The Wheels of Industry.
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"The wheel of wealth unit be stowed by alt difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Proposals and Purchases of Local Authorities.
Rotherham Municipal Gas Dept. has purchased a second-hand motor lorry.
Sydney Municipal Council is to purchase for its Works Committee a two-ton electric.
A second-hand motor lorry is to be purchased by the West Ham Tramways Department.
• The Tramways General Manager of Sheffield has received an offer of six second-hand motorbus bodies.
Poplar Borough Council has been recommended to purchase a motor sweeping machine at a cost of £673.
Westminster City Council has been recommended to sell its motor road roller, bought in 1911, for 2403.
The Southampton Tramways Committee proposes to purchase an Edison battery automatic tipwagon.
A proposal for the improvement of the motorbus service is being. considered by the Malvern District Council.
The Ilford, Electrical Engineer again reports upon the satisfactory working of the electric coal wagon recently purchased by the District Council.
Walsall Gas Committee proposes to purchase a motor lorry at a cost not exceeding 2750. The engineer is to report as to the most suitable type of vehicle: Burton-on-Trent Corporation is supporting the view of the Westmoreland county ahthority that the taxation of heavy motor vehicles should be further increased.
The County Surveyor of Cambridge County Council has been authorized to hire a petrol or steam-waen by the day, as occasion requires, at an approximate cost of 50s.
Sheffield City Council proposes to purchase the two new electric tipping wagons provided for in the estimates from Edison Accumulators, Ltd., at a cost of 2190 for the three-ton wagon and 21000 for the two-ton vehicle.
Tenders for a motor ambulance and motor disinfecting van are being invited by the Eccles Corporation. Further particulars may be obtained from the Superintendent, Fire Station, Patricroft, Eccles, as regards the ambulance, and from the Manager, Sewage Works, Peel Green Road, Pathcroft, in respect of the disinfecting van. Tenders must be sent in by the 29th inst.
S30 The Epping U.D.C. is adapting a petrol motor chassis to haul its steam fire-engine, the former being the gift of Mr. C. E. Hunter, of Hill Hall.
The Bradford , Corporation Cleansing Committee is to purchase two motors at a total cost of approximately 2550 for the conveyance of loaded cart bodies to tips, according to "The Municipal Journal." The estimate does not seem a very generous one.
Southend Corporation Light Railways Committee has received an offer from Edison Accumulators, Ltd., to supply additional chassis at 2890 each, to replace the existing motorbus chassis with the latest accumulator model, less a reasonable sum in respect of depreciation. The matter has bee.n adjourned for consideration until after the war.
The Ministry of Munitions has approved a claim by the Grimsby Corporation that the construction of its new motor fire-engine shall be regarded as munition work.
Lambeth Borough Council has. effected a saving of over 2800 hi. six months, by the use of two motor-driven brooms ; these have replaced 30 horse-drawn brooms. See, also, page 171.
The contract for the conveyance of the mails between York postoffice and the railway station in that city, by horsed or motor vehicles, is now open to public competition. Forms of tender with conditions of contract may be obtained on application to the postmaster of York.
. The Ministry of Munitions has authorized the acceleration of deliveiyof two steam-Wagons, to the Order of the Highways Committee of the Derbyshire County Council, at a cost of £1470, en the ground -that they are to, be regarded as munition work, and the capital valoe of the machines is being advanced by the Road Board free of interest, subject to repayment in five equal annual sums.
Easter Training.
We hope, in our next issue, to include some typical information and photographs concerning the use of heavy-motor transport, in. connection with volunteer training. during the Easter recess. Palladium Propaganda in Ireland.
Palladium Autocars, Ltd., is sending one of its representatives, early in May, to different centres in Ireland, principally to Dublin. and .Belfast, to fix up agencies for its eornmeredal models. Interested parties are requested to communicate with regard to this Visit at the head office of the company, Felsham Road, Putney, S.W.
Steam-wagon-driver Exemptions.
A motor-haulage company in Preston, • appealing to the• Local.. Recruiting Tribtinal recently for the exemption of two motor-wagon drivers on the. ground • that Owing to the congestion on the railways there was an additional neeeSsity. for adequate road-haulagefacilities, secured exemption-conditionally upon the :men remaining in their present certified occupations.
Gloucester's Damaged Roads.
The Gloucestershire County Council is to submit its :view to the Chancellor of the Exchequer ".That taxation of heavy motor vehicles should be further increased, with the proviso that such increased duties should be specially allocated to the upkeep of the roads which it was reported were being badly damaged by local motorbus services and by the War Department's motor vehicles." Dunlops in .New Zealand..
The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., of Aston Cross, -Birmingham, advises us:that the suithrought by the Dunlop Co. of Australasia, to protect its trading rights in New Zealand, has secured the issue of a.„. perpetual injunction against certain concerns in that colony which had been importing British-made Dunlop tires into the Dominion without the consent of the Australian company, which concern has the sole right of the benefits accruing from the goodwill And trade marks of the Dunlop Tire Co. throughout Australasia. The injunction prevents the defendants from selling, offering or advertising
for Sale any goods under the name of Dunlop, other than those coming from the Australasian company. It iaintimated that similar action will be taken in other easeS should the necessity arise.
Safety First.
The last Efficiency Meeting, held under the auspices of the Operating Department of the Underground Railways in theL.G.O.C. Group, considered the new " Safety First" campaign. Considerable mention Was made of the American developments in this direction, and of the Great Western Railway Co.'s efforts on the same lines. We have referred in a recent issue to the Underground and L.G.O.C. campaign which has now been put into effective operation. Mr. Percy Lane. of the Loudon Companies', Claims Department, made further detailed references to their organization in a paper which before this Efficiency Meeting.
New Contraband List.
The Foreign Office, under date the lath inst., has issued a complete and revised list, in alphabetical order, of articles declared to be contraband of war. The list is exhaustive, and it incidentally schedules all engineering and transport supplies. Copies of this list can no doubt be obtained on direct application to the Secretary, Foreign Office, S.W., or through Messrs. Wyman, of Fetter Lane, E.C.
A Greek Inquiry.
The joys of salesmanship were increased recently by the receipt in London of the following in from Greece:— "One Carnion automobile for cleaning a street.—To be of four cylinders and of a magnetic spark type Bosch of automatic greasing. To have four speeds (three front and one back), and a. stopper moved by hands and feet. The wheels to be fitted with self indiarubber. The benzine deposit to contain at least 100 litres. The iron tank must be placed on it for getting the dirties which to be of a capacity at least 3 in 3. To be fitted in such a way as to turn down and be empty easily. To have three lanterns and a trumpet. The necessary accessories to be given with." We trust that, if more than one maker had the same enigma to pekuse, all the replies, were based on common ground. A.S.C., MT., Fund.
The next list of cash receipts, in support of our Campaign Comforts Fund for the officers and men of the A.S.C., M.T., will be published in the issue of the 4th prox.
Road Improvement.
The annual meeting of the. Roads Improvement Association, to which we accidentally referred last week under the heading of "Inst. A.E„" is to be held to-day (Thursday), at 15, Dartmouth Street, Westminster, S.W., at 4.30 p.m. Berlin Motor buses, The business of the Berlin Motor Omnibus Co. has grown worse and worse since the outbreak of war. The company's receipts were £665,004) in 1913, £584,000 in 1914, and only 2312,000 in 1915. There is now only one motorbus line in Greater Berlin, and the company is attempting to serve some 20 lines with approximately 290 horsedrawn omnibuses. The loss on trading, apart from any question of inadequate depreciation, amounted to 239,000 during 1915.