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We report elsewhere in this issue an important deci;ion o the.King's Bench Division, in the course of a judgment delivered by...
We refrained, last week, although in poOsession of the official documents, from giving more than. a carefully-worded intimation...
Forces are. at work, the effect of which will certainly be observed within the, next two months, and forces which may result in...
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Legal Construction of Adapted or Intended For Use in War. The first appeal, brought from the decision of a Local Munitions...
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has no Confirmation, but to the Publication of which, we imagine, it will take no exception. Of despondent "Royalists." That...
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More About the Daimlers in Alexandria. General Joffre Congratulates the French M.T., after Verdun. MED. Fax. Foxes,...
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"The wheel of wealth unit be stowed by alt difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Recent Registrations. Motor Services, Ltd. (i100),th G its registered office at 40-46, Greystones Road, Sheffield. • The...
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A personal investigation of the actual working of a commercial vehicle, in normal encumstances, necessitates one's getting up...
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Following the recent papers read before the Institution of Automobile Engineers, which have dealt respectively with rear axles...
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Two American Views of the Respective Values of the Horse and the Electric Motor Vehicle for Goods and Passenger Transport. The...
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The Editor,. THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. • [1617] Sir,—Replying, if I may, to letter number 1616. Your editorial footnote rightly...
• The Editor, TRE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. , [1618] Sia,—If ever a Government appear&I destined to see mountains where only molehills...
The Editor,•Trig COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 11619] Sir—I note " Engineer's ' letter on page 119 . of your issue 'of 6th April about...
The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. E1620j Sir,—The scope of the oommercial-motor vehiele is a wide one, and there are few uses...
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[2962] (Covent Garden).—The Ministry of Munitions has been dealing with " releases ' for some weeks; hence the delay. You...
short-sight) will probably prevent your being accepted for the Infantry. If you hold a proper certificate of rejection, you are...
[2964] (Manchester).–We are unable, due to enlistments and pressure of war work, to search for an article which you are unable...
[2966] (Grievance).—We cannot agree that you are entitled to take advantage in your defence of the provisions of the Defence of...
[2966] (New Zealand).—We have very carefully considered the contents of your letter. We agree with you that a four-wheel-drive...