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Build up a library
DGAN PAGE Ltd has just an3unced a bulk deal whereby a alection of books can be ipplied to form a transport anager's library.
Should the reader be new to e business or some of his staff newcomers, then the collecm will be found indispensable. tles covering every aspect of industry include: Comrner91 Vehicle Buyer's Guide, A side to HGV Driving Tests and :ences and A Transport Maner's Guide to International 3ighting.
4NY BOOKS have been itten about on-highway lieles, but few have been inpiled about those designed built specifically for off-road
)ff-Highway and Construction rcks is intended as a corn)ion to Trucks of the World ,hways, and are both edited 4rthur Ingram.
his book is produced to the le high quality in both text i illustrations and covers 3jects including the deopment of construction ides, dump trucks, aircraft, irity vehicles and industrial commercial vehicles.
IsĀ° there's information on ing rigs, cranes, logging, ing and rubbish disposal icles.
ecause many of these cies operate in areas where :ss by enthusiasts is either prohibited or difficult there are not the same opportunities to see the equipment in use. The excellent colour and black and white photographs compensate for this somewhat and the text is evocative enough to make the reader feel as if he was actually there.
Throughout the book, famous conventional vehicle manufacturers like Fodens, British Leyland (Leyland Vehicles), Mercedes and Volvo crop up with a regularity which means that most manufacturers are also involved in building specialist vehicles.
As each type of vehicle or application is described, mention is made of any special design requirements or operating conditions likely to be encountered during its life.
The last chapter deals with truck model-making and explains in detail how they can be built up with a relatively simple tool kit. ASK ANY transport manager which single book he would like on his bookshelf and he will probably say David Lowe's The Transport Managers' Handbook.
This annual publication is now in its eleventh edition and as in previous years it is bigger and better than before.
Unfortunately, any well-used reference book dealing with road transport can be a liability because it is almost impossible to update the text as legislation changes so rapidly. So with this kind of book it's always necessary to have the latest edition on hand.
This 1981 edition includes information on changes in law which have already taken place and also indicates possible changes during the next 12 months.
Because the Health and Safety at Work Act plays a prominent part in management, a full chapter is now devoted to this subject. This will guide the reader through the important aspects of the 1974 Act, what is required from the employer and employee and how the Act is enforced. Following this chapter is onE dealing with social legislatior which incorporates over 11 separate Acts: employment protection, training, employers' liability, and contracts of employment to name a few.
The 1981 edition can only be described as the best yet, and whatever information relative to transport is required by the reader will be there. Particular emphasis has been made on transport law and it is described in simple everyday English so that transport management will know exactly where it stands.
Regulations supplement
THE 1980 supplement to the Motor Vehicle Technical Regulations by E. Toyne gives details of the various amendments which have been made since the second edition was produced.
Information is also included on the Construction and Use changes, Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations, and Si 1980/1166 which came into operation on September 8, 1980.
One particularly useful feature of the 1980 supplement is an upto-date table which lists the EEC Directives applicable to motor vehicles and trailers and indicates which of those are included in the National Type Approval Scheme of Great Britain.