Representative Makers : Section A.
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Parcelcars, Motorvaas, Motor Lorries, Steam Wagons, Steam Tractors, Traction Engines, etc.
Adams Manufacturing Ca., Ltd.
Works : Bedford.
Loudon Office: Balfour House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.
Telegraphic addresses : " Admocar Bedford and London."
Sole Export Agent : A. W. RosLngtom, Lloyds Avenue House, Lloyds Avenue, London, E.C.
A single model of commercial vehicle is turned out at the Bedford works of the Adams Co. This is of 30-cwt. net load capacity, and is designed to meet the demand for a vehicle which shall definitely compete with the pair-horse
delivery yawl. It enjoys the distinction of ,being one of the very few commercial-vehicle models which at present is fitted with a self-starting device, and on behalf of this accessory it is claimed that, where the number of delivery stops is considerable, great savings in wear and tear of working parts, and of fatigue to the driver are effected. It has a considerable underneath clearance, and therefore would appear to be especially suitable for Colonial purposes, The chassis itself is suited to take either an 11-seated char-k-bancs body, or a 30-cwt. open ttuck. The four-cylinder engine, with the cylintiers cast in pairs, has an R.A.C. rating of 19.2. Thermosyphon cooling is employed, whilst a feature which makes a strong appeal to us is the provision of trough lubrication. One of these machines has lately been employed by a, well-known London carrier, viz., Bean's Express, Ltd. This user states that, when testing the self-starter the vehicle was stopped 930 times in six days to deliver and pick up goods, the average stop being two minutes. so that the saving in engine running time for the week worke'd out at 31 hours. The petrol consumption during these trials, we are told, worked out at 13 miles per gallon.
Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Scotstoun, Glasgow. London depot: 21-22, Upper Rathbone Place, Oxforu Street., W. Telegraphic addresses "Automobile Glasgow" and 1' Karalbo London."
The Albion industrial petrol-driven chassis is one which has already found its way into many corners of the world. Machines built at the Albion works were amongst the first to set up unexceptionable records in regard to reliability and low cost of maintenance in the home country. The company has not ceased to manufacture on the same careful lines, and to employ the same sturdy components which have done much to champion the cause of Albion reliability in the past. When considering the number of Albions which has been put into service, hi connection with goods transport partienlarly, it is interesting to learn that the output of the present factory is over 100 per cent_ greater than it was two years ago, and that the works are still being extended. We include herewith tabulated particulars of the useful range of machines which this company manufactures. The 32 h.p. model is one which, is being extensively used by brewers and aerated-water manufacturers, and the 15 h.p., fonr-cylinder light van model, which has only recently been put on the market, makes a special appeal to users to whom prompt delivery is of primary importance. This model, in spite of its speed capacity, is intended to be run, if necessary, with solid tires on its rear wheels. The small 10-cwt. Albion is designed to run on pneumatic tires throughout.
Load. H.P. Drive. Price.
10 cwt, 15 358 15 ,, 16 378 ,, 16 378
1 ton 16 33 388
25 cwt. 16 419 30 ,, 16 466
2 tons 16 474 2 ,, 32 3, 633 3 s, 32 664 4 ,, 32 ;3 715 Worm Chain NOM—Prices quoted are for chassis with tires, Lob. Glasgow.
We are able to include below, on this page, an illustration of part of a fleet of 11 Albion vehicles which is owned by Foy and Gibson, Ltd., which comfmny will be known to many of our readers as one of the largest, firms of retail merchants and general stores in Australia: its principal business is in Melbourne. It is now some considerable time, we understand, since Foy and Gibson, Ltd., purchased its first Albion van. From time to time since then further repeat orders for vehicles of this make have been received
at Scotstoun. The most-recent addition is for five machines ordered through the Kellow Motor Co., of Melbourne, who are the Albion concessionnaires for Victoria. Another interesting delivery in connection with the supply of Overseas models is of a 16 h.p., two-ton Albion lorry for use in Denmark by a dairy-supply association. This machine was ordered through Mr. T. T. Nielsen, of Copenhagen. Amongst the latest orders received is one from the Crown Agents for the Colonies for three 15-cwt. chassis for the Government of Ceylon. A very large number of Government machines—most of them vans, by the way—has been supplied to date by the Albion Co. Other recent orders of this kind are for the New Zealand Government, for the Crown Colonies of Selandnr and Basutoland, and for several of the Government departments of Australia.
William Allchin, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Globe Works, Northampton. Telegraphic address: " Allchin Northampton."
Prominent amongst the makers of modern British steam wagons is the old-established house of William Allchin, Ltd. At present this maker is only marketing a five-ton model, and this is of thc over type, in which the engine is situated over the shell of the loco boiler, a design which now, to a large extent, dominates the productions of steam-wagon builders in the home country. We understand that the production of a three-ton Allchin steamer is contemplated. Particular reliance with regard to sales of this type of wagon is placed on the undoubted efficiency and hard-wearing qualities of the Allehin boiler. It is interesting to note that this make Ms achieved considerable success in Australia, a country in which there is undoubted scope for haulage plant of this kind, at any rate in districts were water supplies are not limited. There are over 15 Allchin five-tonners already in service in various parts of Australia.
Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Matchless Works, Birmingham.
London Office : 58, Holborn Viaduct., E.C.
Cable address: " AlIdays Birmingham."
This manufacturer has recently put on the market new models of the smallest types of commercial-motor vehicles. The Alldays light delivery van, which is designed to carry a load of 5 cwt., and is expressly intended for tradesmen's express work, is a model which made its first appearance at the Olympia Mattis Cycle Show of 1912. It is listed complete at L130 net cash at works, so that it will be seen that this is a serious attempt to provide tradesmen with a small cheap delivery unit. On lines which are certainly receiving considerable support elsewhere from other constructors, this company has produced its latest 7 li.p. -water-cooled parcelear, which is known as the " Expressodel No. 1." This is sold for 100 guineas net cash at. works. A complete range of heavier lorry models up to 5-tons capacity, is also offered. Enquiries are solicited for passenger vehicles and railears.
Alley and MacLellan, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Sentinel Works, Polmadie, Glasgow. London Office : 139, Grosvenor Road, S.W. Telegraphic address : " Alley Glasgow."
A machine which enjoys an exceptional reputation amongst users in the home country who find it necessary to haul maximum loads over difficult country is the Sentinel, built by Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., of Glasgow. This company has found it desirable to place on the market two different types of steamers; the original model is of a distinctive kind, whilst that which has followed is of the more usual locoboiler pattern. The original class of machine is known as the six-ton standard, and can normally accommodate a 10-ton load when used with a trailer. The boiler is a vertical one, and slung ahead of the leading axle, and this characteristic, in conjunc. tion with the position of the horizontal engine beneath the frame. affords an exceptionally large platform area for a
moderate wheelbase. The engine is not, as is the case in almost all other types of steam wagons, of the compound type; two simple cylinders are employed, and these are hi direct connection with the back axle by a single chain from the crankshaft.
The principal features of the vertical boiler are its exceptional streugth, its superheater coil; and the ability with which the whole unit may be maintained and repaired if necessary.
We have not space at the present time to describe all the very many interesting lectures of this unique wagon. There is, however, need to say little more than to refer to the very largo number of actual users who are getting remarkable service from these sturdy machines in all parts of the country and abroad. We recently carried out some interesting tests on the road with the 6-ton Sentinels belonging to Greenall, Whitley and Co., Ltd. The 'Sentinel overtype wagon is of similar load-carrying capacity, and was introduced owing to the fact that the maker came to the conclusion, and very sensibly we consider, that, as this class of steamer had become so popular in this country, and as it was an excellent working proposition, it would be unwise not to be able to offer such a model where it was particularly required. The engine in this type is in the usual position—over the top of the boiler, which latter is sufficiently large to burn either coke or coal. All the other features correspond in general arrangement to other makes of overtype wagon.
We tabulate a few particulars of the principal types of this maker's machines herewith.
Argylls, Ltd.
Works and Head Office : Alexandria, Dumbartonshire, Scotland.
Telegraphic address : " Argylls Alexandria."
We are advised by this well-known Scottish maker that it is doing remarkably well in regard to orders for goods-transport machines of all kinds. In particular, it is finding a
considerable demand for its 15-cwt. model vim for the home market, whilst its one-ton and two-toil machines are becoming Nmry popular in various parts of New Zealand and Australia. It is interesting to note that Argyll orders received during several recent months show an increase of 20 per cent, over those for the corresponding period last year. We are enabled to illustrate in this section a typical example of the Argyll delivery-van model. This is of the 15 h.p. one-ton type, and has a four-cylinder engine of the poppet-valve design embodied in it ; it will be remembered that the Argyll Co. has recently perfected a most ingenious single-sleeve engine. The one-ton machine has a three-speed-and-reverse gearbox of normal type, and a worm-drive back axle is adopted. This model is quite representative of Argyll goods-transport machines.
Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd.
Works : EIswick, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
London depot: 3, Blenheim Street, New Bond Street, W.
Telegraphic address: " Autocar Newcastle-on-Tyne."
This celebrated Tyneside eomnany •manufactures one, commercial-vehicle model only ; this is of fear-ton capacity, and is of:a type which extended experience over a num.ber years has proved suitable for the majority of indite ial conditions. As a matter of fact, it has not been :mind necessary by this constructor to modify the design to any very great extent., with the exception of detail improvements since the first machines were constructed several years ago. The four-cylinder engine drives to a eliding-type gearbox of exceptionally-sturdy proportions, and the final drive is by means of roller chains.
A workmanlike example of the ArmstrongWhitworth four.-tonner.
There are well over 100 Armstrong-Whitworth lorries in service, and it is interesting to note that all modifications which have been embodied, with but one or two unimportant exceptions, are interchangeable between new and old models. Those in search of a good sturdy design of chassis with ample engine power and considerable capacity for collar work will do well to consider the claims of this machine which is turned out in the shops of this celebrated builder of battleships and gun mountings. The price of the standard chassis f.o.b. London is £679.
Arrol-Johnston, Ltd.
fjorks Offices : Paisley and Dumfries, Scotland. felegraphic address : Mocar Paisley."
The 15-cwt. Arrol.Johnston commercial-vehicle model is, at the time of writing, the only industrial design produced by this well-known Scottish company. It has a four-cylinder engine, a four-speed-and-reverse gearbox, and an over-type, worm-driven back aide.' A speciality is made of the lubrication of the engine. This is positively effected by means of a pump situated in a sump in the bottom half of the crank chamber, and it is stated that the design is such that it ensures a perfect and uniform lubrication of the whole engine and a constantly smokeless exhaust. The inclusive price of the chassis at the works is quoted as £350. This is capable of doing service as a lorry, as a covered or open van, or as e 12-seated char-ft-banes.
Belhaven, Ltd.
Office and Works : WiShaw, Scotland. Telegraphic address: " Belmotors Wishaw."
The industrial models manufactured by Belhaven, Ltd., are of three types: these are of 30-cwt., two-ton and three-ton net load capacity respectively. We are advised, also, that the company has in hand proposals for the manufacture of five-tontier. The 30-cwt. machine has a 20 h.p. engine, the two-tonner has a 27 h.p. engine, end the three-tcmner has a 32 h.p. engine. All of these are of the four-cylinder type.
Nov.--In the above cases the prices quoted are f.a.s. Glasgow, and include tires and platform lorry body.
Wallis and Steevens, Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Basingstoke, England. Telegraphicaddress : " Wallis Basingstoke "
As we go to press we are furaished by this old-ectablished concern with a batch of interesting photographs of the various types'of -road locomotives and steam wagons which it has standardized. The Wallis and Steevens heavy road locomotive is quite representative of high-class traction-engine practice aturis a favourite machine with users of this kind of plant. The company's steam wagons are of the now popular loco-boiler 'type. and conform in general arrangement to other machines of this class ; the two standard models are of the three-ton and five-ton types. The Wallis and Steevens swan five-ton steam tractor is also a popular model. We reproduce a photograph of a typical steam wagon on the next page.
Belsize Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Clayton, Manchester. Telegraphic address : " Belsize Manchester."
Sole export agent: A. W. Roslington, Lloyd's Avenue House, Lloyd's Avenue, London, E.C.
This well-known Manchester company manufactures a useful range of goods-transport models. These are tabulated below. Remarkable success has attended the introduction of the 15-cwt. delivery van, which is, in many respects, similar in construction to the well-known Belsize cab model. It has a 1446 h.p. four-cylinder engine, and a wheelbase of 8 ft. 3 in. A three-speed-and-reverse gearbox transmits the drive to the live back axle. One of the most noteworthy orders for this particular model is that which was secured from the proprietors of the London "Evening News," who use these machines for express delivery all over London and the home counties. A fleet of 20 of these machines, all of them fitted With low, speedy-looking covered bodies, is a familiar sight in the London streets, and forms an excellent, example of the value of this class of vehicle for high-speed delivery of medium loads. We are enabled to illustrate an example of this model. ' The 30-cwt. lorry is provided with an 18 h.p. engine, a four-speed-and-reverse gearbox, and chain drive to the rear wheels. This is a useful medium-capacity machine. 'Ile three.tormer has a worm-drive back axle, and is a good example of its class; it is a type which finds satisfactory employment in long-distance delivery work of all kinds.
. rhe Belsize goods-transport range is completed by a fiveton chain-driven machine ; this has an engine which develops 50 h.p. at 1000 rpm.
Berna Commercial Motors, Ltd.
Works : Avonmore Road, West Kensington, W., and Olton.
London Office : 3, Lombard Street, E.C.
Telegraphic address: " Klibergar London."
Berna commercial chassis must demand the attention of all users primarily in respect of the claims which are put forth by its makers for its exceptionally-economic running in regard to fuel consumption and their low maintenance charges_ This is a machine which, daring the past, twelve months, has made very steady progress, and has gained for itself many friends. Thedesigners of the Berrie chassis undoubtedly had in mind, when producing the first models, the importance of entire simplicity of construction for machineswhich were to be used exclusively for industrial purposes,. and this is a feature which is at once apparent to anyone who takes the trouble to examine one of this company's standard chassis. During a recent trial of a standard Berna lorry in England, whilst it was loaded with five tons net, th-a machine is reported to have achieved a consumption of 10 miles to the gallon of petrol over an average route extending, to 46 miles of running. There is little doubt that such remarkable consumption figures must he due, in addition to economy of carburation and efficiency of ths power plant generally, to the wholesale employment of heavy-duty ball bearings throughout the chassis, together with careful and ingenkins provision for their sustained lubrication. The transmission on the standai,d Berna is by the ordinary feria of gearbox, and thence by card an shaft to the differential, and so by cross-shafts to internal gearing on the hind wheels, the differential box being carried on he perch bars.
It will be noticed, from the table which we include herewith, that Berna models are made in a very useful range of sizes. A 10.cwt. -machine, a recent introduction, is of particular interest, in view of the fact tliat a two-stroke motor is employed.
Boma Commercial Motors, Ltd., can refer to a large number of satisfied users in this country and an the Continent, and amongst the more important of them we may cite the British Army Service Corps, the Italian and Swiss Governments, the Municipality of Toronto, and large owners in Rome, Milan, Zurich, Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, etc.
Societe des Automobiles Brasier.
Works: Ivry-Port, France. London Office: 77-78, High Street, Marylebone, W. Telegraphic address: " Brasieroto London."
This well-known French constructor is represented in London at the address given above, and it, is interesting to note that, at the time of going to press, the decision has been arrived at to offer Brasier commercial models on the English and Colonial markets forthwith. Brasier industrial vehicles enjoy a high reputation in France, and the Government of that country makes particular use of them. One of the first machines to be offered. in Great Britain is to be the two-ton, 12 h.p. lorry. This has a four-speed gearbox and final-drive chain transmission. Brasier constructors remark that, although it has been thought wise to embody an engine which is not remarkable for its power, yet, owing to the remarkable efficiency which the Brasier system is claimed to develop, it is considered that such an embodiment is an economical move, and is important to the would-be users.
Broom and Wade, Ltd.
Works: High Wycombe. •
London Office: F. H. Preece, 49, Queen Victoria. Street, E.C.
Telegraphic address: "Broom High Wycombe."
When we have to write of the Broom and Wade paraffin lorry we always feel that we have to mention a model which has characteristics which would appear to be particularly suitable for Overseas conditions. It is a design of wagon which is quite unconventional, and which has now, after a number of years service on the road, proved its capacity for steady and reliable running at very low cost. The machines are driven by paraffin or kerosene engines, which are designed almost on heavy steam-engine lines. The single-cylinder engine drives through constantly-meshed gearwheels in.
wide, to which the drive is transmitted through dosclutches, and from the gearbox is taken through a 2 in. extra heavy Hans Renold chain to the differential on the back axle. There are no bevels or worm drive on the whole machine. The first gearshaft is practically an extension of the crankshaft.
Broom and Wade, Ltd., has been building these wagons for eight years, and we are informed that the company continues to receive news of the remarkably economical running of its vehicles in various parts of the world. In England it 's frequently found that the Broom and Wade system enables tha cost to be brought down to 2.04d, per net ton-mile. Two models are made—a four-ton lorry and a six-ton tractor, the latter, complete with winding.. gear .operated from the driver's seat. The lorry, with a. standard body, is priced at £550 less 10 per cent. plus 5 per cent, for packing and delivery f.o.b. London. The tractor is sold at the same price. Broom and Wade lorries have been working for some years iii Chili-and in Burma over the roughest of roads.
H. Buessing.
Works: Flmstrasse, Braunschweig, Germany. Telegraphic address: "Motor Braunschweig."
We are able to include particulars and some illustrations of the very interesting commercial-vehicle models which are manufactured by the German firm of Bnessing. This is e name which earned considerable credit for itself in the early days, when motorbus activity was only commencing in the Metropolis. A large number of these machines, of various models, waa started in service seven years' ago in London passenger transport, and they put up very creditable records,
considering the abnormal conditions under which all classes of machines were running in those days. The Buessing chassis, of which there are four main types, has a fine accessible engine of the type in which the valves are all overhead and operated by a helical-driven camshaft. Accessibility is, indeed, an outstanding feature of Buessing design. The drive is taken through a detachable cone clutch, through a four-speed, ball-bearing gearbox, and thence by powerful roller chains to the hind wheels. Amongst the many interesting features of this chassis we may instance: the provision of spring-mounted radius rods, a useful comp:lent which has always been embodied in Buessing industrial models; the double spring-suspension on the front axle— small helical springs support the spring hangers holding the ends of the main laminated springs; the method of supporting the frame on the plate spring ends with ball pivots; and the use of a radiator to which, it is claimed, repairs may he rapidly effected by the replacement of flat interchangeable tubes. This type of chassis is being used by the German Government War Department, as well as for ordinary goods delivery in many parts of the Continent.
Load. H.P. Drive. Price.
2 tons 2.5 Chain 3 ,0 35 4 ,1 35 33 5 ,, 40 )3 Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield), Ltd.
Head Office and Works: -Union Works, Huddersfield. London'Office: 68, Victoria Street, S.W.
Telegraphic addresses: " Karriakar Huddersfield and London."
Karrier Cars' for commerce" is the euphonic phrase which has been given wide publicity by Clayton and Co., Ltd., the well-known manufacturer of industrial vehicles' of Huddersfield, England. This company is now one of the very few in Great Britain which offers models both of the ordinary bonneted type and of that class of design in which the engine is situated beneath the driver. A great, many of the more important business connections of this enterprisiug concern have been built up amongst the mill-owners of Yorkshire, Lancashire and similar districts, and for their purposes it has been necessary to supply a machine which shall be capable of the maximum ease of manipulation in confined spaces. Shortness of over-all length, and an ability to turn in a comparatively small circle are characteristics which Clayton's have had to embody for many of their customers. This, in short, explains one of the reasons why Clayton's are in the exceptional position of being able to offer machines of the two radically-different types.
In regard to chassis details, these include no unusual features. A four-cylinder engine of sturdy proportions, a leatherlinsd cone clutch, a combined gearbox containing the change-speed gears and the differential gear, and chain finalreduction drive are the principal characteristics of 'these "
hard-wear" models. The silent type of final-chain drive has been adopted as standard on all the models below five tons, and this has been found not only to give exceptional efficiency of transmission, but also to ensure economy in the matter of chain replacements. The company has already supplied a considerable number of special machines for use Overseas. In this respect it is interesting to notice amongst the particular requirements which are as a ride embodied in
such cases ; the provision of extra-large radiators where climatic conditions make this desirable ; the fitting of accumulator and coil ignition in addition to the standard high-tension system ; the use of steel wheels, and, in exceptional cases, of steel tires; and the inclusion of aluminium chain cases completely enclosing the final drives.
It is claimed that the Karrier Car models are exceptionally suited for Overseas employment, as the nature of their designs provides a particularly-clean under-chassis clearance; there is an absence of projections below the axles. If necessary,
wheels up to 40 in. diameter can be fitted, in order to increase this clearance. In regard to tho machines which are particularly required for goods transport of all kinds, the company's patent hoisting gear is not infrequently fitted, and this is well worth the attention of our Overseas readers. The winding gear consists of a drum, which is carried on the near side of the differential sprocket shaft, by which it. is rotated. The driving chain sprocket is connected to the shaft by a dog clutch, which is brought into and out of engagement by a hand-operated lever. All the forward speeds of the gearbox, as well as the reverse, may in this way be employed in connection with the hoisting gear. If thought desirable, two drums, one on the end of each shaft, can be fitted ; the neceseasy fair-lead pulleys are, of course, included with this
NOTE.—Karrier cars are made in two types, e.g., with the engine under the driver's seat, or with the ordinary form of bonnet. The prices are for chassis and tires and are approximately the same for equivalent load capacities. In all eases the prices quoted are f.o.b. Liverpool, packed for shipment. All inquiries should be sent direct to Huddersfield.
(Clement Bayard) Bayard Cars, Ltd.
Head Office : 98, High Street, Marylebone, London, W.
Telegraphic address : "Clembayar London."
This well-known company, of which the factory is at Levallois' Paris, now markets a range of machines, the individual models of which have won for themselves r^markable reputations in connection with the French War Office trials. This maker has specialized particularly in respect of the heavier types of goods-transport machines. The heaviest design is a lorry, which, with its trailer, sis capable of hauling a load of 10 tons. All the larger machines are of that type of construction in which the driver is placed over tiv, engine, this arrangement finding considerable favour with users in France. All but the lighter machines have fourcylinder engines and chain final drives. Delivery vans are represented by bonneted models, and these vary in carrying capacity from 5 cwt. to 30 cwt.
Commercial Cars, Ltd.
Works : Luton, Beds.
London Office : Cambridge Circus, W. C.
Telegraphic addresses : " Komerkars Luton and London."
In the case of this company, it would seem almost unneces sary to emphasize, in such a notice as this, the fact that it specially caters for those requiring self-propelled vehicles for goods-haulage work. Commercial Cars, Ltd., is a company which was founded a number of years ago with the sole object
of manufacturing practicable machines for industrial purposes. It has not in any way grown from an allied pleasure-car busi
ness. The whole of its designs have been evolved as the result of careful consideration of business requirements. Years of study and of experience under most diverse conditions haVe resulted in the production of a range of machines of which the popularity is remarkable. We shall have much to say in other sections of this issue with regard to the many applications of Commer Cars to such uses as municipal and passengertransport employment, but as it is true that the most important section of the commercial-vehicle industry is undoubtedly that connected with goods haulage of all kinds, so we may perhaps be excused if we write somewhat fully of the Commer Car under the present heeding " Goods Transport." A range of chassis varying in gross load capacity, i.e., in cluding body, from 30 cwt. to 61 tons is marketed, and all these types, known for the makers' reference purposes by certain combinations of initial letters, as well as by such titles as " Brackley," " Braintree," " Barnet," etc., are in extensive use both at home and in many countries Overseas. The chain final drive is one of several dominant features of design of the Commer Car chassis. Only in the case of the 30-cwt. machine, the smallest of the series, is a live axle fitted, and this is of the worm-driven type. All the others have chains, and with certain of the models, oil-tight chaineases are supplied, in conjunction, as standard. In the case of the heavier designs,,this accessory is optional, but is frequently recommended. A four-cylinder engine of clean and workmanlike de*Sign; with all the latest ideas embodied in regard to lubrication, bearing surfaces, ignition, etc., drives, through a cone clutch, to a gearbox having unique features. Evidence of the enterprise of this company is forthcoming tliatywe,are,.acitisied that a new model of parcelear is, artM undergoing extensive testa at the Luton works, and this should complete the range of goodscarrying vehicles supplied by Commercial Cars, Ltd., in a very satisfactory manner. The new machine, we are informed, has a 9 h.p. twin-cylinder, air-cooled engine, with a three-speed. and-reverse gearbox, a gate change and a worm drive to the rear live axle. It is anticipated that this interesting little parcelcar will be available for delivery about the end of February, 1913. We are not indiscreet when we record our opinion, that few manufacturing concerns are to-day in a better position than is Commercial Cars, Ltd., to supply self-propelled vehicles fur goods transport of every description. As an indication of the huge increase in this company's business, we may record the fact that it was found necessary, during the year 1912, almost entirely to rebuild the Luton factory, and practically to double it in size. Owing to this large increase in productive plant, the execution of orders can now be guaranteed in quite reasonable time.
Many Colonial-type models are fitted with the special sell contained Commer Car hauling gear, to enable chassis to haul themselves out of boles and up banks. Many machines fitted in this way have been sent to the Australian agents of the company. One big model 'has five forward gear ratios. Amongst the many recent orders for goods vehicles for Overseas countries, we may quote a fleet of five vehicles supplied to the Imperial Bank of Russia by the company's agents, Paul Reeks!. Ltd., of St. Petersburg; these are for the collection and delivery of bullion ; five-ton tipping lorries to the Crown Agents for the Colonies; four-ton lorries for Hingham and Co., Victoria, British Columbia; and five-ton lorries to the Chita National Soda Syndicate, Chita, Siberia.
Head Office and Works : 76, Sainsbury Road, West Kilburn, N.W.
Telegraphic address ; " Motovulcar London."
R. S. Currie and Co. are automobile engineers who have specialized in the preduction of the latest type of commercial model. The parcelear which they have produced is now known as the Autoporter. A trial machine is running in Melbourne, whiletTozees., Helmsley and Fisher, Ltd., is the sole agent for the Australian Commonwealth. Two Autoporters are also running, at the time of writing, in each of the following countries : Argentine, Brazil, New Zealand, and A Purrey.Exshaw steamer (see p. 18). The Daimler Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Coventry, England.
Telegraphic address; "Daimler Coventry."
This company has already achieved remarkable success with Its recently-introduced industrial models. The designs have been achieved on the basis of most-extensive experience of running conditions of a large number of well-known makes. The three-ton lorry is one of the finest examples of its class. The arrangement of the mechanism conforms to normal design, but it is in regard to detail construction that the Daimler industrial models are remarkable. The engine, for instance, is of the now well-known Daimler sleeve-valve type, and develops 40 h.p. at 1000 r.p.m. The gearbox can be fitted alternatively with ordinary spur gears or with a three-speed chain type of reduction, at purchaser's option. The back axle is of special worm-drive design, and other details which call for partieUlar notice are the effective brake systems, the as i frame, the cast-steel wheels, and the tubular radiator wit
cast top and bottom headers. Amongst recent purchasers of Daimler lorries we may mention the Sunshine Motor Car Proprietary, Ltd.; George Henning, Esq., New Zealand ; The Delta Metal Co., Ltd., 13irmingliarn; etc., etc. The Daimler Co,, it will be remembered, also manufactures the Renard road triton
Dennis Bros., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Guildford. Telegraphic address: "Dennis Guildford."
This old-established manufacturer of industrial vehicles markets, as will be seen from the table which we include on page 13, a range of models which offers exceptional choice
to would-be users. It is almost unnecessary for us to remind our readers that this company rightly claims to be the pioneer to adopt the worm as a met od of final delve. It is, indeed, remarkable confirmation of the soundness of Dennis foresight to contemplate the complete unanimity with which constructors of all kinds of motor vehicles, whether of the pleasurezcar crass, or of the many types which are intended solely
industrial ndustrial purposes, hate adopted this form of final drive. The 10-cwt. van is amongst the most recent introductions, and it is a model which will undoubtedly do much to satisfy the rapidly-growing demand for a light high-speed delivery machine for tradesmen, stores, and other concerns 0f: this nature. Throughout the range of Dennis models, in the hind axle the worm itself is held in position above the worm wheel. This method permits the attainment of a horizontal drive without the necessary embodiment of a cardan shaft which is normally considerably out of alignment. The ensuing saving of wear and tear on the universal joints needs no emphasising.
Perhaps some of the best testimony to the suitability of the Dennis machines for goods-transport purposes is forthcoming from the fact that so many users with names of world-wide repute have chosen these machines for their service. Big business concerns, which have built up reputations for commercial prescience, are not likely in the slightest degree to jeopardize their interest,, in so far as efficiency and promptness of delivery are concerned, by the choice of an unsuitable machine. The Dennis Co. has, in this respect, accumulated a goodwill of exceptional value. We may, for instance, mention the ownership of Messrs. McNamara and Co., which concern—probably thebiggest Royal Mail contractors in the world—has recently acquired a fleet of not fewer than 110 machines, and these are now in regular employment for the collection and delivery of mails for the General Post Office between all the many Metropolitan district and sub-district centres_
Other big owners of Dennis goods vehicles are: Harrods, Ltd., which company has 35; Maple and Co., Ltd., the wellknown furnishers, of Tottenham Court Road, which possesses 20 Dennis machines ; and Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., the great carriers, who have purchased 20. Testimony to Dennis utility is also forthcoming from another very valuable source. Co-operative eocieties in many parts of the country have adopted Dennis delivery vans. Their work is of an exceptionally trying nature, and it appears that Dennis vehicles are able to encompass it with every satisfaction to the users. We mav mention, as owners of this kind, the co-operative societies of Helmsley, Derby, Ripley, Burslem, Colchester, Gloucester, Leicester. Rugby, Leigh, Blackpool, Bradford, Pendleton, Reigate, Birkenhead, etc., etc.
We need perhaps say no more in this section, with regard to Dennis products, than to record the fact that at the time of going to press over 3000 Dennis commercial vehicles are in nap at home and abroad. This constructor's experience has b2en of BO extensive and varied a• nature, that we do not hesitate to advise those who, are contemplating the adoption of motor haulage, even if their conditions seem to them peculiar and perhaps unduly onerous, to seek Dennis advice.
NOTE.—The extra charge for packing and • delivery f.o.b. London or Southampton of each model amounts approximately to £20 per chassis. Each price quoted is for chassis, and includes the fitting of rubber tires.
The latest type of Warrick front-seated parcelcar. Durham, Churchill and Co., Ltd.
Works: Grimesthorpe, Sheffield. Telegraphic address : " Velometer Sheffield."
This concern markets a range of models which should meet the requirements of most Oversees users in one respect or another. Their design is based on experience which goes back a number of years, and it is claimed that they can be operated with every satisfaction in regard to low cost of maintenance. An interesting feature of Durham-Churchill chassis is the Champion friction clutch, which is of the internal-cone type with metal-to-metal surfaces. This clutch is self-adjusting, and has practically no end thrust, which is a feature which does much towards ensuring careful use of the mechanical portions of the machine. In regard to mechanical 'features of the chassis, there is nothing unusual in the arrangement of components: a four-cylinder engine of ample strength drives through the aforesaid Champion clutch to a gearbox of neat proportions, and thence to a separate differential box ; on the ends of the differential shafts which this houses, chain sprockets take the final drive to the hind wheels.
5 „ 45 750
Nom.—The above prices are for chassis complete with tires, delivered free to any English port ; packing at shippers' cost.
Podens, Ltd.
Works : Elworth Works, Sandbach. Telegraphic address: " Foden Sandbach."
This company, which is the pioneer of loco..-type steamwagon construction both in Great Britain and the rest of the world, is at present making three different sizes of steam wagons, and these are known as the Colonial, the standard, and the small throe-ton type. The first of these, of course, is of special interest to readers of this present issue. It is fitted v,ith a larger boiler than the standard, in order to ensure ease of steaming with inferior coal or wood fuel, as may be found desirable. The read wheels of this model are 4 ft. in diameter, and have laces 12 in.. or 14 in. wide. These, of course, assist the wagon-to negotiate roads of poor surface in a satisfactory manner. : The Colonial model is capable of carrying and drawing on its trailer a total load of eight tons, distributed, as a rule, as to four tons on the wagon, and four tons on the trailer. With this load, speeds of 6 m.p.h. are obtainable, and gradients of 1 in 7 can be negotiated. The lowest price of this model is 2550 net, cash against B/L, packed and delivered f.o.b.
The second model is that which is known as the standard type, and this is the machine which is seen in such very large numbers all over Great Britain. It is capable of carrying and drawing on its trailer a total load of eight tons. The price of this machine is £505 net cash, packed and delivered f.o.b.
The smaller type, which is a model that is now being run extensively on solid-rubber tires on all wheels, with tvvm backs arid single fronts, is a wagon capable of earrstmg loans up to three' tons at speeds up to 12 m.p.h. As a result of very extensive trials -and lengthy road experience which is now available with this model, it has been found that the i.hree-ton rubber-tired Fcalen can compete economical* with very satisfactory results with petrol-driven chassis on depot to depOt work. Perhaps the finest testimony which can be brought forward by Fodene, Ltd., is the fact that, of the many hundreds of machines which these works have turned out, there is not one which at the time of writing is not still in satisfactory service. Fodens, Ltd., is, of course, also an important manufacturer of the usual types of traction engines, and this is a fast-growing branch of its business.
William Foster and Co., Ltd.
Works and Offices : Wellington Foundry, Firth Road, Lincoln.
Telegraphic address : "Foster Lincoln."
The Foster small five-ton tractor, mounted on the company's patent rear springing arrangement, has created for itself a record as an economical, hard-working goods-haulage unit. The company has been building portable engines and traction engines since the year 1856, and it markets a range of these heavy models at the present time. In particular, it specializes in a single-cylinder traction engine, a machine of a remarkably simple type, and one from which • users in all parts of the world are securing complete satisfaction. With regard to the smaller tractor, which is a model that has achieved very considerable success in the home country, much of its satisfactory running, and certainly its easy riding on rough roads, is due to the patented rear springing. The laminated springs are placed above the axle and outside the horn plates. The size and design of this model, although it specifically complies with the laws of Great Britain, have particular application in countries Overseas. The company arranges, before delivery of these little steamers, that they shall be able to haul a load of eight tons, and be able to run nnt less than 50 miles on give-and-take Lincolnshire roads at an average speed of at least 4,1 m.p.h. In addition, the coal consumption---ordinary coal, not Welsh—must not exceed 24 lb. per ton-mile, and the water consumption must not exceed nine-tenths of a gallon per ton-mile. Over and above these, there are very stiff hill-climbing and brake tests. If necessary, tractors can be supplied with special' Colonial fire boxes for use where green wood, turf, brown coal or other inferior fuels have to be used. It is necessary, however, to order such machines in advance; they are not kept in stock. John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.
Works : Steam Plough Works, Leeds. London office: 6, Lombard Street, EL. Telegraphic address. "Fowler Leeds."
Of the many interesting productions from the old-established factory of Fowler's, at Leeds, readers of our journal will undoubtedly be particularly interested in the latest models of oil-driven tractors which this company has produced during the past year or so. These are of unique design, and have caused quite a. sensation amongst users of haulage plant in various parts of the world. We say more about this interesting machine, and illustrate it, in Section D of the present issue.
We are unable, in the space at our command at the present moment, to attempt even to catalogue the many branches of activity in which Fowler's traction engines have borne their part, not the least of these being their participation in military operations all over the world. Fowler traction engines are known in all countries Overseas, and they have also achieved remarkable success on the Continent of Europe. Those who are interested in thie heavier class of plant will be best advised to apply to the address at the head of this notice for the several interesting sectional catalogues which are issued by the Leeds house.
Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Leiston, Suffolk. Telegraphic address: " Garrett Leiston."
This old-established manufacturer of agricultural plant has, during the past few years made tremendous progress in regard to the supply of standard types of steam wagons and
tractors. Its traction engines, of course, have a special market in all parts of the world. The five-ton standard Garrett steam wagon, in a test which was recentlY conducted by a member of the technical staff of this journal, created the low coal-consumption record of 0.925 lb. of coal per net ton-mile. The machine was shod with solid-rubber tires throughout.
Girling Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Works : Grosvenor Works, Bedford, England. Landon Office : 13, Finsbury Circus, E.C.
After experiments extending over several years, this corn. pany has produced a light.weight parcelcar, which is calculated to perform any reasonable work to which it might be put without difficulty. It has now been decided considerably to extend the manufacturing plant, and arrangements have been made to build a large number of machines. The new Girling Colonial model, which has a 6-11.p. water-cooled motor, is an interesting machine and pi. mises well.
J. and E. Hall, Ltd.
Works : Dartford, Kent.
London Office : 10, St. Swithin's Lane E.C.
Telegraphic addresses : " Hallford London, or Dartford."
A model of commercial vehicle of which the reputation continues to increase regularly, and which we have no hesitation in recommending very strongly to our readers Overseas, is the Hallford, manufactured by J. and E. Hall, Ltd., of Dartford. It is an open secret that the first models of this make were designed on the basis of what is one of the most successful industrial models for which Continental makers are responsible; we refer to the Saurer. The modern Hallford, of course, has developed apart, to a very considerable extent, but it is an excellent guarantee of satisfactory operation to realize that there is much in common between the Englishbuilt Hallford of to-day and the Saurer, which has won remarkable laurels in many European countries. The Hallford, however, hardly needs the additional recommendation which its origin yields, as the English model, early in industrialvehicle days, secured for its makers a special diploma and a gold medal in the Commercial Vehicle Trials which were conducted by the the home country in 1907. The table which we include herewith shows that the company markets a useful range of five distinct models. The smallest one is the most-recently designed. It has a 25 h.p. engine, Bosch ignited, and a special two-nozzle type of carburetter. A leather-faced cone clutch transmits the power, through a three-speed gearbox, and thence by final-drive chains to the hind road wheels.
Amongst recent Hallford deliveries for use Overseas we may here record delivery of two special vehicles for the conveyance of goods and passengers in the districts around the C4
First published illustration of the new Hindley,
Persian Gulf ports. Delivery is to be made to Ma.shal Bros., Ltd. The type is illustrated on page 28. This company has built a new model to the W.O. subsidy specification.
NOTE.—The prices are for chassis only, with tires, f.o.b. London. The 30-cwt. and 50-cwt. prices include oil-tight chain cases.
E. S. Hindley and Sons.
Works : Bourton, Dorset. London Office : 11, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Telegraphic address : Steamport London."
Manufacturers of steam wagons who were prominent in the early days of development of self-propelled road traffic ;n Great Britain, E. S. Hindley and Sons have again decided to make a bid for a share of the orders which are offering nowadays for this class of plant.
The 3rst Hindley steam wagon, built something like ten years ago, we are informed, is still running. Perhaps the most original feature of }Hadley construction is in regard to the boiler. This is of a modified loco type. The circular fire-box is extended vertidally, in order that a clear head of water may be always carried well over the fire-box crown, even when the whole boiler is inclined to a very considerable angle from the horizontal when descending hills. The Hindley indestructible road wheel is another speciality.
• Halley'. Industrial Motors. Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Yoker, Glasgow. London Office : 36, Causton Street, Westminster, S.W. • Telegraphic address : " Horseless Glasgow."
Halley vehicles first came into prominence in connection with the 1907 Commercial Vehicle Trials, which were organized by the Royal Automobile Club of Great Britain. Two Halley vehicles only were entered, and they not only gained a gold and a silver medal respectively, but also a special award for accessibility, simplicity, and freedom from liability to breakdown. Their success in these trials was the more satisfactory to the maker in view of the fact that they had, up to that time, made little of a name for themselves.
Their use, however, immediately became more extended, and at the present time they are in employment in the hands of many hundreds of users. We include herewith a list of the principal standard models which the company offers to prospective buyers. These chassis may, of course, be employed with any of the maey various types of goods-transport bodies.
As we go to press with this special Overseas edition of Tem COMMERCIAL MOTOR, we have been enabled to inspect the first of a new eix-ton Colonial type pf Halley vehicle, and as this possesses exceptional features which will appeal to our readers Overseas, we may perhaps be excused if we devote the space here available to some brief notice of this new model. It has a six-cylinder engine capable of developing 75 h.p. at normal speed, a three or four-speed gearbox, and a final chain drive with the chains enclosed in strong eases_ The whole of the chassis is constructed on exceptionally-sturdy lines, and by reason of the high pitching of the frame an exceptional clearance beneath the axles and the whole of the power units is obtained. The front axle is one of the many unique features of this machine, the first of which, by the way, has been shipped to Australia for extensive trials; it is pivoted transversely in a horn frame, and spring mounted by a semi-elliptic transverse spring. Perhaps the most feature of the design is the embodiment of epicyclie reduction gear in the back wheels, a feature which permits the employment of a chain drive having ample-sized sprockets. The road wheels are of the steel-disc pattern, steel shod. Other details of special interest to Overseas readers are the powerful rim brakes, and the provision of an extra water tank, the contents of which latter can be used for the radiator or for drinking purposes in any exceptionally-dry country-.
Amongst users of Halley goods vehicles Overseas we may mention Messrs. Dalgety and Co., of Australia, who have placed a large number of these machines, the Crown Agents for the Colonies, the High Commissioner for New Zealand, Dr_ Obese, of Ikija, Lagos, the Southern Nigerian Government, and Messrs. George Mackenzie and Co., of Rangoon.
Load. H.P. Drive. Price.
The Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Letchworth, Herts. London Office : 78, York Road, King's Cross, N. Telegraphic address: "TJnbaffied London."
The Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., which concern has held so prominent a position in regard to the development of modern medium-sized, commercial-motor vehicles, has secured a large shave of the business which has offered during recent years from the Colonies and other countries Overseas. To a large
extent this has ensued from the policy of the Lure designers in also producing, when necessary, larger machines of which the details have been carefully modified to suit Overseas conditions; in various parts of the world.
We attach herewith tabulated particulars of the very conplete range of goods-transport models which are produced at the Lacre factory. It is impossible, in the space at our disposal on this occasion, to describe in anything like detail tin large number of models which is listed.
In regard to the structural features of the machines, it will be sufficient at the moment to say that Lacre chassis are provided with two or four-cylinder engines, as the case v be, and that these drive, through a clutch and gearbox, to final chain reductions. The arrangement of the various units is, therefore, quite normal. Lacre machines have set up a record for reliability, especially in regard to goods-transport service of all kinds, which, it is safe to say, is second to none in the history of the industry. We may specially notice a two-ton model which has, in a number of instances, been built with special Colonial characteristics. One of these machines has recently been supplied to a large produce company in Ceylon, and this example has been provided with a very large ground clearance, an unusually-ample turning lock, and considerably increased radiator surface.
We arc enabled to illustrate a typical delivery van for Colonial use. This machine, for Messrs. Spilhaus and Co., of Cape Town is a 30 h.p. two-ton Colonial model, and it will be noticed' that it has a straight front axle, and in this instance has a 15 in. ground clearance. This may be increased to 18 in. if potential users consider it desirable. It is claimed by the makers that this is the largest ground clearance for any commercial vehicle which is offered in the 'United Kingdom.
N0TE.-15-ewt., 20-cwt., 25-ew t. and 30-cwt. chassis, if fitted with a four-cylinder, 20 h.p engine, cost £25 extra. The three-ton chassis, if fitted with 0.038 h.p., four-cylinder engine, costs 220 extra. All the above prices are for Lacre chassis with tires, f.o.b.
Leyland Motors, Ltd.
Works : Leyland Lancs. London Office 47, New Kent Road, S.E. Telegraphic addresses : "Motors Leyland," or " Motatura London."
A concern which is probably one of the most prosperous in the whole, of the commercial-vehicle industry is Leyland Motors, Ltd. This company's machinese both steam and petrol, have, during the past 15 years, built up for themselves a reputation which it is quite safe to say is second to none. The consequence is, that the factory is at the present time flooded with ordees for all the various models. We in elude herewith tabulated particulars of the various steam and petrol models which are employed for goods-transport purposes. The steamer is made in two sizes, and these are
known as the five-ton and six-ton types. Leyland steam. wagon design includes the use of a central-feed vertical boiler; solid drawn-steel tubes,, with sleeves of copper drawn over the outsides, are built into the shell. The engine, of the horizontal type, slung underneath the chassis, and the intermediate reduction reduction gears are all encased in One large box, Leyland steam-engine design provides for the use of poppet valves. The final drive is by means of two side chains from spsockets carried at the end of the differential shafts. These mndels are particularly well favoured by manufacturers and carriers in Lancashire and Yorkshire ; they are found to be economical and extremely reliable under the severe conditions which ens impoeed in such districts as these.
Leyland petrol-driven goods chassis are built in load-carrying capacities which range from 15 cwt. to 6 tons. In all E17
cases a special form of either worm or bevel back axle is employed. It is unnecessary to say more of the arrangement and types of the other principal components than that they are of first-class modern design. Four-cylinder engines with hightension ignitions, sliding types of change-speed gearbox, and propeller shafts to the back axles are features which give entire satisfaction in all kinds of differing circumstances.
It is almost impossible for us, in a notice of this nature, to five anything like an indication of the classes of users who are obtaining satisfaction from Leyland vehicles of various types. Two specialities, however, may be mentioned, and these are ; the use of the six-ton standard petrol chassis for the Manchester flat system of transport—these flats, as they are called, are removable platforms upon which loads can be piled and quickly slung on to the chassis when ready ; the other speciality to which we wish to draw attention is the arrangement of the alternative five and six-ton Models, which provides for the placing of the engine beneath the driver's seat. This style of design, which is a very popular one on the Continent, affords the maximum of platform space .on the smallest possible wheelbase. Machines so constructed are convenient in congested thoroughfares and loading bays. Outstanding features of the 1913 types of Leyland industrial petrol vehicles are to be : force-feed lubrication on all the various models of engines; live axles on all the-chassis sizes; and all-steel wheels for all classes of machines except the 15-cwt. and the one-ton types.
We may conclude this notice of the special .elaims which Leyland Motors, Ltd., makes upon users of all types of goodstransport vehicles by a reference to a few of the larger users of vehicles of this mark. Leylands have been prominent in connection with the supply of the special new subsidy type of chassis for which the British Government has been asking during the past year, and in this connection it is interesting to record that the War Office now possesses 65 Leylands. Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd.' the great London carriers, has, after many trials, largely bought the same make, and this company possesses a fleet of no fewer than 70 Leylands, which are constantly engaged in transport work between their many depots both in London and in the surrounding home eco...:,:cs; they are a familiar sight on London streets.
NOTE.—ln all the above cases, the prices are f.o.b. Liverpool, and include chassis, tires, and a plain platform body. McCurd's, Ltd.
Head Office : Store Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, W. Telegraphic address : " MacCard London."
The McCurd 31-tonner is one of the most recent models which has been introduced to the industrial motor-vehicle user through the medium of this journal. It is only a few
weeks ago; at the time of going to press, that we were afforded opportunities to describe and illustrate -the first of these new machines. We then stated in our Editorial references that the McCord model " bristles with good pointsi" and we see no rev-on to modify this statement. This 31-tonner is of sturdy (Lesign throughout, and much of the detail work in connection with it has been evolved as the result of eareful observation of Service machines of other types. Each of the four .engine cylinders has a bore of 41 in., whilst the stroke is 51 in. A four-speed gearbox and a worm-drive back axle are the principal units of the transmission gear. It is Mr. Mr-Curd's intention, so we are informed, shortly to produce a five-termer on muchthe same lines. The smaller maebiner is listed at 2575 for the chassis without tires, and this should allow the agent a satisfactory return. It has been the aim of its designer to make the MeCurd lorry chassis "driverproof." That may mean much Overseas.
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Pepper Road Works, Hunslet, Leeds.
London Office: 9, Fenehurch Avenue, E.C.
Telegraphic address : "Canning Leeds, oe Intensely London."
This well-known Leeds concern manufactures standard steam wagons to carry three and five tons of useful load. A steam tipping cart Of special design is also another model with which the company has had considerable success, and, in addition, it markets two classes of small trastor, one for road haulage, and the other fur farm work, so that it is in that capacity used as an agrimotor. _Lastly, we must. mention the Mann small patching roller. Both the sizes of steam wagons, as well as the tipping cart, have a horizontal compound engine mounted on top -of a locomotive-pattern boiler fired from the side. This class of design enables the saving of 2 ft. or more of space which is occupied by the driver's footplate when the machines are fired from the back. This side-firing arrangement, together with a little shorter body, enables such an exceptionally-short wheelbase to be employed on the Mann steam cart, that this model has special advantages for contractors, briekmalcers, and other users:
Mann Steam Wagons, etc.—contd.
It is driven throughout by means of spur gearing, whereas the final drive of the steam wagons is by roller chain. The gearing of the latter models is so arranged as to avoid any overhang of the crankshaft, and this is achieved by employing only one pinion on this shaft. In this way it is possible to fit a third speed an the smaller wagon and also on the larger one if necessary.
Thu standard steam tractor is practically a miniature true ton engine in design, It is exceptionally well sprung, and the right-hand intermediate bearing is connected to the mainaxls bearing on the same side by an adjustable coupling nut, so that the teeth of the main .1.riving pinion and wheel are always the same depth in mesh even when travelling over very rough ground.
The patching roller is now a very well-known type' and is much favoured by surveycrs. We refer to this more fully iii our Municipal Section (C) of this iesue.. Recent interesting orders. for Mann goods-haulage machines are ,for .six wagons from Canada, and eight steam tipping carts from Australia.
The Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Parkside, Coventry. Telegraphic address : " Maudslay Coventry."
Maudslay models are made in the useful sizes which are listed according to the table which is included herewith. Simplicity and accessibility are undoubtedly distinguishing feattieee of these machines. In addition to this, the very great care which has been taken by the designers, in regard to the efficient lubrication of the engine, gearbox and other parts, is in itself a guarantee of satisfactory running and long life.
NOTE.—The above prices are for chassis with tires f.o.r. Coventry.
The Maio-Islay engine and back axle are features of special constructional interest. The former is of unique type, in which the valves-etre all set in.the heads of the cylinders, and are operated by overhead camshaft. . The back axle is of the worm-driven type, the worm being carried in all cases over the worm wheel. It is, however, the special bridged solid-forged axle which provides the Maudslay final drive with its exceptional measure of accessibility. The Maudslay differential gear is unusually easy to reach.
Milnes Daimler-Mercedes," Ltd.
London Office : 132-135, Long Acre, W.C.
Telegraphic address : " Milnesie London."
The German Daimler machine, whiah is now handled, as sole representative and wholesale agent in ihs British Empire; by Milisee-Dainfler-Mercedes, Ltd., is one which was much before the public in connection with the early Fdays of the London motorbus movement, a period which did somuch eventually to settle types and to indicate the weak feature of many well-known models.
The present range of Milnes-Daimler-Mercelies machines is indicated in the tabulated particulars which we embody in the present .notice. •i Perhaps the feature which has been most distinctive in connection with these designs for many years hue been the employment of an internally-toothed spur gear as final drive. Many other characteristics, however, which were found in the earls -German Daimler chassis were ultimately embodied in one form or another in come of the English-built commercial machines, which subsequently achieved success on the road. The cellular radiator.and the gate change are Mercedes features of distinctive merit, although the first-named has now practically disappeared from the designs of leading commercial-vehicle models of to-day.
Quite recently there have been introduced to the English market two of the latest Milnes-Daimler goads-transport model. These-are of the four-ton and five-ton load-carrying capacity. A most, distinctive feature of these machines is the employment ,of a new design of engine ; this is of the four-cylinder pattern, with cylinders cast in pairs ; the valve gene, however, is all overhead, and the timing gear is situated centrally between the cylinder pairs, a practice which has been for some while adopted on the smaller models of this make. Another interesting machine is the one-ton or 25-cwt. model, which was first introduced to the London market in June of last year.
NOTE.—The above prices are for chassis, with tires, for delivery in London : packing and placing f.o.b. involves an increased charge of 220 for the four-ton machine and.X22 for the five-ton machine ; other sizes proportionately.
D. Napier and Sons, Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Acto.1 Vale, London, W. Telegraphic address : "Moneyer London."
The heavier Napier commercial models are, of course, not yet as well known as the company's pleasure-cars, the latter having for years enjoyed a world-wide reputation which it would be difficult to surpass. Nevertheless, the industrial •
side of the Napier business has made very substantial progress since its recent inauguration.
The company has specially concentrated upon the psodueLion of medium-weight vans, and these consist. of 15-ewt., oneton and 30-cwt, models, the one-ton machine being made with two utheelbases of 9 ft. 9 in and 11 ft, 3 in. respectively. All the models are provided with four-cylinder engines and high-tension magnetos. Multi-disc metal clutches transmit the power to normal types of change-speed gearboxes, and then to live axles of either the bevel or worm gear types, as mentioned in the tabulated particulars incIeded herewith. These Napier delivery vans are giving excellent eerv ice.
'Load. II.P. Drive. Price, 15 cwt. 20 Bevel 340 20 „ (9' V) 20 Worm 382 20 „ (11' 35) 20 ,) 392 15s.
30,, 24 , 433 .NorE.—The 'above prices are for chassis only with tires to,b. London. In the ease or the 15-cwt, machine, the tires are pneumatics 815 mm. by 105 um. with plain covers. The other models include single solids all minad for the one-ton size, and single solid front and twin back for the 30-cwt. model.
Phanomobiles, Ltd.
Oflice and Works : 328, Upper Street, London, N. Telegraphic address: "Phanomobil London!'
The general design of this paruclear shows a radical difference from that of most other makes. For some time past the two-cylinder air-cooled V-engiue of 8 h.p.'has given much satisfaction to users. Recently, however, a new model, having a two-cylinder 10-12 h.p. side-by-able engine, has been incorporated in an improved design. The engine in both these niodels is located over the. front wined, and the drive is by chain to the front wheel through a two-speed gear_ The driver is seated in front of the body, and steering is by tiler. The brake and gear-changing leve,rs follow ear practice, arid are located by the driver's side. The smaller model of Phanomobile pareelcar will carry an inclusive load of 8 cwt., whilst the larger size w ill carry an inclusive load of 15 swt. J. H. Exshaw and Co. (Purrey-,Exshaw).
Head Office and Works: Bordeaux, London Office : Si Shaftesbury Avenue, W.
Telegraphic address: " Purreauto London."
The unique design of wagon made by this company is well known, especially on the Continent. A considerable number has been manufactured during the last 10 or 12 years. The machines are made in three sizes, of four, six and eight tons capacity respectively. A water-tube steam generator is located on the front part of the chassis, and this is provided with automatic water-feed arrangements. Stoking is automatic, or it can be adjusted to be performed in the usual way by the driver when required. A two-cylinder tandem compound-type enclosed engine is fitted, and the connecting-red ends run in an oil bath, an arrangement which has given general satiefaction. Slide valves, located between the cylinders, are employed, while the operating eccentrics are mounted in slotted grooveson the crankshaft. The speed and
power are regulated from the throttle. The prices of the respective models mentioned above, packed ready for shipment, are £506, £523, arid £640, approximately.
The Renard Commercial Motor Co., Ltd.
London Office : 82, Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W.
Telegraphic address: " lienrotraco London."
In the latest form of Renard-Latil commercial vehicles, we have a model which is entirely unorthodox, For those who are mechanically inclined, these machines have much that is technically interesting. The designer set out to produce a machine which should employ the front wheels for steering and for driving, and the. models which have been produced as the result of this effort are of such a nature as to yield useful load-carrying characteristics, and to enable the machines to he employed for many remarkable services for which the more ordinary rear-driven models are more or less unsuitable.
The whole of the Renard-Latil mechanism is built over the front axle. One result of this arrangement is that the resilience of the snapensiou system remains constant, whether the vehicle be loaded or not, and it is claimed that this considerably reduces the wear and tear on the mechanism. As a matter of fact, the earliest Latil models have been in constant service for seven years, and many of them have, we are informed, covered upwards of 100,000 miles. These machines, too, have secured for their manufacturers considerable honours and rewards from the French Government in respect of State approval for military enbyentione. No attempt is made to cheapen the cost of this type of machine for instance, the doidertera considered that it was necessary to employ bronze cree chambers, in order to get sufficient strength -for this class of work, and no hesitation has therefore been shown M. using this metal. This is an indication of the spirit in which the machines are manufactured,
As there. is an absence of all mechanical parts at the rear of the. chassis, exceptionally-low bodies may he and actually are fitted, which is a great advantage for the transport of heavy and cumbersome goods. Safes, pianos, furniture, brewers' casks, etc., are loads which can be handled with ease on Renard chassis. ,Teets of our own have proved that these machieee are particularly unaffected by greasy conditions of the highways. We have not the space on this occasion technically to describe the chassis details, but the broad principle is that the
engine, in either a longitudinal or transverse position, is coupled with suitable shafts compactly disposed near the gearbox, from which the drive is taken direct to the front wheels immediately beneath the power plant. Articulation is secured by a special design of ball coupling. The available types of chassis are as shown in the tabulated list attached.
NOTE.—The prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, delivery at. London depot. It should he noted that the special Renard system enables steel tires to be employed on the hind wheels if necessary, and this means a reduction of from £34 to £52 per vehicle.
The Sheppee Motor Co.
Head Office and Works Thomas Street, York. Telegraphic address: " Motors York."
The Sheppee light steam commercial-vehicle model is unique of its kind, and. it is, as its makers claim, of special stAability for employment Overseas. It is a very light and compact steam-driven plant. The superheated-steam boiler, which is heated by the Sheppee patent paraffin burner of the Bunsen type, supplies steam to the horizontal engine, which drives through chains to the back wheels. Two models are manufactured, and these are of two and three-tons load capacity respectively. We may instance, as an example of successful operation abroad, the satisfactory nature of the service carried out by a Sheppee steam lorry on the Ginginhlovu-Eshowe service in Zululand—a Government job.
Sidney Straker and Squire, Ltd.
Works : London Office : Nelson Square, Illackfriars, S.E. Telegraphic address: "Rhomboidal London."
This company is undoubtedly qualified to rank as one of the pioneers h connection with modern motor-haulage work generally. In 1898 Straker self-propelled goods and passenger vehicles were making practical demonstrations of the possibilities of the industry, and since then, of course, progress has been remarkable, and in the case of the Straker machines it is interesting to notice the development in connection with them for which the London motorbus industry was responsible. The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., at one time, owned 360 of these machines, The London Road-Car Co., Ltd., the competing concern which the L.G.O.C. duly absorbed, at one time owned 260 Straker motorbuses. The Great Western Railway Co., at the present time, owns 40. Other big users are the Western Road Carrying Co., Guinness's Brewery, Dublin, The Brighton, Hove and Preston United Omnibus Co., Ltd., and His Majesty's War Department, etc.
Realizing the unlimited demand, which is already becom• hug apparent, for a type of machine which shall be capable of taking a useful not load of something in excess of 20 cwt., Sidney Straker and Squire, Ltd., has quite recently developed a small model for this particular class of work, which, nevertheless, should be capable of, and suitable for, running on solid tires throughout. This machine is now known as the "F" type. It has a two-cylinder, vertical engine, with thermo-syphon cooling. A leather cone clutch transmits the power to a three-speed gearbox normally designed, and thence the drive is taken by cardan shaft to the worm-driven live back axle. All the road-wheel bearings are of the antifriction Timken roller type, and there is little doubt that this provision has much to do with the undoubted efficiency of this small Straker model on the road. Cast-steel road wheels are supplied as standard. The suspension of the units on this chassis has been carefully considered. The engine and gearbox are, respectively, mounted on the three-point system, and in such a way that the arms of one side are fixed Co the frame, whilst the urn 'a of the other side are linked together by a steel bar, in the centre of which a universal joint is fitted. The bracket carrying either end of the universal joint is, secured to the frame both in the engine and gearbox. In this way immunity from stresses arising from strains transmitted through the frame is ensured. This type of machine is becoming particularly useful to the large British railway companies; the Great Western Railway Co., of England, in particular, is making use of it for fast delivery work in urban districts.
NOTE.—Of the above list, the first model is quoted as including tires, the remainder without them. All above prices are for chassis only and are for delivery at works. F.o.b. any English port five per cent. increase.
The S.M. Car Syndicate, Ltd.
Head Office and Works Hythe Road, Willesden Junction, London, N.W.
Telegraphic address: " Syndessem London."
This company offers the choice of one useful model of steam wagon and certain petrol-driven chassis_ The steam wagon is of the St. Pancras type, which has achieved considerable success in the service of the Italian Govermnent State Railways. It is of five-ton load capacity, and can haul a trailer with another three or four tons. The machine has a vertical boiler of the patent radial return fire-tube type; it has
horizontal engine slung beneath the frame. It is fitted with two speeds, and its price is £550 f.o.b. The S.M. Co.'s new three-ton petrol lorry, of which examples have already been dispatched to ,Messrs. Whyte, Hughes and Co., of Rio de Janeiro, has a 30 h.p., four-cylinder engine, a four-speed-forward-and-reverse gearbox, and a worm-driven back. axle. The chassis price of this machine with tires is £750 f.o.b.
A further choice is offered by this concern in respect of its petrol-driven parcelcar. This is designed to carry a 5-cwt. load, and has a twin-cylinder air-cooled engine It has a five-speed-and-reverse friction transmission gear, and a bevel
drive to the back axle, The machine, which is a threewheeler, has a patent suspension for the rear wheel, which enables ready access to be had to the rear tire. This device can also be used as a stand when it is desired to remove the back wheel. The -price of this chassis with tires is £85 f.o.b.
The Star Engineering Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Frederick Street, Wolverhampton.
Telegraphic address: "Motor Wolverhampton."
The Star Engineering Co., Ltd., which, for many years, has been a well-known manufacturer of motor vehicles of all types at Wolverhampton, now markets a complete range of commercial motors, and these vary, as will be seen from the tabulated particulars which we include herewith, from 5 cwt. to 3 ton in load-carrying capacity.
The small 5-cwt. machine is a model which makes a special appeal to tradesmen and others who require something larger than the parcelcar, and yet who have not the necessary work to keep a full-size motorvan in constant employment. For express or emergency delivery work, a 5-cwt. motorvan of good design is an excellent proposition to many users. The 5-cwt. 10 h.p. Star van has, as its most prominent constructional feature, the combination in one removable unit of engine, clutch, gearbox and radiator. The whole chassis is a carefully-thought-out solution of the small-van problem. Of the other and larger Star models, we will confine ourselves in this instance to a few remarks regarding the 30-cwt. type, of which the construction is typical of the rest of the range. Mounted on ball bearings throughput, one of our representatives, on the occasion of a recent test., was particularly impressed with the facility with which this heavy chassis, loaded to its full capacity, could be pushed by hand along the road—sure evidence of very high efficiency of transmission, at any rate in regard to the final drive and road-wheel mountings.
The Star Co. has to its credit a number of important orders far its industrial vehicles, and perhaps the most notable of these is a fleet of 18 delivery vans for Mews. Lever Brothers, the well-known soap people of Port Sunlight. Several of the standard Star models are, of course, suitable for employment for passenger-transport purposes as
chari-l-bancs and wagonettes, and the compaitV,4:tso makes a speciality of .a hospital ambulance van,twhich can be fitted to either a 15 h.p. or 20 h.p. chassis; 3 I-, 25 11 NOTE.--Prices are for chassis with tires at
W. Tasker and Sons, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Waterloo Iron Woks, Andover, Hants.
Telegraphic address: " Taskers Anna-Valley."
This Andover company, of which the predecessors first. commenced business in 1813, has long had.a wide reputation fur the production of traction engines aria similar haulage plant, and has particularly met with success with its traction engine, model 0, of the light compound type. This can be built either with single or compound cylinders. -It weighs
71 tons empty, and will draw a full-size thrashing machine and elevator, or will haul on average roads loads up to 14 tons in two trucks. It can be fitted either with road springs or without, at the option of the purchaser. The company has for many years manufactured a standard 8-ton traction engine. Another speciality is the Tasker patent side-tipping trailer wagon, which is specially useful for road authorities. The Tasker steam wagon, which is of the loco-boiler pattern, is a comparatively recent introduction, but it has already achieved a considerable measure of success. Its design embodies the hest of the features which are nowadays found in this type of construction.
The 5-ton Tasker Little Giant steam tractor, built to the requirements of the Motor Car Acts of Great Britain, is probably sold in larger quantities than any other of these small steam-haulage units which are a speciality of British construction.
Walker Brothers (Wigan, Ltd.
London Office: New Broad Street House, E.C. Works: Pagefield Iron Works, Wigan, England. Telegraphic address: "Pagefield Wigan."
A range of good-earqing wagons from 2 to 4-tons capacity is built by this Las eashire maker. No particular claim is made on their behalf for novelty or exclusive features, hut the company points out that particular attention has been .1Ltici to detail-design on all its chassis. On the 2-ton and 21-ton models gearbox giving three speeds and a reverse, aud having final uhain transmission, is employed. The heavier machines have an additional gearbox speed, with a double-reduction bevel-drive to the road wheels. Forced lubrication is employed throughout, and ball bearings are used wherever experience has shown these components to be desirable. The machines should Reeve serviceable in Overseas use. An example is illustrated on page 17.
. John I. Thornycroft hir,d Co., Ltd.
Works: Southampton and Basingstoke. London Office : Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. Telegraphic address : "Thornycroft London."
Thornycrofts are able to present to would-be users a remarkably-complete list of goods-transport models. We have tabulated these, and have set down the particulars below for the convenience of our readers. These models are fitted with two or four-cylinder engines, as the case may be. The type of construction of all the Thornycroft chassis is simplicity itself, and it is to this characteristic, no doubt, that the maker is bound to attribute its undoubted success in regard to operation Overseas,
NOTES.—The last model is of the new British War Office subsidy type. All the prices quoted are f.o.b. London, with the chassis partly dismantled and packed, and they include the cost of solid rubber
Of this extensive range, we have space only to mention in particular the new Thornycroft British War Office subsidy type of chassis, which is designed to carry a gross load of 4-h tons, including the body. It has a four-cylinder 30 h.p. engine. Its final drive is of the live-axle double-reduction type, and there are other special features embodied in it. Thornyerofts draw very special attention to the new Colonialtype known as model M, a chain-driven chassis which is designed to take a load of 2k tons gross.
Important Thornycroft Overseas orders have recently been completed, amongst others for the Southern Nigerian Government, for a tea plantation in the East, three furniture vans for South America, and a large number of standard chassis to the company's agents in India, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. John I. Thornycroft, Ltd., is seriously specializing in regard to the Overseas demand for its vehicles.
John Warrick and Co., Ltd. Head Office and Works : Reading, England.
There are no startling departures from what is now accepted as general parcelcar practice, incorporated in the Warrick carrier. This maker has decided that better service can be obtained from a chassis embodying well-known and tried features, than is likely to be given by freakish and oftentimes untested constructional departures. The engine of the Warrick, which is of the 6 h.p., air-cooled, single-cylinder type, drives through a two-speed epicyclic sun-and-planet gear, which gives two forward speeds of 8 and 16 mph., respectively. At the time of going to press, the company is testing a new chain-driven model, in which the driver Ls seated in front of the body. We reproduce, on page 13, photograph of the first example of this type.
The Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Adderley Park Works, Birmingham.
London Office: York Street, Westminster. Telegrams : "Exactitude Birmingham."
The Wolseley Co., which, under the auspices of Vickers, Ltd., has developed its huge undertaking at Birmingham to
such a remarkable extent during the past few years, has had very wide experience indeed of the manufacture of all types of commercial-vehicle models.
Until quite recently, however, it had, owing to the exceptional demands made on its pleasure-car constructional facilities, temporarily dropped the production of industrial types. Its largest order for commercial models was in 1907— for over 100 double-deck motorbuses for the L.G.O.C. At the present time it is offering a new model 30-cwt. van, which is of a very high-grade type, and of which the general arrangen-.ent is on conventional lines.
Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co.
Head Office and Works : Pepper Road, Hunslet, Leeds.
Telegraphic address: "Motor Leeds."
An interesting delivery from this company's Leeds works, recently, has been a batch of eight Yorkshire 6-ton steam wagons and trailers for use in the Philippine Islands. These machines were all fitted with special cable-hauling gear.
The Yorkshire steamer is of unconventional design—that is to say, there has been no attempt to bring the arrangement oi the component parts into line with those of the many makers who are adopting the loco-pattern boiler. The Yorkshire boiler is set transversely right across the front of the frame. A compound engine of vertical design is placed amidships in the frame immediately behind the driver. Twospeed gearing transmits the drive by means of a single chain to the live back axle. Yorkshire steamers are made in 6-ton, 5-ton and 3-ton sizes, the last-mentioned being supplied, if necessary, with rubber tires. A speciality is made of the Yorkshire mechanically-operated, patent tipping wagon, the special gear for which is of an ingenious description. These machines are giving great satisfaction, and amongst other _ important users, we may mention the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board of Liverpool.