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Application has been made by Currie and Co. (Newcastle), Ltd., Northumberland Road, Newcastle, to the Northern Licensing Authority, for permission to acquire the vehicles and business of Worclie and Co., Ltd., at Newcastle ; 22 vehicles (75 tons), and eight trailers (14i, tons), are involved.
Why Do Railways Hire.?
" The employment of hired hauliers seems to be a matter of such difficulty that it is a wonder that railways hire at all," Mr. J. H. Stirk, East Midland Licensing Authority, told a railway witnoes at Nottingham, on Monday, when the witness enumerated difficulties which, he claimed, the railway experienced when they hired vehicles for collection and delivery work. "I have a lively recollection of hiring, week after week, year after year, when I was a railway official, 35 years ago," added Mr. Stirk.
The L.N.E. Railway Co. was seeking -to acquire five mechanical horses and six tipping trailers based on Leicester.
Mr. Stirk reserved his decision.
Son Takes Over Parents' Business; Licence Granted.
When Mr. and Mrs. Ridsdale applied, six weeks ago, before the South-Eastern Licensing Authority for the renewal of their licence, Sir Henry Piggott refused it, but suggested that he would consider an application from their son to undertake the business on different lines; "Last Week he granted a licence for five vehicles to the son, Mr. C. Ridsdale, Northumberland Avenue, On behalf of the applicant, 1).1r /A Guilraant said that there were origin.s.26 ally seven vehicles, but Mr. Ridsdale intended to discard two of them. Moreover, if the applicant made good with the business, he intended gradually to replace the whole fleet.
In giving his decision, Sir Henry Piggott said that the sooner some of the vehicles could be replaced, the better. In view of the evidence placed before him, he was prepared to regard this as a continuation of the business, which had been established for some time, but had altered in character.
Rates Stabilization Premature.
The present time is inopportune for the stabilization of road-transport rates. This conclusion has been reached by the general trade committee of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, after considering the subject in conjunction with various associations.
Soft-drink Makers to Appeal Against " Hours " Ruling.
The Scottish Federation of Aerated Water Manufacturers and Bottlers Associations is to appeal to the High Court of Justiciary against a recent conviction of a manufacturer for allowing a driver to drive for more than a continuous period of 51, hours. The object is to determine whether time spent by salesmen in sales activities can be construed as driving time.
The Federation is applying for an extension of drivers' hours during the Coronation period.
Transport Board for Tyneside?
Intense public interest has been created in the north of England by the far-reaching proposals of the Royal Commission on the unification of northern areas.
Amid the welter of controversy, it is significant to find practically no opposition voiced on the question of the proposed passenger transport board, which forms one of the more important changes. recommended.
-The'Commission holds that :great Advantages would result if all classified roads were placed under the control of a regional authority. LEEDS LICENSING CASE GOES TO ASSIZES.
The hearing was continued, in Leeds, on Monday, of summonses alleging conspiracy in licensing against Mr. Joseph Keeling, of the Viaduct Garages, Kirkstall Road, Leeds, And Mr. Thomas Whitehead, of Whitehead's Removals, Ltd., Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, Both defendants, who pleaded " not guilty" and reserved their defence, were committed for trial at the West Riding Assizes.
L.N.E.R. Granted Extra Tonnage.
An application by the L.N.E. Railway Co., seeking, among others, additional maintenance relief vehicles, was successful at a sitting of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, at Sheffield, last week, in spite of an objection by Mr. A. B: Thorneloe, on behalf of the Sheffield Horse and Motor Owners Association.
The application was for licences for 57 motor vehicles and 42 • trailers at Sheffield, representing an increase of five vehicles and five trailers. Four of the new motor• vehicles were required for maintenance purposes.
Barr Group Introduces First Pension Scheme.
A contributory scheme to make financial provision against sickness and death, and to provide pensions on, retirement, has been introduced for the benefit of the employees of the Barr group of Yorkshire transport companies. The head is Mr. Robert Barr.
Financed by means of subscriptions deducted from the wages of members and contributions on an agreed scale by the employers, the plan was drawn up in collaboration with the National Savings Committee. It is stated to be the first long-term provident scheme of its kind to be applied by a private transport company in England. "
The Barr group includes R. 'Barr (Leeds), Ltd., Wallace Arnold Thum, Ltd., W. H. Fish and Son, Ltd., Alf. Harrison (Leeds), Ltd.-, and Hirst Brothers, of Bradford. LONG-DISTANCE ROAD SERVICES BY RAIL?
• Long-distance goods vehicles should, be carried on trains to the principal distributive centres and there restored to the roads, suggested Mr. D. Halli-: well, M.B.E.. M.Inst.T., deputy Traffic Commissioner for the North-Western Area, in a paper on "The Co-ordination of Road and ,Rail ,TransPort," which he read before the Manchester and District Traffic Association, last
It would be a simple matter, claimed Mr. Halliwell, to accommodate 40 goods vehicles on one train. He pointed out several alleged advantages to the transport operator, and he said that such traffic would provide a new source of revenue for the railways.
Some difficulty might arise over the scale of charges, but equality of treatment would have to be established for all users. The speaker suggested that such an experiment should be carried Out by the Ministry of Transport.
Another Tower Wagon with Torque Converter.
In our issue for last week we published a short description of the first tower wagon to incorporate the Leyland torque converter, and we now publish an illustration of the second vehicle of this type, which has been built for the Lancashire -United Transport and Power Co., Ltd.
The chassis—a Badger—is identical with that of the tower wagon recently delivered to Reading Corporation, but the tower and equipment are by Wood Hoists, Ltd. A feature is the exterior staircase, on the near side of the van body, which gives access to the tower superstructure. The tower is composed of three hydraulic tubes, the largest having a bore of 10 ins, and the smallest a bore of 6 ins. When fully extended, the tower reaches to a height of 2,4 ft., whilst, in its lowest position, itjs 12 ft. high. Elevating control can he 'effected from either the cab or from the tower platform.
Nearly £120,000 will be spent on transport by Manchester Corporation's cleansing committee during the year to March 31, 1938. According to estimates submitted to the city council, petrol-driven vehicles will entail an outlay of £59,657; horse-drawn carts, £47,336; rail transport. £8,549; and water transport, £2,819.
An analysis is given of the cost of petrol -• vehicle transport, details being :—Wages, £27'2l35; materials, £13,627; licences and insurances, £6,200; repairs, £2,500: contribution to renewals fund, £6,000; depot expenses, £4,060.
A 50-amp. Charging Plug for Batteryelectrics.
The British Standards Institution announces that it has recently standardized a new design for a plug and socket rated at 50 amps. (or 65 amps. at the one-hour rating) for batteryelectric vehicles up to about 30 cwt. capacity.
Provision for interchangeability is made and facilities for earthing are provided, whilst there is a special contact for the operation of a relay to break the circuit when the battery is fully charged. The socket is for mounting on the dashboard and has a hinged lid which breaks the lighting circuit. .
Copies of the specification, No. 741937, can be obtained from the Institution, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, price 2s. 2d. each.
New Maintenance Apparatus Publication.
Laycock service-station and garage equipment is the subject of a new bro" chure issued by the Laycock Engineering Co., Ltd.. Millhouses, Sheffield. Attractively produced, it covers the comprehensive range of appliances, many of which are indispensable to the modern garage, made by the comixthy.
.Outstanding among these are the Niagara electric or belt driven washers; the Nor'Easter air compressors; electric lifts and portable vehicle tables, brake testers; squeak finders : greasing equipment; cleansing apparatus and a variety of smaller appliances and tools for special purposes.
Laycock quality is well known, and maintenance engineers should avail themselves of the opportunity afforded by the publication of this brochure to ,discover further means for saving time and money in keeping their fleets in first-class condition.
Overseas Orders for A.E.C. Fleets.
Several important orders for fleets have been received from overseas by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. One has come from the Shanghai Electric Construction Co., Ltd., which is buying 15 four-wheeled trolleybus chassis. The order follows satisfactory service given by some 115 A.Z.C. trolleybuses already operating .„ in Shanghai, and with its coMpletion, there will be no fewer than 229 'similar
vehicles at work in the Far East, of which 99 are operating under the Singapore Traction Co., Ltd.
About a year ago the Adelaide Abattoir Board purchased a number of oil-engined vehicles, to obtain comparative figures with a view to deciding the most efficient type of vehicle to employ. The result Of prolonged tests is seen in an order for 14 Matadors, placed with" A.E.C. (Australia), Proprietary, Ltd.
Nottingham Organizes Air-raid Transport.
In connection with Nottingham's air-raid precaution plans, a scheme for the organization of transport is well advanced. To Mr. J. L. Gunn, municipal transport manager, has been allocated the position of director of transport under the scheme of precautions, with Mr. H. G. Morley (traffic superintendent) as deputy director. In the event of an air raid, they would be responsible lot the maintenance of all transport facilities in the city.
Provision is also made for the use of auxiliary transport, which would be supplied by various firms. YORKSHIRE APATHY TOWARDS SAFETY MOVEMENT.
Lack of interest by Yorkshire transport operators and other undertakings in the safe-driving competition organized by the National Safety First Association was deplored at the meeting of Leeds Safety First Council on' Monday.
Mr. Harry Clark (employers' secretary to the Yorkshire Joint Conciliation Board) said that in the coutity there were thouSands.of employers arid over 40,000 drivers of moth/. Vehicles. yet only a small percentage of these concerns and fewer than 4,000 drivers took advantage of the safe-driving competition. The financial commitment to employers was id. per 200 miles, 'and he could not think of any cheaper movement encouraging safer driving.
Death of Mr. Andrew Page.
We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Andrew Page, managing director of Andrew Page and Son, Ltd., the well-known concern of motor factors of Leeds.. UPS AND DOWNS OF INDIAN IMPORTS.
During the nine months from April 1 to December 31, 1936, a total of 6,522 buses, vans and lorries was imported into India, their value being Rs. 961 lakhs; comparable figures for the preceding year were 6,279 vehicles, valued at Rs. 89-i lakhs. Imports from the United Kingdom rose from 759 to 840 vehicles, whilst arrivals from the U.S.A. advanced from 3,396 to 4,443 vehicles. On the other hand, imports from Canada fell heavily from 2,059 to 1,077 vehicles.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from March 26-April 3 inclus:ve :—Docas: King George V. 8; Royal Albert, 6; Royal Victoria, 3; Surrey Commercial, 5; East India, 2; West India, 2; South-West India, 1; Tilbury, 11; Tilbury Stage, 2; Millwall, 3: Royal, 4; London, 1. WHARVES: Hay's, 5; 141iddleton's, 1; Mark Brown's, 1 ;
Butler's, 1. Tilbury Jetty, 1. Regent's Canal, 1.
Canal Company's Busy Motor Fleet. . During 1936, 54,000 tons of traffic were dealt with by the motor delivery service of the Aire and Calder Navigation, stated Mr. G. E. Cooke-Yarborough, chairman, at the annual general assembly of the Undertakers of the Navigation.
After referring to the continued successful operation of the motor delivery service for deliveries off the waterway— which stretches from Leeds to Goole and Hun—the chairman said that, during the year, eight of the oldest lorries had been replaced by five Leyland 6tonners and two. Scarnmell mechanical horses. For short-distance journeys, the latter had proved most economical and their use had resulted in reduced running costs.
The road fleet now comprises five 6ton lorries, 15 4-tonners, two 2-ton vehicles and two Scammell tractor's with five trailers.
Understand Your Battery.
The mysteries of accumulators are dispelled, and the subject of the construction, behaviour and employment of lead-storage batteries is comprehensively and lucidly explained in a useful book on the matter, a copy of which we have just received.
Entitled "The Lead Storage Battery," by H. G. Brown, A.M.LE.E., this work is published by the Locomotive Publishing Co., 3, Amen Corner, London, E.C.4, and costs 5s. It contains 202 pages, including an appendix, tables and index.
Specially interesting sections are those devoted to the battery-electric vehicle and the accumulators for bus lighting and starting, particularly where oil engines are used. The chapter on the care, treatment and repair of cells is full of valuable advice that should enable batteries, for any purpose, to be kept in first-class condition. £65 FINES FOR ALTERING RECORDS.
Fines totalling £65, with costs, were imposed at Bradford West Riding Court, on March 18, when Harry Large, cattle dealer, Of Hodgson Lane Farm, Drighlington, appealed on two charges of altering driver's records.
Lorry Makes B.C. Mining History. A lorry -has again broken through trails that were formerly considered impassable for . anything but mule teams. A vehicle, carrying about 2 tons 6 cwt., recently penetrated asfar as the Slate Creek Camp of the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. in the Manson Creek area of British Columbia. This is the first motor vehicle to reach this district since gold was first discovered there in 1869: In 1934, a trip was made by a horsed wagon team and took 26 days to cover the 135 miles. The. motor made the outward journey in three days.
Germ Lubricants Move.
Germ Lubricants, Ltd., has moved its London offices to more commodious premises at City Gate Iiouse, Finsbury Square, E.C.2.