27th August 1943, Page 20
27th August 1943
Page 20

Page 20, 27th August 1943
News Of. The Week
FUEL INSPECTORS MAY DEMAND SAMPLES W ITH a view to securing compliance with the Control of Motor Fuel Order, 1942, a Ministry of Fuel Inspector may, under the Fuel (Inspection)......
Trailer Speed L I M It Modifications U Nder Regulations...
Defence (General) Regulations, 1939, the Minister of War Transport has made the Motor Vehicles (Speed Regulation) Order, 1943, which comes into force on September 1.......
A.r.o. Membership And Finances
L AST Monday Mr. Reginald Hindley, honorary treasurer, A.R.O., presented his seventh successive report. He pointed out that th'e reserve funds at March 31 totalled £29,692, an......