WHEELS of INDUSTRY " The wheels of wealth will be
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Progress of a Haulage Association.
It is satisfactory to learnthe
newly formed Long Distace Road Haulage Association is making very gratifying progress. Up to last week the membership had risen to 150, representing owners of over 1,500 vehicles, and at the recent meeting held at Birmingham it was decided to form there a section of the association.
This meeting was presided over by Mr. L. W. Oupwell, chairman of the parliamentary committee of the association, who emphasized the need not only for co-operation, but for propaganda, and said that the man in the street regarded lorries as "a nuisance which had no right on the road, carrying goods which should go by rail." That, he stated, was a false idea, for motorists
• and owners of commercial vehicles paid more than their fair share towards the upkeep of the roads. The taxation on road transport in this country was DOW fire times greater than in the U.$.A., and the policy of the Government appeared to be to stifle and not to help a young industry.
Oil from Coal: Developments in Northumberland.
The new industry for the extraction of oil from coal for use by commercial vehicles is likely to be pioneered at Ashington Colliery (Northumberland). In consequence of. research work which has been in progress for some time at the colliery's laboratory, under the charge of a highly skilled and wellknown north-country analyst, an early start, it is stated, is to be made with the construction of the necessary plant.
The Ashington Coal Co., which is one of the biggest concerns of its kind in the county of Northumberland, controls pits at Aghington, Woodhorn, Linton and Ellington, normally employs 10,000 men and lads, and at one time reached a daily average output of 12,000 tons. The royalties worked by the company comprise, an area of 37i square miles: Oil consumed annually by the company in the course of its ramifications totals 50,000 gallons.
Co-operative Transport Managers at • Karrier's Works.
About 40 members of the National Cooperative Traffic Managers' ASsociation recently paid a visit to the .worke of Karrier -Motors, Ltd., at Karrier Works, Huddersfield; for the purpose of witnessing the company's methods of manufacture. In particular, the .visitors paid attention to the ' production, -of .• the ICarrier mechanical horse, in which their organizations are showing increasing interest.
The party was accompanied, by the president of the association; Mr. A. V. Royle, of Manchester, and by the secretary, Mr. W. P. Dodd, of Nottingham, being received by Mr. H. Hattersley, joint managing director of Karrier Motors, Ltd.
A Karrier double-decker of the Monitor type was used to convey the party 1320 to and from luncheon, at the conclusion of which various speeches were made, the tenor of them suggesting that the managers would find the Karrier 'Cob of great value in connection with the local transport of C.W.S. products.
Should the County Council Pay?
A conference was held a few days ago, at the Ministry of Transport, it being presided over by Mr. Cook, the deputy engineer to the Ministry. Representatives from the Middlesex, Wood Green, Twickenham, Enfield, Uxbridge and Hornsey authorities were present, whilst the Middlesex Borough and Urban District Councils' Association was also represented.
The Ministry and Middlesex County Council were asked to contribute towards expenses incurred by local authorities in repairing district roads which have been damaged by traffic diverted from main roads. Sir Charles Pinkham and the county engineer, representing the county council, were against the principle, but were prepared to recoinmend the county , council to consider each application for such compensation on its merits. The Ministry of Transport had, previously intimated that a contribution would-be made towards such costs if the county council applied for one.
A Useful Legal (Wide.
A particularly useful little guide to legal mattersjust been issued by the < Automoile Association, Fanum HoaSe, New Coventry Street, London,
It will be sent free on request to members of the Association, but nonmembers can obtain a copy at the price of -2s. 6d. sIt contains 60 pages and the law is summarized alphabetically. Much of the matter applies to the private motorist, but some of 'it will be useful to the conimercial-vehicle operator or driver. National Omnibus and Transport Report.
The report of the National Omnibus and' Transport Co, Ltd., for the -year ended -December 31st last shows a profit of £37,045, the sum available, after adding the amount brought forward, being'£75,144. Interim and final dividends on the preference shares absorb £24,081, whilst an 8 per cent. dividend, which is to be paid on the ordinary shares, will account for, a further £12,400, leaving a sum of £38,663 to be carried forward.
The reconstruction' scheme authorized in July • last was submitted to the courts for confirmation, but not until December last was consent given. Repayment of 10s. per share on each preference share and 12s per share on each ordinary share was _made forth-with, and the shares consolidated into new shares of £1 each, fully paid.. 'All the principal assets previously owned by the company are now the
property of theassociated companies, the Easern National Omnibus Co., Ltd.,. the.. Southern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd., in which the four big railway companies are jointly interested.
During the year nine new businesses were acquired by the concerns.
A New Commercial-vehicle Depot in London. .
Last Thursday marked the opening of a new 100 per cent, commercial-vehicle depot in south-east • London. The premises in question belong to Messrs.
P. W. Alcock, and J. Iirithey, proprietors of the Witall Garage, the head office being situated at 195, Lewisham High Road, London, S.E.4. The new depot, which has been converted from a cinema, is situated at 306 and 308a5 High Road, Lee, S.E.12.—, The ground floor forms a commodious showroom devoted solely to the display of industrial motors of various types, whilst the gallery serves as a lounge, contiguous to which are offices.
On the day of the opening. there was a display of 10 Singer models, both, chassis and complete vehicles. The Witall Garage is distributor for these machines for an extensive area of southeast London ; on the boundaries of its territory are Abbey Wood, Mason's Hill (Bromley), Chislehurst, Sydenham, South and Upper Norwood, Forest Hill, New Cross and Deptford. In addition to this make the firm handlers MorrisCommercial, Manchester and Chevrolet vehicles,as well as heavier types of
other makes. The service work is being carried out from la, Lucas Street, Deptford, London, S.E.S.
Thornyeroft's Interim Dividend.
.The directors of John I. Thornyeroft and Co.; Ltd., have decided to pay an interim dividend of 3 per cent. on the cumulative preference shares of • the company in respect of the financial year ending July 31st. 1931, less income-tax. Manchester's Big Bus Profits.
How the municipal hue revenue is leaping ahead whilst the trams are earning a steadily decreasing income, is shown in the annual report of Manchester Corporation's Transport Department for the year ended March 31st last.
Tramway revenue fell from 11,830,630 to 11,646,525, but. bus income advanced from £282,649 to £501,844, representing an increase of 78 per cent, in a year. Moreover; 130 per cent, more passengers were carried than in the previous year, Bus-working expenses totalled £385,298, agaiast 5291,434, in 1929-80. resulting in a gross profit of 1116,546, as compared with one of £61,214 in the'preceding 12 month. Altogether 56,532,889 passengers were carried, the average fare paid being 2.05d.
Buses Replace Trams in Scotland.
A few days ago the trataways service between Dundee and Monifeth wee suspended, buses being operated over this route for the first time. Concurrently the Wemyss and District Tramways Co., ceased operations --on the Icirkcaldy tramways system, and W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., Falkirk, under an arrangement with the town council, now provides passenger transport for the borough.
A British Van on Propaganda Work in Holland.
A 12 h.p. Morris van equipped with loud-speakers, which is owned by 1411.. P. J. Pybus, C.B.E., M.P. for Harwich, recently left on a tour of Holland to advertise the attractions of Clacton and neighbouring resorts_ The van was originally purchased for electioneering purposes, but, realizing that it could be put to good use for drawing attention to the attractions of resorts around Harwich, Mr, Bybus sent it on a tour of Great Britain. In two seasons the vehicle has covered over 37,000 miles. It stops at market places mid village squares, where music is broadcast, after which the announcer says a few words about Clacton and adjoining places. Three announcers,
one of them Dutch, are accompanying the van on its tour in Holland, where speeches will be made and 100,000 booklets distributed.
Another Make of Oil-engined Lorry.
We are advised by the Peerless Trading Co. (Spares and Repairs), Ltd., Trading Estate, Bath Road, Slough, that it is now marketing oil-engined vehicles embodying Blackstone spring
injection engines. We have, during tha past few, months, described in various issues these all-British power units ; by means of the patented injection system all high-pressure pipes are abolished. For further details of Blackstone engines readers should refer to our issues dated January 20th and 27th.
We hope at an early date to describe and illustrate the new Trader model. We would advise readers to add this make to the list given on page 437 of our issue_ dated May 12th.
New Vehicle Registrations.
A return has been issued by the Ministry of Transport giving particulars of the number of motor vehicles registered for the first time under the Roads Act, 1920, during the month of March, .1921. The total is 32,881), as compared with 37,565 in 1930, the total being made up as follows, the figures in parentheses' being last year's totals :— Cars taxed on horse-power, 18,073 (18,848) ; motorcycles, 7,759 (11,727) goods vehicles 5,281 (5,475) ; hackney vehicles, 1,033 (1,046) ; other vehicles, 743 (469).
Trimming Make-and-break&
With the advent of hard alloys for the points of make-and-breaks, a file is frequently unsatisfactory for trimming up these surfaces. The Manchester Magneto Co., of 51, Hardman Street, Manchester, is marketing for this purpose the Man Mag carhorundam stone at the price of is. 9d. As this -stone is less than A in. thick, it is strengthened by a metal binding along one edge, whilst it can be used conveniently in a restricted space. Owing to the thinness of the tool, the make-and-break need not be stripped in order to clean the points.
Shrewsbury's Big Scheme.
The Ministry of Transport ha z consented to grant /13,756 towards the cost of a scheme to form an inner loop road at Shrewsbury' and the Ministry of Health has sanctioned the loan of 123,700 in respect of the coat of a central bus station and motor park. The highways committee will now proceed with the scheme, which involves the purchase of properties of a total estimated value of £54,350.
Disappointing Trade in India.
During the 10 months ended January last, 2,099 complete lorries and 4,925 commercial chassis were imported into India, the total of 7,024 vehicles (1862,582) contrasting with 13,104 (L1,538,127) in the corresponding period of 1929-30. Of the imported vehicles nearly 70 per cent. are credited to the U.S.; Gt. Britain's share was 226 units.
Bus Profits in the Potteries.
In the year ended December 31st last the Potteries Electric Traction Co., Ltd., made a profit of £43,982, as compared with £32,711 in the previous year. No dividend is recommended for payment, and after providing 141,430 for renewals, the carry forward is £7,965, as against 15,413 in 1929. The arrears of dividend on the 5 per cent.
cumulative preference shares amounted, on December 31st, 1930, to £84,218. During the year £33,143 was expended on the purchase of new buses.
Exeter's Successful Year.
During the 12 months ended March 31st the total number of passengers carried by Exeter's municipal transport undertaking was 11,350,257, an increase of -1,071,879 over the previous year's figure. The receipts were 159,169, or £5,201 more than in the preceding year.
Tours from Tyneside.
The latest booklet published by the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., Worswick Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, describing and giving maps and detailed itineraries of its motor-coach tours for this season, appears to be even more complete than has been the case in previous years. In addition to numerous short trips, the company runs long-distance tours far periods up to two weeks.
Wolverhampton's New Bus Garage.
Wolverhampton Corporation, which operates a big fleet of buses, has had erected in BiLston Street, in the city, a new garage for accommodating up to 70 vehicles, and this was •recently opened by Alderman A. Davies, chairman of the
transport c o mmittee.
The garitte has been built at a cost of about £22,000, and will accommodate the existing fleet of petrol buses. The floor area of the garage is approximately 3,000 sq. yds. and one of the outstanding features is the absence of supporting columns. The main garage is 215 ft. by 117 ft., and it is provided with overhead petrol-filling and washing apparatus.
From 1920 to 1930 the total revenue of the transport department increased from £127,283 to £323,457, expenditure rising from £103,226 to £220,020. In this period 52 trams were discarded in favour of 66 trolley-buses and the • petrol-bus fleet has grown from 12 to 69 vehicles.
Albion's New Title.
The necessary legal steps for the change of title of the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.' have now been taken, and, as reported by us some weeks ago, the company will, in future, be known as Albion Motors, Ltd.
Cheaper B.E.N.-Myers One-gun Washers.
As from the beginning of the month the prices of B.E.N.-Myers Universal one-gun vehicle washers have been reduced. The shaft-extension model now sells at 134 13s., the washer for belt drive at £36, the plant with two or threephase a.c. motor and starter for standard voltages at 149 10s., and the washer with d.c. motor and starter for standard voltages at £52 4s. These washers are marketed by B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 92, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.1.
Current Haulage Rates.
• The highways committee of Northants County Council has accepted tenders for haulage on a ton-mileage basis, the prices not exceeding 2s. per ton for a mile haul, up to Os. 2d. per ton for a 15-mile journey, and an extra 3d. per ton-mile over 15 miles. Day-work quotatiems have also been accepted for 1-ton tipping lorries at prices not ex.
ceeding 3s. 66. per hour, for 30-ewt to 2-ton vehicles at not more than 4s. per hour, and for 5-6-ton steam, or petrol lorries at rates not exceeding 78. per hour.
Luton's Tram System Sold.
Some months ago we referred to the decision of Luton Town Council to sell the goodwill of the tramways undertaking to the Eastern. National Omnibus Co., Ltd.,, for a sum of £64,000. The town council has recently reaffirmed its decision at a special meeting, called at The request of the Minister of Transport. The debate centred on points which were discussed, at , the earlier meeting, and Councillor C. C. Dillingham, chairman of the electricity and tramways committee, presented a host of statistics and arguments in favour of the 'scheme.
Repairs to Aluminium Components.
A folder entitled The Barimar Metallurgical Process of Repairing Aluminium" has lately been issued by Barimar, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C.1, and it shows how common fractures in gearboxes and crankcases can be welded and strengthened by the company's process. A copy can be obtained on request.
Ante/icon Registrations.
According to figures recently issued, there were in 1930 26,523,779 registered vehicles in the United States, this figure being an increase of 22,336 over that for the previous year. Buses and taxicabs are grouped with private cars, the total being 28,042,840, whilst motor lorries and tractors numbered 3,480,939. Under the heading of "other registered vehicles" is a figure of 262,507 for trailers.
"The Law of Running-down Cases."
A book has recently been published under the title of "The Law of Running-down Cases," which has been • written by Edward Terrell, barrister-atlaw, and is sold at 15s. by Butterworth • and Co. (Publishers), Ltd. Bell Yard, Temple Bar, London, W.C.2. This book should prove useful to those who operate large fleets, to insurance companies and to solicitors who are connected with road-transport interests.'
(Below) Two 'Carrier 2-tonners for Londonderry Corporation each being equipped With a steel ..Lined body, which is lifted to a high angle by Bromilow and Edwards end-titiping gear. There are two distinct stages of lift, the higher enabling gravel, etc., to be tipped direct into mobile containers about 5 ft. high.
From the layman's point of view the hook is easily understandable—this is not always the ease with legal works— and it is clearly indexed in simple language. As the Road Traffic Act and Highway Code. are included, the book is up to date in every respect; the effect of these two items upon the position, in cases of this kind, is most important; therefore the references to them enhance the value of the work.
L.S.D. Washing Plants.'
The Layeock Engineering Co., Victoria Works., Millhouses, Sheffield, advises us that all models of the L.S.D. range of washing plants have been re duced in • price. The new prices for plants • withstandard electric Motors are as follow : one-gun, £45; two-gun, £75r four-gun,-£125 ; six-gun, £140.
• Seeking Legal Guidance..
In connection with the appointment of stands and stopping places: for buses the town clerk of • Watford -is to ask' the Ministry ofTransport and the Association of Municipal Corporations for their opinions as to the powers conferred on local, authorities under Section .96 of -the Road Traffic Act, 1930! • • ,
WEST RENt REW County Council is buying a Morris-Commercial low-loadline 250-400-gallon Ere-engine.
SHREWSBURY Watch Committee is to purchase a fire-engine at a cost of £915 and a police ambulance for 1350.
The electricity committee of HAMmERsafrut Borough Council has accepted the tender, at £161, of Metnbery and Co., Ltd., for the supply of a 10-cwt. van.
The highways committee of CHESTERFIELD Corporation has accepted the tenders of G. F. Kenning, Ltd., for the supply of a Karrier 5-ton lorry, for the sum of £930, and a Ford 30-cwt. lorry costing £255.
SEAFORD Urban District Council is to purchase a motor ambulance at a cost of £300.
RYE Town Council is making application for sanction to borrow £650 for the purchase of a fire-engine.
WASHINGTON (Durham). Urban District Council is to purchase a Crossley ambulance at a cost of £825.
TYNEMOIITH Corporation has accepted the tender of Messrs.. Murray and• C.harleton, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for an Austin ambulance costing £450.
KNARESBOROUGH Ambulance Committee is •asking for tenders for the supply of a motor. vehicle or, alternatiVely, a new chassis, -and particulars -can be obtained from the • honorary secretary, York Place, Knaresborough, to -whom -tenders . have tobe delivered by
May 30th. •
RUISLIP (Northwood) Urban District Council is , inviting ...tenders for the supply of two Ford 'or Morris-Commercial lorries equipped with three-way tipping bodies. 'Further particulars can be obtained from the engineer and surveyor,. Council Offices, Oaklands_ Gate, Northwood, and tenders have to be delivered by noon on June Sr.
A. J. Wares, Ltd., is to siipply two Atco mowers at a cost of £51 each to Sorm SHIELDS Corporation.
The cleansing committee of IsrissxoN Borough Council recommends the purchase of two S.D. Freighters, costing £790 each, for refuse collection.
The tramways committee of DotrorAs (I.().M.) Corporation has accepted the tender of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., for the supply of bus tyres for 12• months.
The fire-brigade committee of CnovDON Corporation is obtaining tenders, which have to be delivered by June 1st, • for the supply of a fire-engine and an ambulance.
• The highways committee of WARwicK County Council is to replace one of its steam wagons.
A Dennis low-load-line G-type fircengine, costing about £1,000, has been purchased by NEWPORT -,(Mon.) Corporation.
The transport committee of BIRMINGHAM Corporation is obtaining tenders, which have to be delivered by June 3rd, for the supply of 10 single-deck buses.
The electricity committee of BEDFoRD Corporation recommends the purchase of an S-10-cwt. van at an estimated cost of 1160, and a Singer 5-cwt. van at an estimated cost of 1130.
The cleansing committee of IsLisorow Borough -Council recommends acceptance of the tender of Electricars, Ltd., for the supply of four bodies, costing 190 each; for electric vehicles.
Rxia_42% Borough Council is inviting tenders•-for the supply of a 3-ton lowleading petrol refuse collector, equipped with hydraulic end-tipping gear. Further particulars can be obtained fro m the borough surveyor.) Municipal Buildings, Reigate, and tenders have to be defiVered not later than June 9th.
A Municipal Bus Agreement.
Heywood municipal authorities and Bury and' Rochdale Corporations have now agreed upon a scheme for the subetitution of buses for trams between Bury and Rochdale, through Heywood. The tram track on the Rochdale side of the town is to be abandoned, but on the Bury side it will be retained for a further year to enable trams as well as buses to be run at.peak periods.
Both Bury and Rochdale will operate the buses between the two places and receipts earned in Heywood will be paid over to the local corporation, which will meet the working costs per bus-mile in respect of the running in Heywood. The period of the agreement is for 10 years. Bury and Rochdale Corporations have both been operating municipal buses for a number of years.
Chloride's Trading Profit.
In the year ended March:31st last the _ Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., made a net profit of £263,009, this being £24,154 lower than for the previous year, but as a larger sum is now brought in, the decrease in the available total is only £7,881. The ordinary dividend is .15 per cent., as again.st 30 per cent., but the present payment is on a larger scale, a share bonus of 100 per cent. having been distributed a year ago from the reserve. The general reserve receives an allocation of £97,438, whilst £23,000 is set aside for the benefit of employees, including a transfer to the pensions fund, the balance to be carried forward being £80,505, as compared with 185824 in the previous year.
Police-vehicle Expenditure.
An item of £80,125 in the accounts of the Metropolitan Police Fund for the year ended March 31st last, for the purchase and maintenance of police patrol vehicles, prison vans, etc., gives some ' indication of the use now made by the police of motors.
Bus Results at Haslingden.
The bus revenue account of Healingden Corporation for the year ended March 31st shows that the total income arnonnted to £16,940, and total working expenses to £11,443, the gross profit transferred to the net revenue account being £5,497. After taking into account interest and sinking fund charges, a net profit of £1,702 remains to car ried to the appropriation account, where the sum is reduced to £1,094, after deducting £315 as a contribution in aid of the rates and certain other items.