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F OR some reason, which is difficult to trace or understand, that important. division of the Government Road Haulage Scheme,...
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S WEDEN, as is well known, is making considerable use of producer gas, and, as mentioned in an Abstract from the I.A.E. Journal...
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That rubbernecks are not required as salvage. . . . and expects to hear much from Mr. J. F. E. That the U.S.A. Army is to...
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IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS WITH BATTERY ELECTRICS W E learn, with considerable interest, of the early coming to fruition of a...
O N page 187 of the issue of "The ,k../Commercial Motor " dated April 17 the wages proposals of the Road Haulage Wages Board,...
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T HE directors of the two parent companies have come to the conclusion that greater efficiency will be attained if the business...
H AVING co-operated with lar g er "operators in the provision of a £1,600 anti-gas treatment depot for the cleansing of...
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O N June 5, Tilling Association, Ltd„ was registered as a company limited by guarantee, without share capital, the original...
CARGO.—The meat and general traffic moved in the week ended June 5 by the Hauliers' Pool and the Chartered Fleet totalled over...
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A S Britain's most recently 'mechanized industry, agriculture has particular need of intalligent service and absolutely...
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IT is generally known to trolleyhus 'operators that Karrier Motors, Ltd., and Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles. Ltd., are closely...
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• R ECENTLY there was a reference in lAthese columns to the alleged unfair use of Meat Pool vehicles and it was stated that,...
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N . 0 sooner is one edition of " The Commercial Motor " Tables of Operating Costs printed and issued than preparation for the...
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'W E announced in our issue dated May 29 that fife H.S.G. producergas apparatus was now to be made and marketed under the...
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EXPRESS CARRIERS' ATTITUDE ON CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE WITH reference to the Mansion House Association on VY transport's...
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0 NCE again the mix-up regarding alternative fuels has been given prominence by an official statement to the effect that coal...
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A N endless track, to f unction satisfactorily, should be made with considerable pre but even if this be se, the conditions of...