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Pieces Of Silvel Transport
THERE WAS a time 50 years e more ago when ratepayers the Steel City could apparer afford to reward their elected presentatives with pieces silver as free transport pass These......
Roadline's Bstacle Course
TRIED it and it works. From le to time CM puts the claims industry to the test. We use results to prove or disprove claim or to compare like seres. Thristmas was a good time to......
Free Diesel For Engine Tests
CHALLENGING OPEC to do their worst, which in any event they will, Volvo Truck Corporation has found a way of getting free dery for engine tests. Waste heat generated by the......
Difficult Task To Raise Rate
JOHN WOODHOUSE, of J.E. Woodhouse (Haulage) Ltd, Newton, Powys, has four sons but none of them shows any inclination to enter his 12-vehicle business. This is perhaps not......