An Open Letter to the Forces
Page 18

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LAST week, in a leading article, we published the preliminary details of a scheme which has been inaugurated by " The Commercial Motor ." to assist in finding suitable positions in our industry for officers and men following their demobilization. Naturally, such a body as we visualize can deal only with those who have either been previously engaged in some branch of the motor business on the manufacturing, selling, operating, or servicing sides, or others who have, during their service with the Forces, received a sound training which would render them suitable for employment in one or other of these sections.
As we pointed out, it is not possible yet to ascertain exactly what will be the arrangements made by the authorities in so far as the release of Service personnel is concerned. It may be that two factors will be taken into consideration—length of service and priority for key men, the latter for the reason that the preliminary work which would be performed by such men might make way for those who follow. We must emphasize, however, that this is only our view.
It is very difficult to get into touch with many of those whom we wish to help, as, although a fair number of copies of this journal circulates in the various areas occupied by the Forces, only a small proportion of the total who might be interested can possibly see it regularly, or even have the opportunity of reading single copies. However, we would ask those into whose hands falls this issue and the previous one to circulate them as freely as possiblq amongst all who might be interested in this particular subject, or, if they learn of the scheme in another way, to pass this information on to their friends.
Our intention is to lay the foundations of a League, which we may call "The 'C.M.' League .of Servicemen," and we shall commence with a card index, in which we shall enter up the name, private address, and qualifications of all those officers and men who care to express their desire to participate.
At present there will be no.question of any fee, and those who write will not become actual mem bers until they are •free from service. If the response justifies it, so far as numbers are concerned, then the League can be put on a more substantial basis, with its own committee and secretary, in which case a reasonable fee would have to be charged to cover operating expenses.
We would, naturally, like the opinions and advice of those concerned, and any others interested, on these suggestions, but we„ are not in a position to answer a lot of inquiries, except through our columns. Letters should be addressed to " Service Index," care of the Editor.