is the established custom of any section of the industry to allow as the weekly short day, a specific day other than a Saturday, it may be substituted as the weekly short day for the purpose of the provisions of these paragraphs dealing with overtime, etc. In any case in which such substitution is made, the above-mentioned provisions shall apply in like manner as if in such provisions such specific short day were substituted for " Saturday " and " Saturday" for such specific short day, provided that the short day substituted for Saturday shall not be on Sunday. A milk worker is now defined as a regular worker, (a) who is exclusively engaged on the collection of milk from farms and its delivery to dairies on seven days a week or on six days a week in the case of a worker who does not perform any work for the employer on the remaining day; or, (b) who is employed on seven days a week, and for more than half his time during the week, on the collection of milk from farms and its delivery to dairies, the remainder of his time being spent on work other than road haulage work for the same employer.
Th-ere is an addition to the regulations regarding payment of overtime. It has been made necessary by, the alteration in the definition of a milk worker as above.
In the case of a milk worker normally employed on a six-day week, the payment for all time worked on the remaining day, i.e., the normal day of rest, shall be: if the normal day of rest falls on a day other than Sunday, at the rate of time-and-a-half; if the normal day of rest falls on a Sunday, double time.
There are some minor provisions relating to annual holidays and holiday remuneration whereby the. conditions under which a worker shall be entitled to holidays with pay, notwithstanding that he has been absent from work from any cause, are more strictly defined: The grading of certain localities has been revised. C.M.U.A. LONDON DIVISION APPOINTMENTS
THE chairman of the Divisional Haulier Sectional Board, London and Home Counties Division, C.M.U.A., for 1942/3 is now•Mr. H. H. Crow, M.Inst.T., of the Crow Carrying Co., Ltd.He has also become divisional vice-chairman, together with Captain C. F. Roberts, MC., of Hovis, Ltd., and Mr. F. J. Speight, A.M.Inst.T., of George Ewer and Co., Ltd. The divisional chairman is, of course, Mr. Frank F. Fowler.
RECENTLY, at Boston Police Court, S. T. Belton (Transport), Ltd., of Tower Road, Boston, and Mr. S. T. Belton, managing director of the company, were prosecuted by the Ministry of Labour and National Service under the Road Haulage Wages Act, 1938, for failing to keep adequate records and for underpaying five male workers. Defendants were legally represented and pleaded guilty. Fines amounting to £37 10s, were imposed, the company being fined £10 for failing to keep records and 10s. on each underpayment charge, and Mr. S. T, Belton £5 on each underpayment charge.
THE pool delivery scheme inaugurated, last February, by 17 of Glasgow's biggest departmental stores, has effected a saving of 57 per cent. in man-power, 71 per cent, in vehicles, 57 per cent, in fuel, and 55 per cent. in the drop in the number of parcels delivered. Compared with the pre-war fuel bill of the various concerns, there has been a reduction of 88 per cent.,
These figures were given by Mr. W. C. H. Webb, organizer, at a meeting of the Scottish Retail Drapers' Association; in Glasgow.
Mr. R. W. Plenderleith, District Transport Officer of the Ministry of Transport, said that the practical results revealed in the report were very satisfactory, and were largely due to the participating concerns being able to look beyond their immediate interests, and to consider the probleni from the broader national viewpoint. The serious rubber shortage, he said, had added to the need for attaining a maximum economy of transport.
AT the annual general meeting of the Scottish Section of the Institute of Transport the following officebearers were elected for the ensuing year:—Chairman, Mr. R. Beveridge; vice-chairmen, Messrs. J. Cairns and J. H. Hannay-Thompson; hon. treasurer, dr. T. Gray; hon. secretary, Mr. Laurence C. Greig.
DUNDEE Harbour Trustees have decided to make application to the Ministry of War Transport for permission to increase Tay ferry charges, at present levied. at 10 per cent, above schedule, to approximately 15 per cent. above schedule. It affects both vehicular and passenger traffic. a
AT the extraordinary general meeting of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., held in Edinburgh last week, the proposals for the return of 5s. ver £1 ordinary stock and the subsequent increase in the nominal capital to its former amount were passed unanimously.
WE regret to learn that Mr. A. C. Bishop, the representative for Essex of the India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., died suddenly on June 9. He had been connected with the tyre trade for many years, and it was only a few months ago that he called to see us in connection with the death of his father, who was well known in that. industry since its earliest days. ABSENCE OF PSEITGRNOPLOSTS .WASTES SUGGESTING that road signposts should be replaced on a temporary basis, which would permit of their removal within 24 hours, a resolution was adopted by Members of the Federation of Yorkshire Road Transport Employers last week. The absence of signposts, it was remarked, was causing a considerable amount of petrol wastage through vehicles taking wrong routes, the difficulty being accentuated by the fact that, at present, there were so many drivers on long-distance work who were not' familiar with the routes by which they were now called upon to travel.
WHEN they nid. in Glasgow, last VV week, representatives of the Scottish Carriers' and Haulage Contractors' Association, the Scottish Commercial Motor Users' Association, and the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers decided upon the formation of a Scottish Area Committee to deal with problems of the road-transport industry. The meeting, presided over by Mr. John Strang, was convened by Mr. Harnish M'Dougall, secretary of the first-named Association, at the request of the Joint Standing Committee.
PROFIT of Crossley Motors, Ltd., in the year ended March 31, 1942, after providing for all taxation, amounted to £75,351, which, added to £19,294 brought forward, gives a total of £94,645. Capital reserve for depreciation of fixed assets receives R20,000, whilst the general reserve is increased. to £110,000 by the addition of £10,000. After a dividendof 15 per cent. has been paid (which will absorb 245,000) there remains £19,645 to he carried forward.