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We are amused to notice that the L.C.C. tramway authorities have not hesitated with exactitude to copy the effective methods...
The early adoption of standard loading per unit of mass is to be anticipated on the part of manufacturers of solid-rubber...
It is with additional regret that we are in a position to confirm our announcement of a week ago, that the intention of the...
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It is to be presumed that, when a manufacturer decides to participate in the collective display of an industrial exhibition of...
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No Fewer than 17 Models New to the Public out of a Total of 74 Staged. 17 Worms against 28 Chain-drives. Few Two.-cylinder and...
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A Type of Machine for which there should be a Great Demand. One of the most pressing problems with which all those who are...
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A Diesel Motor with a Variable Compression Space which Permits Starting on Petrol. It May be Developed for Heavy-Lorry Work....
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At some London garages where are small numbers of ownerdrivers' cabs, there are as many as 17 drivers allocated to six cabs,...
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The Next Trials are Officially Announced for the Early Part of September. lie have me( rtd the following official commit), iq...
The first report of the liewly-cnestituted Loudon General Omnibus Co., Ltd., was presented to the shareholders on Tuesday of...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. The Second North of England Show prompts some...
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A Card Manipulator at the Midland. Overleaf there will be found a typical group in the Octagon Court of the Midland tiotel,...
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Full Details of this Model, which was First Shown at Manchester. AY we, in placing this de scription o f one of the most...
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An Interesting Collection is Shown at the Agricultural Exhibition. By Our Special Correspondent. The Esplanade des Invalides,...
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It Contains Little Novelty of Suggestion and Does Not Pay Sufficient Attention to the All-important Motorbus Triumph, The...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any poin s connected with the construction or use of copnmercial motors. Where a...
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The sender of the following communication has been awarded the Ws. prize this week. [1232] "S.C." (Scotstoun) writes :—" There...
[1233] " C. S." (Holloway) writes :—" I recently came across a way of making aluminium solder which is not very widely known, I...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom by the Sales Branch, Patent...
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trade throughout the world, and have thereby, over a series of years, added to the extent and prestige of British industry....
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The Cost of Horse Repairs. The Rejuvenescence of the Bus. The Coming Show. The Steam-Wagon's Chance. The year which has closed...
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4., NTIL transport had provided a ready means alike of collecting raw materials and of distributing food supplies arid...
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A Review of Purchase and Contract Developments and a Precis of the Latest Costs of Operation of both Methods. Twelve months...
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With a Table Giving Average Data for Typical Models. Those who are contemplating the purchase of one or more of the many types...
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Parcelcars, Motorvaas, Motor Lorries, Steam Wagons, Steam Tractors, Traction Engines, etc. Adams Manufacturing Ca., Ltd....
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I T required a stout heart, allied to an intimate appreciation of the ultimate possibilities of the commercial motor, to enable...
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The London County Council Electric Tramway System is now Beaten on all Points by a Great Motorbus Fleet. London leads the...
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The Difficulty of Making Ends Meet. The Owner-driver the Best Solution. There is, it is to be presumed, still a large number...
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Motorbuses, Chars...a-bancs, Carriers Wagons, Motorcabs, Motor Ambulances, Railcars, etc. Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. Read...
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Telegraphic address "Komrnerksze Luton ot London." This company has had more than its share of the remarkable development...
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Works : Bristol. London Office : Nelson Square, Blackfriars, S.E. Telegraphic address : " Rhomboidal London," We have dealt at...
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Occasional Methods of Municipal Purchase. T HERE is, in many cases, a noticeable rivalry between municipalities and similar...
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The Motor Sweeper and Street Cleanliness. The Economy of a Steam Wagon. It is true of the municipal employment, as of the more...
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Germany Now Has 825 Subsidy Lorries. Britain Specifies Two W.O. Models. This last year has seen the British Government at last...
The Relative Cost of Horsed and Motor Plant. Settlement of the Turbine v. Reciprocating Pump Controversy. The twelve months...
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Fire Engines, Tower Wagons, Sanitary Wagons, Watercarts, Rollers, etc. Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. Head Office and Works :...
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Good-bye to the Plough Horse. HOULD the question be asked of the average man as to which of k . the employments of the horse...
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The lack of power for ploughing and harvesting is a . tremendous obstacle to the sudden expansion into virgin fields of...
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In the preceding pages we have endeavoured to lay before our readers a digest of the best data which are available in regarci...
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Short Descriptions of most of the Principal Types of British-made Agri.. cultural Tractors, etc. We deal fully with the Wyles...
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For the convenience of our Overseas readers, we reproduce a condensed account of two trials of Britishbuilt, agricultural...
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1HE original inventor of the wheel—a pre-historic log-roller presumably—was actually responsible for a discovery which has had...
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The Use of Solid Rubber Tires for Heavy Loads. Costs of Operation. In the general introduction to this section, which appears...
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The Notices are Arranged Alphabetically. The Illustrations are of Noteworthy Tire Profiles. The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd....
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Alley and MacLellan, Ltd. Head Office and Works: Polmadie, Glasgow. London Office : 139, Grosvenor Road, S.W. Telegraphic...
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The Etceteras that Matter. ENV features of the great automobile exhibitions of the year which has just closed have been more...
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Notes with Regard to Present-day Methods of Illumination for Commercialmotor Vehicles. It may be taken as a primary necessity,...
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Practically ever since the earliest attempts to employ self-propelled motor vehicles which were engined with...
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Some Points to be Kept in Mind when Establishing a Depot. When about to change over from any animal to the...
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Alidays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd. Head Office and Works : Matchless Works, Birmingham. A great feature is...