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AT a recent meeting of the City Road Area hauliers, members of A.R.O., it was agreed that as from September 1 the charges for vehicle hire should be increased and rates will now be as fellow:— Per Per
Hour. • Mile.
154-2 toll 6 6 1 2 3 ton .. 7 6 1 3
4 ton 8 0 1 4
6-6 ton . 90 1 6
Minimum Charge. 86 10 0 15 0
20 0 L.C.C. TO SPEND £460,000 ON VEHICLES
THE London County Council has A lately approveo an estimate of £460,000 in respect of the provision of vehicles.
NOTEK'S NEW ADDRESS W/E are advised thdt the address of VW the Notek Electric Co., Ltd., the maker of the well-known Notek nondazzling fog and traffic lamp, is now at Coastal Chainbers, 172, Buckingham Palace Road, London, S.W.1. 1
1 EEDS Passenger Transport „Department is training women to drive its single-deck buses and is enrolling women forrvehicle cleaning. With the hundreds of conductresses which it now employs, the department will soon have over 1,000 women working as -substitutes for men who have joined the Forces or left for some other form of war service.
GLASGOW'S HELP FOR TRANSPORT RAID VICTIMS FULI, wages for one year will be paid to the dependants of employees of the Municipal Transport Department at Glasgow who may be killed or die becanse of injuries while operating the transport services in the city during air raids.
The Transport and General Workers' Union asked for increased allowances in such circumstances, and the corporation has agreed that the Government pension or allowance should be augmented to permit of the standard wage 'being paid for one year to the dependants of breadwinners.
A T a Longbridge luncheon last week, PI arranged to meet Mr. E. L. Payton, , new chairman of the Austin Motor Co.. Ltd„ a gathering of Midland dealers was informed by Mr. L. P. Lord, the works director, that the company, had got. well into the commercial-vehicle held and Meant to stay in it It had a useful range of Models, and for the present there could be no question of introducing new ones. When the war is over, if it seems that other types are needed, they will be produced. So far as spares are concerned, the company had been able to maintain a satisfactory position and he added that, the position is getting even' easier.
This lunch was a useful chance to. renew old contacts, and similar functions are to take place shortly in London, Glasgow. Manchester and Bristol.