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the Haulage Industry T HE extension of the operation of the Essential Work Order, 1941, to haulage concerns having as few as...
Southend Joins the 'TIME will undoubtedly show Ranks of the "NoL Southend Corporation that t ram " m un i c ip a litie s it has...
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Of " staggering " delays. Of inquiries into the alleged wrongful use of trade plates. Of " flashes " of nonsense about...
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Action Relating to Motor-Vehicle Repairs report of the Motor Vehicle 1 Maintenance Advisory Committee, of winch Mr. W. E....
A STATEMENT has been issued by the Ministry of Rood to the effect that many roadside cafes catering for long-distance lorry...
" F OR the first time in the history of the port, .goods road transport has been organized on the lines of a rublic utility...
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IN most Scottish areas a new plan is I being brought into operation which will seriously limit the distribution of commodities...
E MPLOYERS of long-distance haulage vehicles particu.1- - -slady are becoming alarmed at the lack of response from 'the...
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net surpluses of £20.434 on the motorbuses and 24,214 on the trolleybuses for the past municipal year. The committee states...
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A T a recent meeting of the City Road Area hauliers, members of A.R.O., it was agreed that as from September 1 the charges for...
R EGISTERED on September 15 is a new -organization, under the title of National Doci;. Labour Corporation, Limited, as a...
T HWinterventiori of the Lord Provost of Glasgow in the resent dispute at. the Elderslie bus garage of Glasgow Corporation was...
R ECENTLY, we referred 'briefly to a plan for the registration of bus passengers,'arrapged by the Trent Motor Traction Co.,...
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rofit and ass Account Solving the Problems of the Carrier S OME weeks ago I promlsed one of my correspondents that would...
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A Small Fleet of Eight-wheelers in the Service of a Progressive Cheshire Operator is Doing Good Work in Connection with the...
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August 22, "Types for the Post-war Demand," has created considerable interest, and we now publish two of the most informative...
VOUR remarks in "The Commercial Motor" on types -t for the post-war demand have been read with much Interest,. This is a very...
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e of ROAD-HAULAGE PRESENTATION T HE expression that the onlooker sees most of the game is undoubtedly true, and this...
ASSOCIATION bulletins refer mainly to new regulations and other items of general interest, but provide scant information...
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A Leading Liverpool Transport Operator with a Fleet of Over 5o Vehicles Finds Its Requirements Well Met by Multi-wheelers, of...
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connected with the use of COMITIerdell majors. Letten 'ho aid be written on only one side of the pafrer. The right of...
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D ETAILS of an automatic timing mechanism for injection pumps are shown in patent No. 538,620 by -the patent agents of Robert...