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Enter our livery contest and help your business

27th December 1980
Page 48
Page 48, 27th December 1980 — Enter our livery contest and help your business
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NE of the most effective ways f selling goods and services is ) carry a smart and effective ehicle livery. This applies to oth the haulage and own-acaunt sectors of the industry. CM's livery competition gives perators the opportunity to yarn how effective their livery ;. By submitting an entry for us exclusive CM event you will ee yourselves as others see ou.

• Do your vehicles tell potenial customers what you offer, vhat you make or what you sell? Aore important, do they do it ,ffectively?

• Does your livery say how ind where to contact you? Does t say it in a readable eye-catchng way?

Our judges are experts in jraphic design; that is their busiless. They know how to make the best use of space, typeface sod colour. They not only find :he best, they also find the faults. The competition is divided ,nto five classes annually and the first class for 1981 is for vehicles between 7.5 tonnes and 21 tonnes gvw. This covers a wide range of body options, all of which can be used to advantage.

Entry to the competition is simple; the judging is impartial; only the livery is considered; background of the illustration has no influence. Here is how you enter: • Send to us colour 35mm transparencies of the vehicle showing full front, full rear and .both sides.

• Complete and return the entry form on this page.

• Enclose an entry fee of £5 for each vehicle entered.

The entries must reach us by first post on January 27, and the results will be published in CM on March 61981.

The winner will receive a silver salver, which is retained. In addition the best entry finished in 3M's Controltac will be awarded six crystal glasses by 3M; similarly Stimur will present a piece of crystal for the best entry in its material.

This is an opportunity to discover how effective your livery is. The judges will be happy to comment privately on individual entries on request.